An Admissions Process
Transformed with
WSU’s new system takes the frustration
out of matriculation
by Lavon R. Frazier
ashington State University
man, three branch campuses, numerous
to putting information on the World
has completely revamped
learning centers throughout the state,
Wide Web for easy, anywhere, anytime
its student admissions pro-
and an extensive distance education
access. It also means collecting informa-
cess with strategic objectives of self-ser-
program. WSU was ranked the No. 1
tion and conducting business trans-
vice information, paperless processing,
wired public university (No. 7 overall)
actions on the Web. A number of Web
and enhanced enrollment. Prospective
by Yahoo! Internet Life magazine in 1999
services were developed to help pro-
students can apply for admission, view
spective students prior to and during the
transfer credit reports, and track their
colleges99/colleges10.html). The excel-
admission process. These enable pro-
admission status on the Web. All appli-
lent backbone network in place on our
spective students to learn more about
cation materials are stored in imaged
main campus, the educational network
WSU, plan an academic program, apply
form, and admissions staff process appli-
throughout the state, and high-speed
for admission (including payment of the
cations electronically using the stored
access to the Internet made it possible to
application fee), and track admission
images and automated workflow. The
implement the Web, imaging, and work-
system automatically produces letters
flow systems for the new admissions
The second strategic administrative
notifying applicants of admission deci-
objective was to move to paperless pro-
sions or missing information. Each stu-
cessing. The inherent problem with
dent’s virtual file is immediately avail-
Strategic Administrative
paper is that unless multiple copies are
able to academic advisors and others as
made, it exists in only one place at a
needed. Use of the Web, imaging, and
Three strategic administrative objec-
time and is not easily shared. Overflow-
automated workflow has transformed
tives formed the context for transform-
ing file cabinets, stacks of in-process
the admissions process in ways not
ing WSU’s admissions process. The first
paper documents, and the need to locate
imagined just a few years ago.
objective was to enable our students and
a student’s file to answer a question on
WSU is a Research I land-grant insti-
other customers to get information and
the phone all indicated a paperless
tution. More than 21,000 students are
conduct business in self-service mode.
admissions process would be a great
served from the main campus in Pull-
With today’s technology, this translates
improvement in both processing effi-
ciency and customer service. A docu-
Figure 1: Before Admissions Transformation
ment imaging system with automated
workflow was the solution we explored
and ultimately implemented.
A third university objective was
enhanced enrollment, i.e., improvement
in both quantity and quality of students
enrolling at WSU. With the younger
generation having grown up with tech-
nology, high-school students now expect
to get information and do business with
colleges and universities on the Web.
Some do not even apply for admission to
an institution unless the application form
is available online. Ease and convenience
for the customer is essential for any uni-
versity to compete for prospective stu-
dents, and we believe that prospective
dynamically returns links to Web infor-
dent can request individualized degree
student services on the Web play a major
mation customized to the individual’s
program requirements reports for any
part in this. Another factor in competing
specific interests and assigns a WSU-ID
WSU degree offered. These reports are
for high-quality students is reducing the
so that he may access other secured
returned immediately via the Web. The
time it takes to process applications and
Web services.
degree-requirements reports can show
offer admission. A student is more likely
courses that still need to be taken either
to enroll at an institution that responds
by WSU course numbers or by course
quickly with an admission decision. Our
numbers at the student’s transfer institu-
document imaging and automated work-
This system was the winner of the 1999
tion. Students may enter additional
flow helps speed response time. Figure 1
EDUCAUSE Best Practices in Higher
course work at any time and use the site
illustrates the admissions process prior to
Education Information Resources award.
for academic planning prior to or after
The service gives potential transfer stu-
enrolling at WSU.
dents real-time access to degree pro-
Cougar TRACS also offers academic
Web Services for the
gram planning tools and Web reports to
advisors access to a prospective student’s
Prospective Student
see how the courses they have already
transfer information. Once the student
To address these objectives, WSU
taken (or plan to take) apply toward any
makes contact with a WSU advisor, the
implemented several Web-based tools.
of WSU’s degree programs. This system
advisor can request the student’s Access
makes available to prospective students
ID (not password) and, using her own
the same transfer articulation rules and
password, view the student’s course
The Office of Admissions revamped
degree program requirements used by
work and receive the same degree pro-
their Web home page and accompany-
the student records offices and currently
gram requirements reports for advising
ing informational pages to include links
enrolled students.
