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Cooperative Control of a Semi Autonomous Mobile Robot
Автор: Jonathan Connell and Paul Viola
Источник:Cooperative Control of a Semi Autonomous Mobile Robot. PDF
Consider the differences between riding a horse and driving an automobile. A horse will not run into a telephone pole at high speed. If you fall
asleep in the saddle, a horse will continue to follow the path it is on. If you have two horses but only one rider, you simply have one horse
follow the other. In general, horses are much smarter than automobiles and thus provide a better model for control of a mobile robot. In this
paper we describe an actual robot built along these lines, and show how supervisory control can be added to a reactive multi agent system.
Recently, multi agents control systems for robots have become popular. Representative of such system is Brooks's subsumption
architecture [2] in which large collections of individual behavioral modules fight it out for control of the
robot's effectors. Typically, however, there has been no way to externally guide such robots; they are, in
essence, ❝artificial creatures❞ which autonomously perform only the particular tasks for which they were designed. Yet this does not mean
they are totally immune to outside influences. For instance, a collision – avoiding robot can be ❝herded❞in various directions
by walking closely behind it. Still, in certain cases it would be convenient to have more direct control of the robot.
There are a number of methods that can be used to achieve this within the multi agent framework. The most obvious is to cast the human or
higher level program as a agent itself which injects commands directly into the arbitration network (e. g. [3]). A different
approach is to treat the existing behavioral agents as simply an enhanced effector command language, and design a higher – level control structure that switches
them on and off. Indirect methods similar to this have been suggested by several other researchers [5, 1]. The robot we describe here
takes advantage of both this switching idea and the injection idea.
The actual robot, ❝Mister Ed❞, was built to mimic some of the abilities of a horse, as discussed above. Figure 1 shows
a picture of the vehicle complete with passenger seat. The user sits in this chair and can directly guide the robot via a hand – held joystick. Also, below
the seat there is a bank of toggle switches that allow the rider to authorize the robot to perform certain tasks autonomously. These activities include steering
around obstacles, traversing hallways, turning at doors, and following other moving objects.
Figure 1. Our mobile robot has a seat for a passenger. To steer the vehicle the driver can directly
interact with the navigation sensors, make suggestions through the joystick, or authorize various activities using a bank of toggle switches.
The control system for our robot consists of a collection of situation – action rules. While production systems have been found inadequate for
general – purpose reasoning, they work admirably in the robotics domain. This is perhaps because the rules we use are in propositional
versus predicate logic. That is, we never have a situation in which we have to bind X to OBSTACLE – 237. With large rule bases
unification of variable – laden antecedent and consequent clauses can become time – consuming, and intelligently searching through
chains of such rules can be difficult. Our approach is to instead use an ❝indexical❞ style of programming which makes reference to individuals like
the – thing – currentlyblocking – the – path. Such items are defined naturally by the situation the
robot finds itself in, and can be used, much like variables, to allow the robot to react similarly to a variety of different
instances [6]. The expressive power of this method is sufficient to allow fairly complex behaviors to be
implemented (see [4]). However, like most production systems, the lack of internal structure leaves the system open
to unforeseen dependencies between rules.
Figure 2. As shown in this overhead view, our mobile robot has 3 sensory modalities. The infrared proximity
sensors are used for local navigation and obstacle avoidance, the sonars are used for following people, and the bumpers
are used for collision detection.
The input to our production system controller comes from a series of sensors mounted around the periphery of the robot. As shown in figure 2, the robot
obtains information from three different sensory modalities. At the front and rear of the robot there are bumpers switches (black bands) to detect
any collisions that may occur. Each bumper is divided in half to allow lateralization of the contact. For local navigation there are 8 Banner proximity
detectors arrayed around the robot (gray lines). These units (❝IRs❞) emit infrared energy in a tight beam and look for
any reflection above a certain intensity threshold. The sensors have been angled downwards to insure that any object sensed is actually between the robot and the
floor intersection point. Finally, there are two Polaroid sonar sensors mounted at the front of the robot such that their radiation patterns overlap. The
echoes from each side are classified into one of 4 distinct qualitative regions (dotted lines show divisions) to assist the robot in following objects.
