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Brief resume

Name Sukhodolskaya Tatyana
Date of birth September 24, 1993 year
Place of birth Shakhtarsk
Schools Comprehensive school of I-III steps No. 2
Shakhtyorsk 1999-2008 year
Technical school Zuyevsky energy technical school of the State higher educational institution "Donetsk national technical university"
Zugres of 2008-2012.
During training in technical school received 3 diplomas: for high achievements in study and active participation in life of technical school
Universities Donetsk national technical university
Average score Average score during Bachelor course (91)
Languages Russian, ukrainsky and basic level of english
Hobbies and interests Travel, music, billiards, drawing, sport
Personal qualities Communication skills, punctuality, commitment, responsibility, quick learner, a tendency to constant self-improvement
Professional and computer skills Experienced user of the personal computer, software packages of Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010, and also Mathcad and slightly Photoshop
Additional courses, internships, grants Participation in scientific conferences of university
Professional experience Sales manager: drawing up orders, control over the implementation of planned targets, conducting accounting of the company
Future plans The main purpose - receive a position in the sphere industrial teploenergetika with the subsequent prospect and further development
Contact information Е-mail:
Skype: tanya.sukhodolskaya