purposes. Prospective students, advisors,
to video clips describing a range of stu-
The Cougar TRACS site asks first-
and others can also use the Transfer
dent services, information on campus
time users for a limited amount of per-
Course Equivalencies Web site to deter-
visitation programs, and everything a
sonal information. An
“Access ID” is
mine equivalencies for transfer courses
prospective student would want to know
programmatically assigned based on the
from hundreds of different institutions.
about applying for admission. An infor-
student’s last name, and the student then
Behind the scenes for both Cougar
mation request form is available on the
selects a password. The main menu pro-
TRACS and Transfer Course Equivalen-
Web for those who would like informa-
vides button selections for the student
cies lies WSU’s implementation of
tion sent to them about specific pro-
to enter course work from any institu-
DARS, the Degree Audit Reporting Sys-
grams. The static form will soon be
tion in the transfer course database or to
tem from Miami University of Ohio.
replaced by an interactive one that
update personal information. The stu-
Cougar TRACS may be viewed on the
Number 3 2000
mation was needed to complete the
sought and gained approval from the
and Transfer Course Equivalencies at
application. Similarly, the team weighed
attorney general’s office to display a cer-
whether the application form should be
tification message and request the appli-
presented in sections, with the applicant
cant type his name and the date follow-
advancing one section at a time, or as
ing that message. Provided that
The WSU home page and Admissions
one long form. The team decided to
information is entered, the form is con-
Office Web pages prominently display
present one complete form plus the pre-
sidered electronically signed.
the link to our online admission applica-
liminary information page so the appli-
Another policy decision involved the
tions. The application forms are avail-
cant could review the whole form and
application fee. WSU requires
able either in PDF format to be printed
see what he would have to provide. Staff
before the admission application will be
and mailed with a check for the applica-
in the admissions office developed an
processed. Allowing the applicant to
tion fee or as online forms with the
extensive help page that the applicant
apply online but then send a check for
option to pay the application fee by
the application fee by mail would
credit card.
require staff to hold the application and
The student may fill out and submit
find it again when the check arrived,
one of seven different application forms
thereby delaying processing. Student
on the Web: freshman, transfer, interna-
affairs administrators decided instead to
tional, former WSU student, non-
require payment by credit card on the
The project also
degree, post-bachelor’s degree, and
Web at the time the completed applica-
forced several policy
graduate school. For the six undergradu-
tion is submitted. This way admissions
ate applications, applicants enter pre-
staff could begin processing Web appli-
liminary information that will assure
cations immediately with assurance that
they are using the correct form and
the application fee had been paid. The
determine what other information will
project team easily accomplished this by
be requested. For example, the freshman
using the Web credit card service
applicant is asked whether she is cur-
already in place for student account
rently attending high school or has
can read ahead of time. These design
payments. The application fee payment
completed high school. Those who are
decisions have held up quite well, with
section precedes the certification sec-
still attending high school will be asked
Web applicants returning many favor-
tion on the application form. An addi-
for their senior year course work, as that
able comments about the experience of
tional page describing the secured net-
will not yet appear on their high school
applying online.
work communication environment used
transcript, whereas those who have fin-
The project also forced several policy
at WSU helps alleviate any concerns
ished high school will not be asked for
decisions. WSU requires the applicant’s
about entering credit card information
that information. The preliminary form
signature on the standard paper admis-
on the Web.
also asks which campus the applicant is
sion application form. Student affairs
We planned to return a preliminary
planning to attend so that the main form
Figure 2: Transformations for the Student
displays the appropriate list of majors
and interest areas offered there.
In addition to using a preliminary
form to determine the content of the
easy-access information
main application, the project team faced
staff assistance
two other design decisions. One was
whether the applicant would complete
8:00 to 5:00
24 hours a day
the form all in one sitting or be able to
standard form
tailored Web form
start the application, save what had
mail time
been done, and complete it later. The
electronic payment
team chose the one-sitting alternative,
and developed additional Web pages to
tell the applicant in advance what infor-
admission decision to the Web appli-
them to the student payments page
applicant to find out if missing informa-
cant, and this enhancement required
where they, their parents/guardians, or
tion is delaying the application process.
