- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2 The purpose and objectives of the study
- 3 The practical significance of the results
- 4 Exposure to phenol, naphthalene and formaldehyde on the soil
- 4.1 Effect of naphthalene
- 4.2 Effect of phenol
- 4.3 Effect of formaldehyde
- 5 The effect of naphthalene, phenol and formaldehyde on the growth of plants.
- 5.1 Naphthalene and growth of plants
- 5.2 Phenol and growth of plants
- 5.3 Formaldehyde and plant growth
- Conclusion
- List of sources
- 4.1 Effect of naphthalene
Sustainable socio-economic development of any state is the only way to ensure its sustainable future. Scientific and technological progress and population growth over the last 50 years dramatically exacerbated the relationship between man and nature, and consumer relations for a long period of time led to a sharp deterioration in the quality of all components of the environment.
Modern society, seeking to achieve a high level of economic development, often does not take into account the capabilities of nature. However, the presence of global environmental problems require when making economic and economic decision-making in the first place, ecological and economic transformation of all industries, careful monitoring and analysis of the factors of negative influence of their impact on the individual components of the environment.
The sharp increase in the rate of urbanization processes on Earth is connected not only with the introduction of science and technology in terms of harmonization of human life and the surrounding environment, but also requires effective measures for environmental rehabilitation of natural systems. These ecotopes as soil and climate, are a priority for such decisions as healthy
and fertile soils define the national heritage of the state. Figure 1 shows a general view urban soil.

1 – Urban environments
Unfortunately, urbanization led to the fact that the natural undisturbed soil cities remained only in the form of islands in the surrounding forests and forest parks. The main part is the specific areas of education — urban soil, which differ from the soil as a natural structure and properties, and functions performed. The most serious reasons of soil pressure should include compaction, salinization, the adverse water-air mode and the poisoning of soil microorganisms and vegetation, which occurs when the concentration in the upper horizon of soils of anthropogenic pollutants. Being a natural filter of pollutants entering the soil surface with atmospheric and other sources, urban soil not support the conditions necessary for the preservation of human health and the environment. Unlike live soils in such areas sharply reduced uptake and utilization of sulfur oxide and carbon dioxide [1].
1 Relevance of the topic
The relevance of the considered environmental problems in terms of concept of sustainable development is explained by the fact that currently available for 1 person has 0,3 hectares arable land in the world, it is not enough to ensure its functioning. Therefore, the soil as a renewable natural resource, should not become a non-renewable in the event of his extreme exhaustion as a result of anthropogenic pressures exceeding the possibility of its recovery.
2 The purpose and objectives of the study
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of the individual components Ltd. SPA Incor & Cо
on soil surrounding areas.
In the following tasks:
- Justification of the choice of components.
- Review migration mechanism in the system
. - Literature review on the influence of the emissions of individual components on the condition of soil.
- A study of soil samples for physical, chemical indicators.
- Determination of the volatile mass of phenol and formaldehyde in the soil samples.
The object of research is the properties of soil in the zone of influence of the enterprise.
The subject of this study are to determine the influence of individual components on the agrochemical parameters of soils.
3 The practical significance of the results
The results will be used to develop recommendations for improving the quality of the studied soils.
4 Exposure to phenol, naphthalene and formaldehyde on the soil
The soil is a special natural formation that have arisen as a result of combined effects of air, water and microorganisms, therefore, the upper fertile layer of soil is a complex blend of mineral particles, dead organic matter of plants, animals and their waste, as well as many small and large organisms. Thus, soil is not just a dirt that exists in the dynamic interplay between the above three components, and the environment for the growth of plants and living organisms. Pollution of least one of the components can have a devastating impact, associated with a decrease in the basic important measure of the soil — fertility. The natural fertility of soils is determined by the availability of nutrients contained in humus, the basic process of accumulation which takes place in the humus horizon. The intensity of soil formation decreases from top to bottom, and in the eluvial horizon the processes of erozion and leaching of salts, organic substances has already begun to flow.
Urban soil are characterized by the presence of xenobiotics foreign substances that can cause disturbance or death of organisms in the soil, reducing its fertility. The sources of the majority of xenobiotics most often are emissions from industrial plants. Components of emissions or the combination of their new chemical entities entering the soil cause the destruction of humus[2].
4.1 Effect of naphthalene
Naphthalene is a derivative product of oil and coke. It is an aromatic hydrocarbon, which is a white solid crystal with a characteristic odor. The substance is not soluble in water, but is susceptible to exposure to benzene and gasoline [3].
