- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of work
- 2. Purposes and research problems
- 3. Review of researches and developments
- 4. Scientific novelty
- 5. Description of results of work
- List of references
The Starobeshevsky PS (SbPS) of V. I. Lenin is located in the southwest from Donetsk to the sgt. the New World on the left-hand river bank Kalmius and is the most aged block power plant of the region and Ukraine (works since 1958).

Pic 1 - Starobeshevsky PS
The power plant was built in three turns. At first the turbines VKT-100 with a power of 100 thousand kW and TP-12 package boilers with a steam generating capacity of 220 t/h (first stage) were installed. Then the turbines K-200-130 with a power of 200 thousand kW and TP-100 package boilers with a steam generating capacity of 640 t/h are opened up.
Construction of the first stage began in 1954, the main housing - in 1956, installation of equipment - in 1958. The first unit is launched in December, 1958, the second - in June, 1959, the third - in December.
Constructions of the second turn of power plant began in 1959. The first block the second is injected in November, 1961, - in March, 1962, the third - in December, the fourth - in July, 1963, the fifth - in December, by the sixth - in September, 1964. The first block of the third turn is launched in July, the second - in December, 1965, the third - in September, 1966, the fourth - in September, 1967.
The volume of the electric power developed from the date of commissioning for 01.01.2015 – 492,9 billion kW·h. The established design capacity – 2300 MW, rated capacity in 2015 – 2010 MW.
In 1970-1990 it developed the maximum quantity of the electric power – 11-13 billion kW·h in a year. In crisis decade 1997-2007 volumes of development fell to 4-5,5 billion kW·h in a year. Due to the lack of financing carrying out in full planned repairs stopped that led to exhaustion of margin of safety of inventory. For today coefficient of wear of the capital and accessory equipment makes 70-90%.
For the last 30 years the inventory of SbPS was operated in the conditions differing from design.
First of all this compelled use of coal of the worsened quality. The second factor was turning on of power units in process of regulation of frequency and power in a power supply system with a stop of 2-3 blocks in a night reserve, and their subsequent start-up on a morning maximum of loadings. Not design working conditions (combustion of fuel with high ash content and humidity, frequent start-up and stops) most negatively affected coal-dust TP-100 package boilers. One more factor is excess of maximum concentration limit at emissions of harmful substances in the atmosphere.
Today SbPS has as a part of the operative equipment of 10 power units the established design capacity of 2300 MW. Their re-equipment is the priority direction of development. So, in 2011 reconstruction of the power unit ¹4 with a rated capacity of 215 MW was complete. The power unit ¹4 working on technology of combustion of solid fuel in the circulating boiling bed (CBB) has the highest in Ukraine technical and economic and ecological indexes. In 2012 the company started the following stage of modernization of SbPS - reconstruction of the power unit ¹13, in 2013 the block was opened up. The same reconstruction during 2013-2014 is executed on the power unit ¹12. Next in turn in 2015 the block ¹8.
The demand of blocks of SbPS in the wholesale market of the electric power demands from station of optimum terms of reconstruction and realization of repair work. The enterprise intends to increase significantly the competitiveness due to increase in efficiency of coppers, decrease in expenses of the conditional fuel and bringing ecological indexes of each block to norms of the European Union.
For ensuring electricity generation SbPS incinerates coals with the lowest combustion heat of 5600 kcal/kg of brands "A", "T" (TP-100 package boilers of power units ¹5-13), a wastage of coal preparation (slimes) and high-ash ASh (the ATsKS package boiler of the power unit ¹4); and also natural gas and fuel oil as rastopochny fuel. The mining enterprises of these brands of coal are in the Luhansk and Donetsk region of Ukraine. As a result of carrying out in the anti-terrorist operations this areas the majority of the coal-mining and overworking enterprises suspended the activity. Also as a result of military operations underwent destructions and damages of a railway way.

Pic 2 - Railway messages of Starobeshevsky PS
Therefore since 2014 the question of reliable fuel providing power plant remains to one of the most composite and prime. So, as of the end of 2014 in warehouses of Starobeshevsky PS was available 59 thousand tons of coal (for comparison - in 2013 for ensuring trouble-free operation coal reserves on SbPS made at 01:10 300 thousand tons, at 01:12 – to 400 thousand tons.). Since 10.10.2014 supply of coal to power plant was restored. 11 thousand tons (in October, 2013 average daily fuel consumption made 13 thousand tons, in November, 2013 – 11 thousand tons, in December, 2013 – 12 thousand tons) were delivered.