another policy decision. Although this
someone else on their behalf can make
After applicants have been admitted or
feature was technically interesting, the
the advance tuition payment by credit
enrolled they may continue to track
real challenge was definitely the policy
card. This page also provides for pay-
financial aid awards and satisfactory aca-
issue. If we did not already have official
ment of any tuition, fees, and other
demic progress using this feature.
high school records or test scores for the
charges on a student’s account including
Admitted and enrolled students can use
freshman applicant, would we accept
WSU childcare, student loans, housing,
their Network ID and password not only
self-reported GPA and test scores?
and dining services. Student payments
to update their contact information but
Could the admission processing rules
and a variety of other Web services can
also to restrict release of their directory
normally applied by admissions staff be
be viewed online in the student
information under FERPA regulations.
sufficiently automated to reach a reason-
Some of the efficiencies students
able decision? Could we convey the
notice are illustrated in Figure 2.
decision to the student in such a way
that it could be reversed later if neces-
Imaging and Workflow
sary, or would the system’s preliminary
The project team developed
decisions stand? With acceptance of
In spring 1998, WSU began looking for
an automated evaluation
self-reported GPA and test scores, thor-
a solution to its document management
ough testing of the automated evalua-
process that returns an
challenges and, in particular, a way for
tion rules, and careful wording of mes-
the admissions office to eliminate their
immediate preliminary
sages to the applicant, the project team
mountains of paper. After an ambitious
developed an automated evaluation pro-
admission decision if
vendor and product evaluation effort,
cess that returns an immediate prelimi-
we selected the Acorde product solution
requested by the Web
nary admission decision if requested by
(then called eMedia Integrated Docu-
the Web applicant.
ment Management) from Optika Imag-
With very little publicity, online Web
ing Systems Inc., together with a third-
application forms have been a great suc-
party document management integrator,
cess. The graduate application was first
Integra Information Technologies. A
made available in August 1998, and the
Other Web-based tools include the abil-
team of Integra integrators, admissions
undergraduate forms rolled out between
ity for applicants to check on admission
staff, and system analysts defined and
November 1998 and March 1999. Some
status and financial aid status and to
programmed WSU’s admission docu-
20 percent of the fall 1999 prospective
update their address and telephone
ment scanning, indexing, and workflow
students applied online, and another 8
number on file. These capabilities
processing rules. Working more quickly
percent printed the PDF form and
require the applicant to first obtain a
than seemed possible, the project team
mailed it with a check. For the spring
WSU Network ID. The Network ID,
implemented Acorde Context, Optika’s
2000 term, 50 percent of applicants used
together with network password, pro-
newly released imaging system; Acorde
the Web forms. We expect these per-
vides the key to access one’s own infor-
Process, Optika’s workflow system; and
centages to grow as WSU encourages
mation from WSU’s integrated database.
Integra’s newly developed scanning and
new applicants to use the Web. Admis-
Upon the applicant’s completion of the
indexing modules in January 1999. This
sion application forms and instructions
admission application form, the system
implementation revolutionized the
automatically assigns or confirms the
admissions office (see Figure 3).
applicant’s permanent WSU student ID
With the new system, application
number. By entering that student num-
forms, checks, transcripts, and other
ber and other identifying information,
paper documents that arrive in the mail
WSU encourages admitted students to
the applicant obtains her self-selected
are sorted and scanned into the system
make a nominal advance payment on
Network ID and network password
each day. As soon as a set of documents
their tuition as confirmation of their
has been scanned, a staff member
intent to attend WSU. Another link on
Being able to check admission status
indexes them. This process assigns the
the admissions office Web page takes
and financial aid status enables the
applicant’s student number, name, cam-
Number 3 2000
Figure 3: Transformations for the Staff
the individual staff member and, when
several users have the same profile, work
is also spread out across the staff. Behind
the scenes, though, the packages are
piles of paper
clean desks
really in the same work queue. A staff
finding documents
online access
member locks a package into her
workspace before starting to process it
multiple copies
shared access
so that only one person can work on a
filing documents
indexing images
package at a time.
