- Introduction
- 1. Actuality of work
- 2. Aims and tasks of the research
- 3. A brief introductory overview of the regulatory and legal acts and methodological materials, which are governing the territory zoning of settlements.
- 4. Essence of the work
- Conclusions
- List of sources
The armed conflict at the east of Ukraine (2014–2015), during which intense military actions have affected on the significant part of the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, caused death of many thousands of civilians, destruction of the civil infrastructure, dwelling houses, commercial and public buildings, and the life support systems of the settlements, reduction in living standards of people, huge stream of refugees and internally displaced persons, widespread violations of basic human rights [1].
As of February, 25th, 2015 it were damaged or destroyed more than 10 thousand objects in the Donetsk region. The total amount of losses, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to almost three billion UAN. In particular, we are talking about 7409 housing services, 1346 of power supply facilities, 62 units – heating supply, 58 units – water supply, 848 units – gas supply and 19 units of the sewer system. In addition, affected 70 health institutions, 176 secondary schools, 86 kindergartens, 28 vocational, 19 higher educational institutions, 26 objects of physical culture and sports, 54 cultural institutions. 128 objects of road infrastructure, 66 industrial facilities, 95 trade companies, banking institutions and 4 123 objects of other sectors of the economy were damaged [2].
According to all foregoing, there was a necessity to change the target of research work.
1. Actuality of the research work
Any war ends sooner or later and it becomes necessary to restore destruction in order to ensure normal living standards. After a short time it also will need to carry out purchase and sale transactions, for which it will be necessary to fulfill regulatory monetary value of the real estate.
The monetary valuation of the land is an economic mechanism of land relations, land privatization, land and mortgage lending, taxation, and the formation of a land market [12].
Besides the purchases and sales transactions, the monetary valuation of land parcels is used for the sizing of the land tax, state tax in the case of exchange, inheritance and granting of land parcels in accordance with the legislation, rental payment for the land pilots of state and communal property, losses of agricultural and forestry production, cost of land plots of over 50 hectares for accommodation of open air sport and health and fitness facilities, as well as during the development of indicators and mechanisms of economic encouragement of sustainable use and protection of lands [6].
Due to the fact that a greater number of buildings in Donetsk were partially or completely destroyed, it should be appreciated that the established earlier, in time of peace, the zonal coefficient is not relevant and should not longer be used for the determination of the normative monetary value of the real estate.
Thus, taking to the account all foregoing, it becomes actual the task of developing the principle of zonal coefficient change after the military destruction in 2014-2015.
2. The objectives and expected results of the research
The purposes of research to achieve the objectives are:
- Analysis of the factors, which affect on the index of zonal coefficient of economic-planning zones.
- Creation of the principle of coefficient modification Km2 in the consequence of the military destruction in Donetsk and economic-planning zones in particular,
- Research of the actualized data influence of the zonal coefficients on the regulatory monetary valuation of real estate in Donetsk.
The object of research: the zonal coefficient used in the calculation of the regulatory monetary valuation of the real estate in Donetsk.
Subject of research: quantitative change of an indicator Кm2, considering characteristics of the caused damage on homes.
The planned result: is to find the method of zonal coefficient correction of economic-planning zones in Donetsk in consequence of military destruction during 2014-2015.
3. A brief introductory overview of the regulatory and legal acts and methodological materials governing the zoning of the settlement`s territory.
It is determined by Constitution that the land is the main national wealth, which is under special state protection. Ownership of land is guaranteed. This right is acquired and realized by citizens, legal persons and the State [16].
Outstanding characteristics of the land as the natural resource are its indispensability, limitation in space, localization on emplacement and real estate. Thus the significant role is assigned to the rational use and protection of land resources.
An essential element of any real estate object or its natural basis serves land plot. Land primarily defines income generated by all of the property, because the cost of buildings and structures on the land is secondary and serves as an additional contribution to the cost of land. Benefits of Using the land is performed during an unlimited time, while all the improvements have a limited lifetime [16].
Some important criterion for the normative monetary valuation of real estate in the settlement is the object location at the economic-planning zone. The present criterion is characterized by the zonal coefficient Km2.
Zonal factors allow us to differentiate the territory of the settlement on town-planning value, taking to the account the following:
• Functional-planning features of the territory;
• Accessibility to the center of the settlement, places of concentration of labor activity, public services centers, public recreation;
• The level of engineer supply and land improvement;
• Environmental quality of the territory;
• Development level of infrastructure;
• Attractiveness of the environment: a variety of places of employment, the availability of historical, cultural and natural monuments.
Economic-planning zoning of the territory of the settlement for the normative monetary valuation in Ukraine is governing such legal acts as:
• Land Code of Ukraine dated 25.10.2001 № 2768–III [3].
• Act of Ukraine “About basis of city planning” dated 16.11.1992 № 2780–XI [4].
• Act of Ukraine “About regulation of city planning activities” dated 20.11.2012 № 5496–VI [5].
• Act of Ukraine “About land appraisal” dated 11.12.2003 № 1378–IV [6].
The Land Code of Ukraine shows all legal frameworks and especially the emergence and transfer of ownership, rights of use to be taken into account when carrying out any operations with the land legally [16].
4. Essence of the work
In the settlements there is rental income, primarily due to infrastructural arrangement of territory and location advantages with respect to raw material markets, sales and workforce.
According to "A technique of a standard monetary assessment of lands of agricultural purpose and settlements" [10], the standard monetary assessment of lands of settlements is carried out on a formula (fig.1):