In October, 2014 the railway message along a route was restored: the Art. the New World – the Art. of Menchugovo – the Art. of Mospino – the station Makiivka that gave the chance to carry out supply of coals GP "Makeevugol" of 2,4 thousand tons. Also sites on a junction station Ilovaysk, on a station Ilovaysk branch – the Art. Thorez were restored that gave the chance to carry out shipments of coals of mines GP "Snezhnoyeantratsit", GP "Torezantratsit", GP "Shakhterskantratsit".
To guarantee trouble-free operation of station and to provide development of the thermal and electric power in full during the autumn and winter period of 2015-2016, then the possibility of partial import substitution of coal of the Ukrainian producers was studied. Consignors of the Russian Federation could act as the main importers of coal of these brands.
Considering actual prerequisites on formation of reserves of coal in warehouses of thermal power plant at the expense of production of the Ukrainian producers, for on exercises of supply of import fuel signing of contracts was required.
As of October 6, 2014 3 power units were involved in work at station. In total since the beginning of October the volume of the developed electric power on Starobeshevsky PS made 49,2 thousand. MWh.
Despite the difficult military situation, on August 25, 2014 the power unit ¹9 of SbPS it was removed in planned repair within which updating of the capital equipment of the block was executed that allowed to increase its reliability and operational performance.

Pic 3 - Repair work on Starobeshevsky power station
During repair work on the power unit ¹9 of SbPS the rasshlakovka of heating surfaces, fire chambers of a copper and ash-collecting installations is executed. Repair of vibrators of electric motors, feeders of crude coal, repair of electric motors a screw-shlakoudaleniya and phosphatic pumps is also complete.
In turbine office the personnel of electroshop of station executed average repair of distillate pumps of evaporators, drain and drainage pumps, oil pumps, high-voltage tests of pumps are made.
Replacement of the defect sites of screen system of a copper, in a completion stage – fault detection of screen pipes of a back semi-fire chamber continues. During check about 250 defect sites are revealed here, from them more than 70 are already replaced. Fault detection of a forward semi-fire chamber is begun.
Apart 1 km from station is located the well-planned settlement of city type the New World with developed social infrastructure – objects of housing social stock and engineering infrastructure: hotel, hostels, sports complex, stadium, etc.
About 9200 people live in the settlement, from them 2408 people work at station. The general housing stock makes 186 thousand sq.m. On balance of Starobeshevsky PS there are 155 houses (out of balance - the private sector and several apartment houses). For 2012 the income from the maintenance of housing stock and house adjoining territories made 4,280 million UAH, costs of SbPS of PAO "Donbassenergo" of its contents – 5,276 million UAH. Thermal networks, as well as a water supply system are in department of shop of thermal and underground communications (TsT and the personal computer) SbPS; the maintenance of housing stock (the sewerage, pipelines, intra house communications etc.) - housing-and-municipal department of SbPS. Total length of thermal networks on which to residents of the settlement heat from station - over 53 km arrives.
In sgt. the New World where a year ago military operations were conducted, the fissile preparation for passing of a heating season by tradition begins with the middle of April, as well as in last years. Experts of TsT and the personal computer of Starobeshevsky PS annually carry out routine maintenance and overhaul repairs of a heating system of the settlement and production platform. At station much attention was always paid to reconstruction of a heating system of the settlement of power engineering specialists. So, for example, within preparation for autumn winter period by personnel of TsT and the personal computer overhauling with replacement of 1400 m of pipes of thermal communications in 2012, in 2013 - 1800 meters of pipes of a heating system in the territory of the production platform and the settlement is executed, isolation of 1688 meters of pipes is executed and 72 units of shutoff valves are replaced. Total amount of works made about 2,1 million hryvnias.
During the summer period the repair personnel of Starobeshevsky PS are occupied with the solution of problems water - and settlement heat supplies the New World.