remote mailing
remote scanning
After locking an application package,
printing faxes
system faxes
the staff member checks for complete
information on the imaged application,
file folders
electronic files
enters specific data from or about the
passing paper
automated work flow
application into a workflow form, and
batch letters
real-time letters
checks that the first-level review is com-
plete. The package is then automatically
varying procedures
common procedures
unlocked and workflow rules route it to
whatever queue is required next, per-
pus, and other identifying information
sary documents have arrived and have
haps for evaluation of high school
to each scanned document so its image
also been indexed into the system, at
course work or for entry of transfer
may be retrieved from the system in var-
which time the system releases the vir-
courses into the automated transfer
ious ways. Once the scanned documents
tual package of documents for process-
articulation system. The package flows
have been indexed, the images are
ing. Workflow rules trigger an automatic
into and out of various queues as deter-
stored in the imaging system and are
notice if an application has been held
mined by actions taken by staff mem-
immediately available for admissions
for a specified length of time. To request
bers and workflow rules applied against
office staff, or any authorized person at
the missing documents from the appli-
data entered into the system. When all
any location, to view. This has been a
cant, the staff member launches the let-
required information has been supplied
tremendous help in answering appli-
ters module (this additional feature was
and an admission decision is made, the
cants’ questions of whether documents
programmed by Integra) and selects the
staff member selects the appropriate
have been received. The person taking
appropriate letter. The system merges
admission or denial letter text from the
the call need only look up the docu-
data already captured in workflow with
letters module and continues through
ments in the imaging system at her
the letter text and sends it to the word
the letters process described above.
workstation to answer the question
processor on the staff member’s worksta-
Automated workflow processing (see
rather than try to locate that particular
tion for review. Then, with another
Figure 4) has made a tremendous differ-
applicant’s file in the piles of paper on
click, the staff member prints the letter
ence in the admissions office. Although
any of several desks.
and automatically transfers it to the
we do not have historical statistics for
The second major change is in the
imaging system where it is stored and
comparison, it is evident that the overall
way an application is processed. One of
viewable as part of the applicant’s virtual
process has improved. Gone is the pass-
the reasons for the piles of paper was
ing of student files from one staff mem-
that an application couldn’t be pro-
Once the applicant’s package is com-
ber to the next, or copies of files from
cessed until all the necessary documents
plete, workflow rules route it to the
one office to the next. Each staff mem-
had arrived. Admissions staff held the
appropriate electronic queue for review
ber can see what other staff members
application form until the application
and action. A staff member selects a
have done by the data entered or
fee was paid and all required transcripts
package from the queue by using one of
checked off in workflow, by reviewing
were received. With the new system, the
his predefined profiles. Based on pack-
package journal entries, or by looking at
indexing process also captures the type
age characteristics such as status, cam-
package history. Staff members also
of each document. Workflow rules then
pus, or queue, predefined profiles select
have the ability to make and view anno-
automatically route the application form
and present workflow packages to staff
tations of different types that have been
to a holding queue until all other neces-
members. In this way, work is sorted for
added to the images themselves. In
some cases, staff members outside the
When that work is finished, the pack-
question is answered immediately by
admissions office are involved in admis-
age immediately goes on to the next
the person taking the call. Where man-
sion decisions. For example, the Stu-
queue which can again be accessed
ual procedures varied from campus to
dent Advising and Learning Center
through user profiles to see only those
campus and even from one staff person
(SALC) is involved in reinstatement
application packages appropriate for
to another, automated workflow rules
decisions for returning students. They
each campus.
now ensure consistent processing of
are now part of the automated work-
Also gone—well, almost gone—is
each student’s application. The imag-
flow process, with workflow rules rout-
the copying of transcripts and other
ing and workflow systems also provide
ing the package for an applicant
admission documents for academic
management data to help eliminate
requiring reinstatement directly to a
advisors and departments. Staff in
processing bottlenecks and resolve
queue worked on by SALC staff at
other areas who need to review appli-
exceptions, which results in quicker
their own workstations. And all work is
cation documents, such as athletics,
response to the student.
passed on to the next step immediately
international programs, multicultural
rather than at the end of the day.
student services, and the colleges, can
Future Enhancements
Paper documents no longer have to
now access the images from their own
We are extremely pleased with the
be transferred from branch campuses
desktops rather than waiting to receive
Web services, imaging, and automated
to the central campus for processing.
paper copies in interdepartmental
workflow systems implemented at
One branch campus uses the fax facil-
mail. We expect the number of depart-
WSU, but we also have a growing list
ity in Acorde Context to fax applica-
ments accessing admission documents
of ideas for enhancements.