The production rules control the motors on a two – wheeled TRC Labmate base. This platform is approximately 30 inches square and is capable of
carrying over 100 pounds of payload. We divide the motion control problem into a forward / backward velocity component and a left / right
velocity component. Then, for convenience, we quantize each degree of freedom to only 2
bits – positive, negative, or stopped. A Motorola 68HC11 microprocessor evaluates all the behavioral
rules 15 times a second and updates these four motion control bits accordingly.
It is relatively easy to create a competent rule system for a mobile robot. A summary of the various behavior modules used by our system is given below.. These
rules are listed in order of ascending priority. For instance, the output (if any) of the Retreat rule completely overrides any output
produced by the Trek rule. Notice that the behaviors which control the robot's translation are separated from those that control its rotation. This is
because sometimes the relative priorities of related behaviors are different. For instance, if the robot hits an obstacle, Bounce insists on backing
up no matter what the driver commands via Joy Trans. Yet, since Joy Turn takes precedent over Turn, the robot
is willing to let the operator choose a particular direction of travel by deflecting the joystick. In this way, commands from different behavioral
agents are combined in a distributed arbitration network.
Translation behaviors (in order):
Approach |
Go forward if an object is detected beyond the optimal sonar range. |
Trek |
Go forward if any of the side IRs have been active recently. |
Retreat |
Go backward if an object is detected in the near sonar range. |
Joy Trans |
Obey all of the driver's forward and backward commands. |
Bounce |
Go forward or backward a while depending on which bumper was hit. |
Halt |
Prevent travel in the direction corresponding to the impacted bumper. |
Fend |
Prevent forward travel if any of the front IRs are active. |
Rotation behaviors (in order):
Align |
Turn toward the the nearest object detected by the sonar. |
Parallel |
Suggest turning to make both side IR sense the wall if one did. |
Turn |
Turn away from side of the recently hit bumper. |
Stymie |
Turn left if all the front IRs are active. |
Thread |
Turn to unblock a single front IRs. |
Veer |
Turn to unblock a single diagonal corner IRs. |
Twist |
Turn toward the side on which a persistent IR signal recently disappeared. |
Joy Turn |
Obey the driver's left and right turn commands. |
Point |
Prevent any turn if a bumper is hit. |
The basic override operator, called suppression, can also be decomposed into two more basic interactions which are useful in their own right. An
agent can either suggest going one way or another, or prohibit motion in a particular direction. By simultaneously suggesting a particular action and prohibiting
the opposite action, an agent can completely specify a desired motion for the robot. Notice that while most of the rules specify a definite
direction, some use the vaguer suggestion and prohibition methods. This incomplete dominance can be useful in a number of situations. Suppose the
robot is being driven through a clear area when it suddenly encounters an obstacle dead ahead. In this case, the Fend rule prohibits any further forward
motion but does not tell the robot to back up. The operator can accomplish this, if he desires, by pulling back on the
joystick. However, since the operator's commands are relayed through the lower priority JoyTrans rule, pushing the joystick forward will have
no effect.
It usually not desirable to run all the robot's rules at the same time. We have already seen one case in which the conflicting goals of person tracking and wall
following interfere with each other (Parallel versus Align). For this reason, we have segregated the rules into small groups to form a partitioned
production system. These groups can be selectively enabled and disabled by a series of operator controlled switches. This is how the operator tells the robot
what its current goal should be. While the robot is good at tactical navigation, it needs this strategic level input from the human.
However, each user – level goal is usually comprised of a number of sub – goals. Figure 3 shows this
breakdown. Thus, there is generally not a one to one mapping between switches and behavior
groups. Also, certain basic behaviors, such as the joystick interpretation rules, are always active (dark bordered box) and
others are active anytime the robot is allowed any control at all (gray bordered box(. In our robot these groups correspond roughly to the universal goals
of obedience and selfpreservation.
Figure 3. The robot's situation – action rules are broken up into a number of functional groups. The robot can be
authorized to perform a specific activity by enabling certain of these groups. Some groups (heavy bordered boxes) are always
active, no matter what activity is selected.
The use of this partitioned system is best shown through several examples. Suppose, at the start, that all groups except the joystick repeaters
and basic protective behaviors are disabled. The operator is basically free to drive the robot in any direction desired. However, if the front IRs
detect an obstacle, the robot will refuse to continue going forward (see figure 4). Like a horse, it balks at this command. In
certain cases, such as traversing a narrow doorway, the operator may decide that the robot is being too cautious and then disable the protective behaviors
to obtain complete control. On the other hand, he may instead wish to delegate more authority to the robot by enabling the corrective steering behavioral
groups. The rider now retains control of most of the forward / backward motion of the robot, but does not have to worry about veering around
obstructions. He simply tells the robot to go forward and it takes care of the moment – to – moment heading changes required.
