Brief resume

Name Aleksei Denisenko
Date of birth Jan 5, 1995
Place of birth Gorlovka
Schools 2001 – 2012 – School №65 ( now – gymnasium Triumph)
Universities 2012 – 2016 – Donensk National Technical University – bachelor's degree , faculty Electrical engineering, specialty Electrical systems; 2016 – 2018 – Donensk National Technical University – master's degree , faculty Electrical engineering, specialty Electrical systems
Average score 87
Languages Russian and Ukrainian in perfection, English – intermediate level
Personal achievements Participation in the Olympics on electrical machines in 2015 (DonNTU), participation in the Olympics on electrical engineering in Ivanovo in 2016.
Hobbies and interests Games (football, basketball, video games), books (classical literature of russian and foreign authors, scientific literature of different directions), I take a great interest in dances
Personal qualities Responsibility, perseverance, have a good memory
Professional and computer skills An experienced PC user, I have a good command of a large number of programs and packages that I worked with throughout the training period (Mathcad, Autocad, KOMPAS Power Factory, Office, Excel, MVTU 3.7 and others
Additional courses, internships, grants None
Future plans To finish my studying on a magistracy at university, successful protection the master's thesis and to get a job on the specialty
Contact information VK , Facebook