Besides reconstruction of thermal networks, in quarters of multystoried building replacement of a roof is carried out – are planned replacement of a rigid roof in 6 houses and the weak roof in 5 houses. In 2011-2012 roofs of 26 houses were already repaired that reduced heatlosses at the level of the consumer. In parallel with roofs entrance doors of entrances are under repair, the glazing of staircases is carried out, necessary repair of intra house engineering systems for decrease in thermal losses at consumers of thermal energy is carried out.
Ubiquitous lack of high-quality adjustment of hydraulic controls of thermal networks leads to the considerable overexpenditure of the electric power network pumps on transfer of the heat carrier and to off-design heatconsumption by buildings with all that it implies.
Outdated devices of regulation of a hydraulic control - elevators and throttle diaphragms do not allow to lower heatconsumption by certain subscribers without prejudice to all system. Namely, the heat power saved by one heatconsumer will be redistributed between other consumers, and the effect of energy saving on a source of heat will be absent. At such system installation by some consumers of heat meters has no energy saving effect for the heatsupplying organization, i.e. PS.
In sgt. the New World is applied the central regulation of annealing of warmth according to changes of the loading which is carried out on Starobeshevsky PS.
Heat supply regulating system qualitative, i.e. the number of the heat carrier which circulates in system is invariable, and temperature varies depending on temperature of external air according to the time-temperature chart. In this case adhere to the time-temperature chart 95-70°C.
1. Relevance of a subject
The main volume of the TsT and personal Computer thermal networks of Starobeshevsky PS was laid or reconstructed in the 70-80th years of the 20th century. The prevailing type of laying of thermal networks, about 80%, underground laying in chanceless channels is. Beskanalny laying and elevated pipelines make no more than 20%.
Compensation of thermal lengthenings of pipelines of a heating system is carried out by P-shaped compensators, and also at the expense of angles of rotation of a thermal network.
Thermal isolation of long distance pipe lines is made of slag wool and mineral-cotton the proshivnykh is opaque. The high layer - plaster on a grid, places galvanized steel, fiber glass fabric and roofing material. On many sites of a heating main isolation is destroyed, and some are in thickets of bushes and trees that also promotes isolation destruction. There are sites of a thermal network where thermal isolation is absent.
Poor quality of thermal isolation of networks of heat supply in a cold season cannot be compensated by increase of parameters of the heat carrier and leads to disturbance of heat supply of consumers.
The progressing wear of insulation designs and thermal communications exceeds admissible norms now and leads to excessive thermal losses. According to the published data, actual thermal losses of pipelines of thermal networks make from 16% to 25% of the warmth which is released to consumers. As in the existing thermal networks there are such larger reserves of economy of thermal energy, modernization of thermal isolation on all elements and inventory of thermal networks is required.
Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion that work of thermal networks sgt. the New World it is not effective and demands introduction of methods on reduction of losses of warmth in thermal networks. The primal problem which at the same time should be solved is a decrease of expenses due to increase of reliability and longevity of pipelines and decrease in thermal losses.
The analysis of this problem demands the complex researches and calculations including both hydraulic and head and mass transfer and definition of thermal losses with the subsequent calculation of a rational heat-shielding of thermal networks for the purpose of minimization of thermal losses.
Thus, the real work is devoted to the solution of an actual problem of reduction of losses of thermal energy in thermal networks due to adjustment and automatic control of the hydraulic and thermal modes of thermal networks, also the choice of the most rational heat-insulating materials and parameters of their designs on the basis of the modern methods of the technical and economic analysis.
2. Purpose and research problems
The purpose of this work is research and the analysis of effectiveness of options of replacement of thermal insulation on heating mains of a heating system of TsT and the personal computer of Starobeshevsky PS with use of advanced methods of optimizing calculation of a heat-shielding of pipelines, and also justification of a technique of the choice of heat-insulating materials and development of recommendations about improvement of production characteristics and indicators of profitability of thermal networks.
