Attention! This summary refers to the not yet complete work. Estimated completion date: June 2017 Refer to the author after that date for the final version.
Currently, there is a tendency to create libraries of VHDL — programs that implement these or other hardware solutions. These libraries allow you to reuse the successful solutions, or modify them to meet new challenges. These libraries are available in a variety of CAD systems, and the web — portals. The syntactic and semantic features of the VHDL-program directly dependent on the source from which the program data is written to the library. Thus, there is a need to classify the existing sources of knowledge (software libraries) in order to later use to create the knowledge bases of expert systems (ES BR). In addition, it is important to consider the level of ability of the designer tool to help shell in the process of creating the knowledge base, taking into account his graduation qualification, which would allow effectively adapt to the specifics of complex instrumental methods of extraction conditions.
The following tasks are considered as targets of this work:
So ISPPR developers need full support. They need information about the available methods of decision-making tools and technologies DSS development and implemented a set of techniques that they could incorporate into their systems. The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory IIS SB RAS is developing such tools support. Create an ontology tasks and methods of PPR, which is a framework for organizing information about them and to integrate methods created ISPPR. On the basis of ontology developed repository containing ready-to-use MPPR.
The method of reasoning based on precedents (CBR - Case Base Reasoning) is actively used in creating ISPPR in a variety of subject areas. Its popularity is due to the intuitive essence, similarity with human reasoning in solving new problems.
Presented Master's thesis was carried out as part of a comprehensive support of the above means developers ISPPR devoted to developing a method of decision-making on the basis of precedents for intellectual ISPPR.
1. Background
Most of the existing CAD systems belong to the class of problem — oriented graphic editors practically deprived of any — or automated methods for constructing the required solutions. In most cases, he is expected at the manual construction and preservation of ready-made solutions in a library. Thus HYIP is the task of constructing an intelligent configuration of this library that would allow the designer to choose trebuememye his decisions on its structural features.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study, expected results
The aim of of the master's work is to develop methods and tools to support the DSS developers using reasoning based on precedents and following tasks:
- Analyze current level of automation generate VHDL — in existing CAD programs; [ 2 ]
- classify possible sources of existing knowledge about the procedures of the design VHDL-programs defined as a set of precedents (libraries, programs, etc.) that can be used to create a knowledge base of ES, capable of generating VHDL — the code for technical user instructions;
- Determine the skill levels "stupid" and its expert capabilities in filling the knowledge base;
- Enter evaluate the functioning of the effectiveness of the knowledge base, corresponding to the desired method of designing a type of product.
Scientific novelty methods of generalization of existing solutions in the form and — or a tree with additional signs indicating membership or that group of links belonging to a certain solution. Methods O organization, ie obtaining the required decisions on its structural features on this osvnove and — or a tree p>.
Practical significance The software tool for building complex smart settings synthesis of the required solutions, adapted to the underlying CAD and the programming language used in it to represent the solutions
3. Overview of Research and Development
It should be noted that there are a variety of intelligent automation of formation of VHDL, Verilog, SystemC - modules. Thus, in the CAD Active — HDL, there are tools such as Language Assistant (assistant language) and IP Core Generator (generator intelligent blocks — nuclei). Language Assistant contains a variety of templates of standard designs HDL languages, from which you can create the source code, without delving into the intricacies of the language used.
However, Language Assistant allows you to generate the basic structure of the template and does not provide the ability to set the input and output ports, but there is the opportunity to dialog template.
3.1 Overview of international sources
1) Active — HDL - development environment, simulation and verification of projects for programmable logic integrated circuit, developed by Aldec. The first version came out in 1997.
The program allows you to enter device using hardware description languages, as well as with the help of block diagrams. Initially, the program only supported VHDL language, but eventually added support for Verilog language and SystemC. With this program you can graphically design state machines, as well as convert HDL description in the graphical block diagrams and vice versa.
The program is equipped with a powerful simulation engine. Supports collaboration with MatLab and Simulink programs [ 3 ]
2) IP cores (IP & mdash;. Nucleus, from the English Intellectual Property - intellectual product also IP — blocks, complex functional (SF.) Blocks, as the English virtual components, VC - virtual components) - finished blocks for the design of circuits. (eg, construction of systems on a chip).
There are three main classes of units:
3.2 Overview of national sources
AT — technology [ 4 ] — analyzes the status and trends of modern tools to develop dynamic expert systems. The description of the architecture and functionality of a unique national instruments to support the construction of integrated expert systems — AT & mdash complex; TECHNOLOGY. We consider the new features AT & mdash complex; technologies associated with the construction of integrated dynamic expert systems p>.
3.3 Overview of local sources
The DonNTU designing software for computers has been deeply A. B. Grigorevv p>.
The his work the search for new solutions to the issues of specialized shell for building intelligent CAD. Describes the specifics of the process of finding new solutions related to the CAD model used and the selected method of knowledge representation. Drawing an analogy with evolutionary modeling are considered common and different features.
