Brief resume
Name | Panyuta Alexander. |
Date of birth | Feb 2, 1993. |
Place of birth | Horlovka. |
Schools | №73, №85. |
Universities | DonNTU. |
Average score | 79. |
Languages | Russian, Ukrainian - fluent, English - intermediate level, German - basic level. |
Personal achievements | The school participated in competitions in biology, physics. |
Hobbies and interests | My hobbies are sports, engaged in the gym, football, basketball, motor racing. I like historical literature. |
Personal qualities | I possess such personal qualities as purposefulness, high efficiency, fast learner. |
Professional and computer skills | 1 . Operating system : Windows XP, Windows 7 , Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux, OS X 2 . Application areas : Ansys 3 . Programming languages: C ++, Basic. |
Additional courses, internships, grants | Passed courses of additional training in higher mathematics, as well as courses in first aid. |
Future plans | Getting position in the specialty in the promising emerging enterprise. |
Contact information | E-mail:; Skipe: alex_under178. |