Research problems:
- To consider influence of new heat-insulating materials on heat wastes in a heating system heating main;
- To make comparative calculation of hour specific thermal losses of pipelines on the chosen heating system site with various types of thermal isolation:
- plates mineral-cotton (P-75, P-125) on synthetic binding with gidrofobiziruyushchy additives;
- gidrofobizirovanny cylinders and semicylinders from a mineral wool on the basis of stone breeds, kashirovanny aluminum foil (IZOShELL-F);
- fluid ceramic coating "Izolat";
- Segments (shells) from extrusion polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam with the external protective coating (aluminum foil, fibreglass, etc.);
- To consider influence of hydraulic losses on energy efficiency of system;
- To prove the keyest approach to optimization of a heat-shielding of heat conductors and inventory of thermal networks based on achievement of a global maximum of integral effect;
- To receive the specified analytical solution of a problem of optimization of a heat-shielding of cylindrical surfaces of external pipelines which is follow-up considering thermal and cost indexes of an external cover layer of a heat-insulating design, and also loss of warmth through the diathermic inclusions caused by existence of fasteners and support of a heating main;
- To develop the mathematical description, the software and algorithm of realization of a numerical computational method of effectiveness of thermal isolation of pipelines of thermal networks according to the famous design characteristics of isolation and thermal properties of insulants for conditions of underground channel laying taking into account interference of pipelines;
- To prove criteria for a complex assessment of consumer effectiveness of heat-insulating materials on the basis of the analysis of conditions of achievement of a global maximum of integral effect at a heat-shielding of surfaces of a cylindrical form;
- To develop techniques of the choice of heat-insulating materials and selection of reference structural elements of pipelines of thermal networks for a normative heat-shielding of pipelines on a condition of achievement of the maximal indexes of profitability;
- To define strategy of energy saving and to choose most economically, technologically and ecologically favorable method of increase of overall performance of thermal networks.
Methods of researches: analysis of references, physical experiment, thermal and technical and economic calculations; methods of analytical research of functions, mathematical model operation, multifactorial computing experiment, methods of the regression analysis at approximation of the results received in the course of computing experiment; multivariant calculations.
3. Review of researches and developments
Thermal network - it system is strong and dense the sites of heat conductors connected among themselves on which warmth by means of heat carriers (steam or hot water) is transported from heat sources to his consumers.
Steel pipelines – morally and technically long non-aging elements of thermal networks. The term of their service and serviceability is defined mainly by degree of protection against corrosion destructions. Much attention was always paid to development of efficient methods and ways of the prevention and decrease of corrosion.
At the same time technical progress on stream of pipelines puts forward a number of new technical tasks which were not solved in domestic practice earlier. Treat such tasks: corrosion protection of thin-wall steel pipes; development of ways and methods on protection of the pipelines laid in the conditions of the increased corrosion aggression (a small depth, larger humidity, the reactive environment); need of drawing on pipelines of external and internal isolation; development of ways and methods of protection of pipelines in the conditions of the considerable removal from heat sources.
Thus, the thermal network possesses the reference unproductive losses which decrease by selection of material and a design of thermal isolation and is a trial function of energy saving and one of methods of increase of power effectiveness of use of thermal isolation of pipelines of thermal networks.
Increase of power effectiveness has to be considered as identification and implementation of measures and tools with the purpose to provide satisfaction of needs for services and goods at the least metabolic, economic and social cost on necessary thermal energy and at the minimum expenses necessary for preservation of environment in harmony with a sustainable development at the local, national, regional and world levels.
Standards of technological losses by transfer of thermal energy which are applied when carrying out objective operational analysis of heatnetwork inventory and determining tariffs for the thermal energy which is released to consumers have to be developed for each thermal network. Effectiveness of practical realization of an established order of calculation of technological losses in thermal networks directly depends on measurement accuracy of thermal losses in actual practice of operation. A limiting factor is lack of an efficient and available control method of a condition of isolation, and also an easy and reliable way of tests of thermal networks regarding definition of thermal losses by pipelines under operating conditions.
At different times S.F. Kopyev, A.P. Safonov, E.Ya. Sokolov, V. V. Levkovich and others dealt with heat supply issues. They underlay the principles of creation of power efficient and economic systems of heat supply, test methods of thermal networks are developed. However over the last 50 years techniques of optimization of thermal losses by pipelines and carrying out tests of thermal networks almost did not change.
Now researches are conducted in two main directions: at a design stage – definition of optimum normative thermal losses and the choice of a reliable design of thermal isolation; at an operation stage – ensuring monitoring of a condition of thermal isolation for maintaining of its heat-shielding properties for an appreciable length of time.
From the modern techniques it should be noted attempt to define thermal losses by results of thermovision shooting. This method yields good results at elevated (open) laying of thermal networks.