The joint article by B. Grigorieva and D. A. Grishchenko [ 5] analyzed VHDL & mdash existing generation automation level ; programs, shows the classification of the sources of knowledge (program libraries), defined levels of qualifications "fool" the expert suggested evaluating the performance of the knowledge base, corresponding to the desired method of designing a product type p>.
4. Basic concepts of DSS
A brief analysis of existing PVL. Perform a brief overview of the typical modern PVL. The purpose of the review is to analyze the status and trends of PVL, PVL analysis of existing possibilities in terms of the tasks demanded in KM CAD solutions to common design challenges. A typical temporal logic system products have built a heuristic, expert way. The basis for the construction of temporal logic - it is the expertise of engineer learning experience or an expert in the domain of possible events and their cause — effect relationships. The purpose of the output, in this case, there are some real actual event. Result output - a forecast of events. The spatial logic is typically designed to build expert movement of objects in space management systems. Products that control movement, identified the situation arising in the current time, taking into account the spatial, structural, topological properties of an object or a number of its interconnected sub-objects. Identifying the situation allows to offer a knowledge base management actions the situation by changing the structural, topological properties of a system of interconnected objects, ie make recommendations - where, to whom and how to move. In general, PVL can be classified as pseudo-physical logics. Consider the classification of existing PVL.
pseudo-physical logic (PFL) [ 6] refer to the deductive systems and are designed to reflect the rules of withdrawal of specific knowledge about the properties of relations in various domains. The prefix "pseudo" data received from logic — for use in the inference rules of subjective features of human perception of the world - expert. Consider the number of objects that are part of the same logic, and a number of variable relationships between objects. According to the types of relationships are distinguished time logic, the logic of space, action logic, causal logic - taking into account the causes and consequences of ID During PFL output using topological or metric scale to set the relationship between the facts. PFL system includes a number of connections between the individual logics.
![inverter circuit inverter circuit](images/pvl.jpg)
Figure 1 — pseudo-physical logic of the system
PFL focused on solving three types of tasks:
Skill levels stupid expert
The total qualified subject matter experts, acting as knowledge engineers, has been described in [ 7 ]. This study examines the mode of "stupid" an expert who can not independently form a knowledge base and shifts the problem to the development system, ie, user is not able to form a set of rules that make up the design procedure and is unable to organize the dialog for entering desired parameters of the device. With great certainty we can note that the majority of CAD users belongs to this class of experts in knowledge engineering.
Experts classify, "stupid" in terms of knowledge engineering, but in terms of VHDL language skills, ie evaluate the qualifications and level of training as an expert designer in this domain. From this perspective, the expert may have the skill levels:
This classification considers the expert skill levels in terms of ownership of methods and tools of VHDL, as well as - in terms of the availability and level of implementation of its own development, ie, VHDL — programs.
The classification of libraries program sources.
Consider existing sources Libraries — programs. This can be:
Ie. Library programs can be classified as follows:. written manually recoded prepared generated
In addition, many library programs available to the user and on the basis of which the construction of ES knowledge base may have a different capacity for the number of programs:
Library programs, regardless of their number, may have a different hierarchy module structure, the number of different types of modules used, nesting blocks.
These terms, taken together, may determine whether the power of the proposed programs is sufficient to create a library of high-grade knowledge base or — is not sufficient.
These conditions may be regarded as specific requirements in an environment in which to create a knowledge base, and as such is an aspect of the problem of adaptation of instrumental shell to generate intelligent CAD.
Evaluating the performance of the knowledge base.
We define a measure evaluating the effectiveness of a possible automation level of functioning of the finished CAD software for a variety of skill levels, as well as the number and complexity of the programs provided for training. The following assessment:
Consider, for example, some of the possible assessment of the quality of the knowledge base, based on the conditions for creating the knowledge base and potential methods of automation of building the knowledge base as a knowledge system modules associated with different types of blocks.
VHDL & mdash library, programs can take the form of:
A complete set of possible conditions for creating the knowledge base and its quality assessment in the framework of the proposed classification is given in Table 1.
Table 1 - Effect of the conditions for creating the quality of BZ
![Influence of the conditions for creating the quality of the knowledge base The effect of the creation of conditions on the quality of the knowledge base](images/an.gif)
In the paper the analysis of the existing level of automation generate VHDL — programs in the existing CAD system, the classification of existing potential sources of knowledge, defined levels of qualifications "stupid" expert and its capabilities in filling the knowledge base, identified evaluating the performance of the knowledge base, corresponding to the desired method of designing a certain type of product.
Thus, it is necessary to create a tool for filling the shell BR ES by extracting the design techniques from the set of precedents in different conditions of qualification and expert knowledge of available sources (software libraries). The construction of such a shell would significantly increase the efficiency of VHDL & mdash design process; standard users, ie - Designers p>.
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