tion documents directly into the sys-
directly from the imaging system to
We recently developed software to
tem. The other branch campuses scan
grow as we make this available on the
match the data on a Web application
and index application documents for
Web. This will result in huge time and
form to existing student records to
their campus into the system from
cost savings for all concerned.
determine if the applicant already has
their own location. They then use the
In addition to the staff and process-
a student ID number or if one needs to
same workflow procedure to process
ing efficiencies gained, the improve-
be assigned. We have achieved a 97
applications. When a package requires
ments in student service have been
percent success rate, that is, the soft-
special processing at the main campus
tremendous. Where once a student
ware accurately matches to an existing
(e.g., entry of transfer courses into the
may have waited for several days while
record or creates a new student ID
automated transfer articulation sys-
his file was located to answer a ques-
number without manual intervention
tem), workflow processing automati-
(and there were as many as 25
for 97 percent of our applicants. For
cally routes the package to that queue.
“lost” files at peak times), now the
paper applications, this has eased the
staff burden of looking up each indi-
Figure 4: Imaging and Workflow at WSU
vidual to get a student ID. For the Web
applications, the match/assign soft-
ware now returns the student ID to the
applicant before he leaves the Web
site, and also directly uploads appli-
cant data into our student records sys-
tem. The remaining enhancement will
be to load the application automati-
cally into the imaging and workflow
systems. Since we expect the number
of Web applications to increase
rapidly, the automated load enhance-
ment has top priority.
In addition to Web applications, we
expect to receive high volume of tran-
scripts via EDI (electronic data inter-
change) as the community colleges in
Number 3 2000
Washington begin sending us elec-
tion into electronic data. Data from a
• from batch-generated letters to real-
tronic transcripts. The enhancement
scanned document could then be loaded
time student letters
to load these transcripts automatically
automatically into our student informa-
• from student phone calls to Web sta-
into our imaging, workflow, and transfer
tion and transfer articulation systems. It
tus look-up
articulation systems is under way.
will also be useful when the financial aid
• from piles of paper to clean desktops
We plan to implement Web access to
office begins using the system because
• from multiple paper copies to elec-
images in the system and Web participa-
they process forms generated by WSU
tronic images
tion in workflow in the coming year.
with barcodes encoded with data that
• from passing files on to the next per-
This should be a relatively straightfor-
can be read by the OCR software.
son to automated workflow
ward task, as Optika actively supports
• from different procedures at each
the Web as an interface to the Acorde
Successful Transformation
campus to a common electronic
products. Web access will make it easier
The World Wide Web, imaging, and
to open the imaging system to academic
automated workflow technologies have
• from single person access to a stu-
departments throughout WSU and to
enabled a major transformation of the
dent’s file to any number of people
academic advisors at any location, and
admissions process at WSU. Our invest-
having simultaneous access
to open both imaging and workflow sys-
ment has taken us from frustration to
This is more than we thought was
tems to those graduate coordinators and
possible just a few years ago. With con-
committees who make admission deci-
• from student bewilderment to easy-
tinued enhancements and new features,
sions for applicants to the graduate
access information
we expect to realize even more improve-
• from uncertainty of transfer status to
ments in the future. e
We are also considering the use of
online degree requirements reports
optical character recognition
• from paper application forms and
Lavon R. Frazier ( is
software to read information from many
checks in the mail to Web-based
assistant director of information technology at
paper forms and translate that informa-
forms and credit card payments
Washington State University in Pullman.
In the Sept./Oct. issue of EDUCAUSE Review
The Information-Age Mindset
Changes in Students and Implications for Higher Education
Ten attributes of students’ information-age mindset are driving a new paradigm for
higher education.
By Jason L. Frand
Faculty Engagement and Support in the New Learning
“Best practices” in faculty engagement and support encourage both first- and
second-wave faculty adopters of new learning technologies in a wide variety of
academic institutions.
By Paul R. Hagner
Teaching, Learning, and the Impact of Multimedia
Multimedia technologies offer unique resources for both teachers and learners,
fundamentally changing the nature and the future of higher education.
By Tony Bates
Managing Academic Information Resources in the Future
By Richard N. Katz
From Brian L. Hawkins and Patricia Battin, eds., The Mirage of Continuity: Reconfiguring
Academic Information Resources for the 21st Century