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However the method does not give adequate accuracy in the conditions of underground laying as soil temperature over a heating main depends not only on heatlosses in pipelines, but also on humidity and structure of a soil, a depth and a design of a heating system, a condition of the channel and a drainage, leaks in pipelines, a season and other factors.
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In our case the heating main of a thermal network of the settlement is operated already many years, its projection was carried out according to the normative requirements to thermal isolation of pipelines existing at that time which were significantly lower than the modern. In addition to it the total length of thermal networks on which to residents of the settlement of power engineering specialists heat from station arrives exceeds 53 km.
Lack of standard technical solutions, unreasonable use of heat-insulating materials without their appointment, non-compliance with requirements of normative documents, low-quality performance of work by the unspecialized organizations, lack of systematic monitoring and well-timed repair of thermal isolation - all this can be the cause of excess losses of thermal energy in networks.
Achievement of normative values requires the reasonable technical and economic choice of a rational design of thermal isolation. The similar choice is often very complicated because of a large number of the types of thermal isolation which are present at the modern market. So, the size of the market of heat-insulating materials in Russia increased from 6-7 million m3 in 1998 up to 28-30 million m3 in 2015, i.e. more than by 4 times. There were materials having good heat-shielding characteristics, but sold at high prices. At the same time every time it is necessary to make the choice on a ratio the price quality, without having reasonable approach to the solution of the matter.
The developed system of rationing of thermal losses does not allow to consider a number of the factors defining overall performance of system of heat supply. Transition to practice of the flexible rationing considering prices for thermal energy and heat-insulating materials, and also specifics of an external environment of heat-insulating designs, the characteristic of various regions of the country is represented to more exact in the modern conditions.
Everything told allows to draw a conclusion that time of radical revision of the principles of the choice of insulation designs of thermal networks as application of traditional technical solutions does not provide the heatlosses demanded according to the modern requirements, especially during the cold period of year at temperature variations of fresh air any more came.
Not only thermal losses, but also its durability depend on quality of an insulation design of a heat conductor.
The main requirements to heat-insulating designs consist in the following:
- low heat conductivity both in a dry state, and in a condition of natural humidity;
- small water absorption and small height of capillary lift of fluid moisture;
- small corrosion activity;
- high electrical resistance;
- alkaline reaction of the environment (pH> 8,5);
- sufficient mechanical strength.
Effectiveness of thermal insulation at transfer of heat heat conductivity is defined by the thermal resistance (R) to the isolating design. For a single-layer design of R=d/l, where d - thickness of a layer of the isolating material, l - its thermal conductivity. Increase of effectiveness of thermal insulation is reached by use of high-sponges and the device of sandwiches with air gaps.
There is a large amount of heat-insulating materials from which the choice depending on parameters and an external environment of the heat conductors needing a heat-shielding can be carried out. For example, for protection of steel pipelines (for supply of warm and cold water) from corrosion isolation – a bitumen polymeric coating is used ïðîòèâîêîððîçèîííÿ (cling films, penopolietilenovy isolation Izolon, Izofol); enamel coverings; cement and cement bitumen coating. At the same time it is required to compare costs of acquisition and installation of technically favorable option and economic losses at installation of cheaper, but option of thermal isolation, unprofitable from the point of view of decrease in heatlosses.
In different years and inventories were engaged in development of computational methods of a rational heat-shielding of thermal networks: E.Ya. Sokolov, E.P. Choubin, S. V. Hizhnyakov, V.P. Vitalyev, B. M. Shoykhet, L.V. Stavritskaya, Yu.E. Nikolaev, Yu.M. Hlebalin, Guryev V. V. and others. The big contribution to science of thermal researches of heat-insulating materials was made by scientists: V. E. Mikryukov, A.V. Lykov, N. Yu. Tayts, V. V. Kurepin, G. N. Dulnev, G. M. Kondratyev, E.S. Platunov, L.P. Filippov, P. V. Cherpakov, A.G. Shashkov, S.F. Chistyakov, N. S. Metsik, V. V. Ivanov, G. P. Boykov, Yu.V. Vidin, G. A. Lushchayev and many others. Their works also are the basis for development of the question posed. Berman and Whyte, Kopp and Slek, Laubitts, Mack-Elra and Moore, Angrstr, Houling, Mendoza, Zimmerman, Green, Koules, Powell, Daniyelson, Sidls, Flinp and many others treat number of foreign scientists whose works were used at research.