Figure 1 – The formula for determining the standard cost of square meter of the land plot, (in UAH)
(animation: 7 frame; 5 cycles of repetition; 8,73 kilobyte)
where : Tn – the standard cost of square meter of the land plot, (in UAH);
В – costs of development and arrangement of the territory per square meter (in UAH);
Нp – rate of return (6%);
Нk – norm of capitalization (3%);
Кf – coefficient which characterizes functional use of the land plot (under housing and public estate, for the industry, etc.);
Кm – coefficient which characterizes location of the land plot.
The functional coefficient of Km considers relative profitability of the types of economic activity which are available in borders of the land plot and are established for certain categories of the built-up lands.
The Km site coefficient – reflects influence of a rent of location on the total investment income.
Values of this coefficient it is predetermined by the integrated action of regional, zone and local groups of factors and it is calculated on a formula (fig.2):

Figure 2 – The formula for determining site coefficient Km
where Km1 – coefficient which characterizes dependence of an investment income on location of the settlement in nation-wide, regional and local systems of production and moving – regional factors;
Km2 – coefficient which characterizes dependence of an investment income on degree of town-planning value of the territory of the city (an economical and planning zone) – zone factors;
Km3 – coefficient which characterizes dependence of an investment income on features of location of the land plot in borders of an economical and planning zone – local factors.
So, the formula for performance of a standard monetary assessment can be transformed thus (fig.3):

Figure 3 – The formula for the implementation of the normative monetary value
where Tnm – the basic cost of one square meter of lands of the settlement (in UAH).
The zone coefficient of Km2 – characterizes dependence of an investment income on degree of town-planning value of the territory of the city (an economical and planning zone). It causes need of land and estimated structurization – economical and planning zoning of the territory of the settlement.
Economical and planning zones are established on the basis of an economic assessment of the territory of the settlement taking into account such factors (fig.4):

Figure 4 – Тhe scheme of factors of the economical and planning zones influencing establishment
(animation: 5 frame; 5 cycles of repetition; 107 kilobyte)
The quantity of factors which are considered at implementation of economical and planning zoning, is defined, first of all, by the size of the settlement and level of its social and economic development.
Quantity, borders of economical and planning zones, and also values of coefficients of Km2 are not obviously set parameters, and result of a factors assessment of the territory of the settlement.
There are some approaches to the solution of a problem of economical and planning zoning, but an indispensable condition in each of them are allocations of land and estimated units (estimated areas).
Most often, at implementation of a standard monetary assessment of the settlement apply the combined method which includes elements of expert, functional and sociological methods [13].
In a real estate appraisal, there is such concept as physical wear of real estate. It pays off on the basis of the specific weight of constructive elements of buildings. Specific weight of elements of the building taking into account their quality is determined by “Collections of the integrated cost indexes of buildings for revaluation of fixed assets” [14]. The cost of residential and municipal buildings characterizes the collection № 28. For each view of buildings in collections there are tables made taking into account different number of storey`s and constructive decisions. So, in the collection № 28 for houses 42 tables are placed. Each of them is followed by the text explaining the characteristic of the building on materials and designs and also amendments on existence or lack of types of the engineering equipment or improvement from among specified in the characteristic. In each table some options of distribution of specific weight of elements of the building are considered [15].
For an assessment of destructions, it is offered to use specific weight for each view of buildings, with different nature of destructions. Classification by types of buildings will be following: one-storey, two-storied, three-storied, four-storied, five-floor, nine-floor, and ten-storied residential buildings.
The type and nature of destructions also different is also worthy separate classification: destruction of a roof (full, partial, on a half); walls of houses (part of one wall, completely one wall or final fracture of several or all walls); base; overlapping and partitions (partial); balconies; glazing; landings; extensions; fencings and fences; doors; floors; asphalt platforms etc.
After the development of the master's work, it is planned to offer an optimal principle of zonal coefficient change that will influence directly on the regulatory monetary value of real estate in the city of Donetsk. The main idea of zonal coefficient correction for the normative monetary value of the real estate in Donetsk is the use of specific gravities of structural elements of buildings that were destroyed.
At the time of writing this brief report the master's work is not yet completed. Final completion is scheduled for December 2015. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his research advisor after the indicated date. You may contact with me via e-mail:
List of sources
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- Закон Украины «Об оценке земель» от 11.12.2003 № 1378-IV. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
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- Сборники укрупненных показателей восстановительной стоимости зданий и сооружений для переоценки основных фондов, по состоянию на 1 января 1972г. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
- Оценка стоимости и качества зданий и их элементов. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
- Дипломный проект на тему: «Денежная оценка земель жилой застройки п.Новоселовка Тельмановского района Донецкой области. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: