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Since ancient times, any human activity based on receiving and possession of information. This information is a vital means of solving the problems and challenges, both at the state level and at the level of business organizations and individuals. But as receive information through their own research and create their own technology is quite expensive, it is often more profitable to spend a certain amount on the extraction of existing data. The attackers and use. Thus, information can be treated as a commodity. A rapid development of technology, and computer technology in recent decades has caused even more rapid development of technical systems and intelligence systems. 

The object of unauthorized collection of information is currently primarily commercial interest. As a rule, the information and the varying degree of privacy depends on a person or group of persons to whom it belongs, as well as the scope of their activities. 

The greatest danger from the point of view of information leaks are compromising emanations of technical equipment and communication links involved in the process of transmission, processing and storage of classified information. 

An effective way to reduce the level of side electromagnetic radiation is shielded. By reducing the level of spurious electromagnetic radiation through the use of screening, we reduce the likelihood of unauthorized collection of information. 

1 Relevance of a thene

The rapid development of technology, and computer technology in recent decades has caused even more rapid development of technical systems and intelligence systems. 

The object of unauthorized collection of information is currently primarily commercial interest. As a rule, the information and the varying degree of privacy depends on a person or group of persons to whom it belongs, as well as the scope of their activities. 

The greatest danger from the point of view of information leaks are compromising emanations of technical equipment and communication links involved in the process of transmission, processing and storage of classified information. 

An effective way to reduce the level of side electromagnetic radiation is shielded. 

2 The purpose and research problems, the planned results

The purpose of our researches is using the CST STUDIO SUITE software product of three-dimensional electrodynamic modeling to simulate various ways of electrostatic shielding of various directed transmission lines of high-frequency energy.

Main objectives of research:

  1. To investigate ways of protection of objects of informatization against information leakage on technical channels by use of means of electromagnetic shielding.
  2. Assessment of ways of reduction of electromagnetic influence of external electric fields on the transmitted data.
  3. Choice of the optimum shield.


3 Electromagnetic shielding

Electromagnetic channel information leakage arising from stray electromagnetic radiation (compromising emanations) technical means of information processing (TSOI), is one of the most dangerous. Side hardware electromagnetic radiation transmission (TSPI) are the cause of the leakage of electromagnetic and parametric information channels, and may be the cause of crosstalk in information signals extraneous current-carrying lines and designs. Therefore, reduction in the level of spurious electromagnetic radiation received much attention. To reduce the level of compromising emanations use methods of electrostatic, magnetostatic and electromagnetic shielding [1]. 


  1. Способы защиты объектов информатизации от утечки информации по техническим каналам: экранирование [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа:
  2. Виды электромагнитного излучения [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа:
  3. Электромагнитное излучение [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа:
  4. Н.А. Малков, А.П. Электромагнитная совместимость радиоэлектронных средств . — М.: издательство ТГТУ . 2007 г. 
  5. В.А. Иванов, Л.Я. Ильинский, М.И.  Фузик Электромагнитная совместимость радиоэлектронных средств. — К.: Техника 1983 г. 120 с.
  6. В.И. Кравченко. Радиоэлектронные средства и мощные электромагнитные помехи. — М.: Радиосвязь, 1984 г., 256 с.
  7. Д.  Уайт; пер. с англ. Электромагнитная совместимость радиоэлектронных средств и непреднамеренные помехи – М.:Советское радио, 1977 г., 348 с.