In [4] it is shown that in soils contaminated with naphthalene, there are present in bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, which can utilize naphthalene as the sole carbon source. Catabolism of naphthalene by bacteria of this group includes the successive stages of formation of dihydro - and dioxynaphthalene, then ather a series of intermediate products formation of salicylic aldehyde and salicylic acid, and in transformation end of the chain of transformation appear fumaric and pyruvic acid appean.
4.2 Effect of phenol
Phenol (hydroxybenzene) is the simplest representative of the class of phenols [3]. Phenols come in the biocenoses in a variety of ways, including from industrial wastes of coke and chemical production production. The transformation of phenols dioxins determines the relevance and the need for more local study.
Since phenols are contained in the sediments of urban waste water and can be leached out by atmospheric precipitation, fthey fall with the liquid flow in soil. The rate of decomposition of phenols in soil samples is quite high: with initial doses of 500 mg/kg phenol was detected after 6 days, the speed of transformation is about 40-120 mg/day.
The most probable reaction mechanisms of decomposition is associated with the activity of microorganisms. It is established that the oxidation reaction catalyzed by phenoloxidase is accompanied by the decomposition of phenolic compounds. The rate of decomposition is closely connected with the type and position of substituents in the phenolic ring. The most stable substances with substituents in metaprogram relative to the phenolic hydroxyl. The ability of decomposition of toxic phenols indicates the biological nature of the process, the oxidation products can contact the clay minerals or humic substances [4].
4.3 Effect of formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a gas with pungent odor, toxic, highly soluble in water. It has allergenic, mutagenic, sensitising, carcinogenic effect [4].
The ability of formaldehyde to suppress the activity of microorganisms depends on its concentration and time of contact. Formaldehyde has bactericidal effect on soil bacteria, including nitrogen-fixing. Under the action of the formaldehyde content of the soil bacteria is reduced in 30 times, resulting in loss of fertile properties of the soil inhibited the root system of plants, increasing the mobility of top soil, decreasing its mechanical strength [5].
5 The effect of naphthalene, phenol and formaldehyde on the growth of plants
5.1 Naphthalene and growth of plants
Naphthalene can be used as plant growth regulator. However, at higher concentrations it is able to accumulate in plants [4].
5.2 Phenol and growth of plants
In model experiments [6] phenolic compounds in high concentrations inhibit growth processes, although not so rarely one and the same king of phenol in small doses increases growth, but in large doses — decreases. Very interestingly, the role of inhibitors of the growth processes, as a rule, belong to phenolic compounds with ortho- and para- located hydroxyls (prone to reversible oxidation to quinones), while m-phenols stimulate their growth. Such differences of structure and properties of phenols suggest that the growth inhibition primariy is the result of the work of quinones. The growth inhibitors of phenolic nature are accumulated mainly in the tubers and the dormant buds of plants during autumn-winter period. In wet and warm soil seeds swells by absorbing the moisture and a substantial part of the molecules of phenols, and this helpsgermination. Thus, phenolic compounds are the most important regulators of the dormancy of the plants, they accumulate in autumn, preparing plants for the transition into a state of winter dormancy by suppressing Bud break, stretching of the stems, growth of shoots. The growth effect of phenolic compounds can be considered as the indirect result of some biochemical mechanisms associated with the oxidation of phenols to quinones. Thus, the physiological role of these compounds in estimation the change of intensity of growth processes depending on the time of day, season of the year, the onset of drought [6].
5.3 Formaldehyde and plant growth
Formaldehyde is a strong intestinal poison for insects, it is also a bactericide and fungicide. It is widely used as a disinfectant and for treatment of seeds of cereals. In adjacent areas of enterprises, formaldehyde in soil contained in large concentration. This, in turn, speaks of the accumulation of it in the parts of the plants and the inhibition of their growth [7].
Pollution of soils is ananthropogenic accumulation in the soil of toxic and harmful substances and organisms that cause degradation or destruction of the soil cover, change of morphology, composition of the microflora of soils, the deterioration of the physico-chemical and chemical properties of soils, soil fertility, the biological productivity, technological, nutritional, hygienic-sanitary value of crops and quality of the other nutrient environments that contact this soil
When this assey was written master's work was not compiete yet. Tne term of competion: In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete do of final completion: May 2017. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or scientific advisor after that date.
List of sources
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