- Introduction
- 1 Relevance of gardening dumps
- 2 Rationale for landscaping rock dumps
- Conclusion
- References
The harmful effects of waste dumps of coal mines on the environment is studied by many authors. Heaps of coal mines are burning radioactive, raise dust, erode. As a result of physical and chemical weathering soil collapses, turning into dustand with combustible gases and hearth burning is a major source of air pollution and working the deterioration of sanitary conditions of cities and towns coal mines. One way to reduce the harmful effects is greening heaps using forest plantations. Forest plantations allow to regulate runoff and reduce erosion on the surface dumps. However, research done on this issue is very small [1]. Purpose of the work is to investigate anthropogenic phytocenoses of soil mine dumps of mine # 6/14 and mine # 5–6. In accordance with the intended purpose there is need to solve the following problems:
- To prove the need for landscaping of soil dumps;
- Consider anthropogenic plant communities phytocenoses to justify the choice of the theme;
- Justify the choice of objects of study.
1. Relevance of dumps gardening
Greening of waste dumps of mines is one of the components of the reclamation — a set of measures aimed to restore the productivity and economic value of disturbed lands. Landscaping refers to biological reclamation stage.
Preparation for the greening is guided by the range of plants proposed by institution that develops reclamation project. It must be alistof environmentally sustainable forms of local flora. Such species are well known for any region, because in this direction scientific experiments and research for many years. The customer can choose from a list of those species, the purchase of which is possible and feasible at the moment [2].
![Waste dump of the mine 5–6](images/po56.jpg)
Drawing 1 — Waste dump of the mine 5–6
![Waste dump of the mine 6/14](images/po614.jpg)
Drawing 2 — Waste dump of the mine 6/14
![Changing waste dump in the course of remediation](images/animation.gif)
Drawing 3 — Changing waste dump in the course of remediation
(animation: 4 frames, 10 cycles of repetition, 181 kilobytes)
2. Rationale for landscaping rock dumps
The relevance of landscaping of soil dumps can not be doubted. World population is growing rapidly, people's needs are growing, the biosphere remains and the source of wealth and power base. The main value in it — the land, ie, area suitable for any economic use — from mining, quarrying and shelter construction to cropping [2].
In the course of this work the following tasks are solved:
- Proof of the need for landscaping of soil dumps;
- Anthropogenic phytocenoses of waste dumps of mine # 5–6 and mine # 6/14 are considered and studied.
As a result, studies have shown that of reclaimed dumps are rather not equivalent, that is mainly due to geomorphological and microclimatic parameters of dumps.
Currently flora of dumps is presented by a variety of types of vegetation that was the result of reclamation. In my opinion on the waste dumps and mine # 5–6 and mine # 6/14 a recreation area for the population must be organized.
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