4. Scientific novelty
- It is supposed to receive the rigorous analytical solution of a problem of optimization of a heat-shielding of cylindrical surfaces in the form of the transcendental criteria equation on the basis of which the specified technique of optimization of a heat-shielding of external pipelines of thermal networks will be developed.
- Development and program realization of a numerical method of complex optimization of a heat-shielding of pipelines in relation to conditions of underground channel laying, taking into account interference of pipelines is planned.
- For a cumulative assessment of effectiveness of use and quality of heat-insulating materials it is supposed to enter concepts of the complete and private consumer potentials of heat-insulating material. These criteria are necessary for join of a complex of simple properties (thermal characteristics, cost, longevity) and reflections of their cumulative influence on resultant technical and economic characteristics of the competing options of heat-insulating materials: URSA, ISOLIGHT (ISOROC-L), ISOTEC, ROCKWOOL, NOBASIL, ARMSTRONG tubolit) and designs from them. Expressions for calculation of these criteria will be received.
- It is planned to enter concept of the universal relative index in the form of coefficient of integral effectiveness of a heat-shielding which will be convenient for an assessment of resultant technical and economic effectiveness of the competing options of heat-insulating designs.
- The analytical dependences connecting resultant coefficient of integral effectiveness and indexes of profitability of a heat-shielding with consumer potentials of heat-insulating materials at a heat-shielding of surfaces of a cylindrical form will be received.
5. Description of results of work
- The carried-out analysis of a condition of the TsT and KT thermal networks of Starobeshevsky power station confirms need of reconstruction to 60% of a heating main. Reconstruction existing and construction of new systems for transportation of warmth has to be carried out with use of the techniques allowing to provide a maximum of integral effect.
- Conditions are defined and calculated formulas for an assessment of economic feasibility and an optimality of a heat-shielding of cylindrical surfaces are received. It is shown that procedures of the choice of an optimal variant and check of its economic feasibility are defined by realization of various conditions and therefore are independent from each other. It is established that the greatest effectiveness of a heat-shielding can be reached only at simultaneous realization of conditions of economic feasibility and an optimality.
- The specified analytical solution of a problem of optimization of a multilayer heat-shielding of cylindrical surfaces is received. On the basis of the received decision the analytical technique of optimization of a heat-shielding of external pipelines adapted to the modern economic conditions which is follow-up considering specifics of sandwiches and longevity of the used heat-insulating materials is developed. The common principles of a rational heat-shielding of pipelines and inventories based on the choice of the heat-insulating materials capable to provide achievement of a global maximum of integral effect are proved and formulated.
- As criteria for a cumulative assessment of effectiveness of heat-insulating materials it is offered to use the complete and private consumer potentials uniting in themselves a complex of the simple properties (heat conductivity, cost, longevity) influencing technical and economic characteristics of a heat-shielding. The universal technique of comparison and choice of heat-insulating materials allowing to reach the greatest economic effect of the device of a heat-shielding of external pipelines is developed.
- It is shown that use of the given technique at justification of an optimum heat-shielding of the external pipeline with a diameter of 426 mm of co with the average temperature of heat carrier 90°C allows to achieve approximately 40% reduction of thermal losses, having received at the same time an increment of integral effect of 626,9 ru/m at an index of profitability of padding investments in an optimal variant in comparison with normative 2,5 ru/ru, a payback period 6,4 years and internal standard of profitability of 16% a year.
- The specified mathematical model for the solution of a problem of optimization of a heat-shielding at channel laying of pipelines allowing to define a minimum of function of the discounted expenses and the values of thickness of heat-insulation layers corresponding to it taking into account padding investments in trays and excavation is developed. The numerical method of optimization of a heat-shielding of pipelines of thermal networks allowing to minimize the discounted expenses taking into account discrete nature of function of investments in heating system structural elements is developed.
- The universal program computer system for calculation of an optimum heat-shielding of pipelines is created. The expected economic effect at its introduction will make more than 600 thousand rubles.
- With use of the developed program computer system the analysis of economic efficiency of the received optimal solutions at the existing price level is made. It is as a result established that due to use of the developed technique of complex optimization of a heat-shielding of pipelines in the conditions of underground channel laying, padding economic effect from 5 to 15% can be gained.
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