- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study, expected results
- 3. Main part
- 3.1. Classification of waste heaps
- 3.2. The main methods of liquidation of wast dumps
- Conclusion
- References
Today, the natural environment in the Donetsk region is in a state of sever environmental crisis. Waste heaps impact significant damage to nature. In the Donbass coal tailings have accumulated thousands of tons of rock. Most dumps are burning Donbass. There are a lot of dangerous substance such as: сarbon monoxide, phenols, ammonia, sulfur compounds, particulate matter and other hazardous substances in the atmosphere of Donbass cities. Also, blades reduce the amount of land suitable for commercial and residential.
1. Relevance of the topic
The study of the negative impact of waste dumps on the environment has developed considerably in lost years. This is due to the steady increase in volumes of rock which had been stockpiling in dumps. As a result, anthropogenic impact on the environment is growing. Also, waste dumps have a negative impact on the health of residents of nearby settlements. In this way, the study of the mine dump reclamation issues and development of measures to reduce the effects of this type of waste is a very revolution task [6].
2. The purpose and objectives of the study, expected results
• Objective: To develop proposals for the remediation of waste heap for surface of Chaikino
mine To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problem:
1. To study the legal framework that regulates the issue of waste dumps.
2. Carry out ecological condition waste heaps of Chaikino
3. Analysis of the impact of waste dumps on the environment
4. Develop a set of measures to reduce the harmful effects of waste dump on the environment
• Object of research: Chaikino
• Subject of research: Processes of formation and functioning of the waste dump of Chaikino
mine, its impact on the environment and human health.
3. Main part
Waste dump is a technogenic array is forming on a special area of the rocks is obtaining during field development. Terrikon or waste heaps (Fr. Terri —dump rock fr. Conique —Tapered) is a dump, artificial mound of waste rock extracted from underground mining of coal and other minerals [1].
3.1. Classification of waste dumps
Waste dumps are classificated:
By temperature:
✐do not burned.
By terms of remediation:
✐ landscaped;
✐ do not landscaped.
According to the morphology of mine dumps are divided into:
✐ conical;
✐ truncated conical;
✐ hrebtovidnye;
✐ flat.

Animation 1 — Classificated waste heaps by the form
(animation: 4 frame, 5 cycles of repetition, 149 кb)
(frame № 1 — conical waste heaps, frame № 2 — truncated conical waste heaps,frame № 3 — hrebtovidnye waste heaps, frame № 4 — flat waste heaps )
3.2. The main methods of liquidation of wast dumps
Nowadays, waste heaps the helping of two main the way such as: reclamation (deposit) and disposal (recycling).
Recycling is a very perspective and environmentally conscious way to deal with the accumulation of solid waste coal, but very expensive [2].
If unable to complete elimination of used reclamation method.
Land reclamation is a complex of works on reconstruction of biological productivity and environmental improvements.
Remediation has 3 stages:
1) preparation. Examination and typing of demaged areas, the study of the specificity of the conditions, determine the direction of reclamation.
2) Mine-engineering. Rational formation of surface waste dumps and quarries.
3) Biological reclamation.
Technical stage enables the effectiveness of the biological remediation. The biological reclamation stage is the stage of remediation of soils and land. It includes complex of agrochemical and phyto-measures to restore fertility damaged soil [3].
Engineering preparation of waste heap includes:
1) Withdrawal the top of waste heap on 1/3 of the height.
2) Cutting spiral terraces from the top to the bottom.
3) Planning the terrace slopes and bottoms.
Further the soil mix applied and selected plants that can grow under these conditions. The most resistant species, according to the Donetsk Botanical Garden, at gardening coal waste heaps were: locust, weeping birch, Ulmusprocera Salisb, Acer negundo, Malussy lvestris, Ligustrumvulgare, Colutea arborescens, Sorbusaucuparia, Rosa, Parthenocis susquinquefolia. Of the herbaceous plants are recommended Melilotusalbusand officinalis, Hyssopusofficinalis, Agropyroncristatum, Medicago sativa, Onobrychis [6].
Remediation of waste dumps of mines is a very revolution task. The decision of this environmental problem will reduce the negative human impact on the environment. Biological remediation of a waste heaps Chaikino
mine would make a positive contribution to the stabilization of the ecological situation in the region, as well as to increase the aesthetic appeal of the Makeеvka city [6].