The rider may eventually get tired of driving altogether and give the robot even more control by activating the person following routines. This is useful in large
open spaces where the final destination is unknown. Alternatively, the rider may instead decide to travel along some particular environmental defined
path, such as a the edge of a room or corridor. To start the robot in some particular direction, the operator enables the appropriate rule groups
and then drives the robot until it is properly oriented with respect to the wall or corridor it is supposed to follow. At this point the driver can relax and the robot
will continue along this environmentally defined path indefinitely. He is free to fall asleep in the saddle if he wishes. In this case the robot is acting as
a smart peripheral. A similar approach could be used to emulate the convenience of the ❝grab – it❞ button found in many
videogames. By relying on a collection of local procedures, the high level controller need not worry about actually moving the agent's hand or about a
achieving a firm grasp on the desired object [4].
When running in the autonomous wall following mode the driver will occasionally resume control for a moment. The usual reason is to a make strategic navigation
choice such as which corridor to follow at a branching, or whether to go through an open door. Yet, even some of this can be delegated to the
robot. If the door finder routine is enabled the robot will execute a 90 degree turn at the next aperture it sees, and then continue forward using its local
navigation routines. Thus, the driver never has to take real – time control of the robot, he merely modifies its reflexes so that
the appropriate action will automatically be taken in each situation which is likely to occur. This is analogous to advice such as ❝the play is to
second❞ muttered during a baseball game. All the computation intensive deliberation can be performed off – line and then compiled down
for later use should the contingency arise.
Unlike a conventional control program, Mister Ed's architecture lacks strict hierarchical structure. It has been pointed out, in regard to
related research, that the homogeneous soup in which rules interact is quite difficult to analyze and understand. This becomes an especially serious concern
as the size of the rule base grows. Brooks, in his original work, introduced a mechanism to divide behaviors into levels of complexity. The
defining metaphor in this case was evolution: previous levels provided the foundation on which more complicated levels were built. Unfortunately, in
practice higher levels often relied on the internal structure of lower levels, thus sacrificing modularity.
Figure 4. This representative path shows the interaction between the driver and the hardwired control system. As the robot
progresses, the user gives it more and more autonomy by switching in new groups of behaviors.
We address this problem by using ❝competency modules❞ to reduce the scope of inter – rule dependencies. As described
earlier, each small set of rules constitutes a toolbox for achieving a particular goal. Since they are not intended to used together in arbitrarily large
groups, as a first approximation rule interaction analysis need only be performed within each competence module. At the next level of abstraction, each
such grouping would be described in terms of its ensemble behavior. Further analysis, if required, can then be performed by comparing just these
aggregate properties. As the system expands, it may even become desirable to collect several competence modules into a larger chuck such as
❝indoor navigation procedures❞. By imposing such modularity boundaries, we allow the interaction problem to be factored into manageable
sized components.
In addition to their theoretical benefits, competence groups also form a natural basis for supervisory control. This is because they are so tightly
linked with the creature's goal structure. Our architecture promotes a partnership in which the machine takes care of all the routine work while the person
decides what sort of things need to be done. One can imagine a number of applications in which this might be desirable. For instance, a robot such
as ours might be used by a hospital patient who did not have the fine motor coordination necessary to continuously drive a normal joystick – controlled
wheelchair. For other applications, such as high speed, low flying aircraft, even an un – impaired human's responses
are not fast enough and a similar system might be employed for time – critical maneuvering.
On a more down – to – earth level, the particular control system described here would provide a good framework for building a
smart camera platform. There is nothing that says that the entity providing overall guidance has to be human. When the cameras see an object of interest
they could just tell the robot to head straight for it, trusting the underlying reactive control system to keep the robot on a collision – free
path. By decoupling the concurrent goals in this manner, we would be free to focus our attention on the more interesting visual aspects of the problem.
- Tracy L. Anderson and Max Donath, ❝A Computational Structure for Enforcing Reactive Behavior in a Mobile Robot❞, Proceedings
of the 1988 SPIE Conference on Mobile Robots, 198 – 211, 1988.
- Rodney Brooks, ❝A Layered Intelligent Control System for a Mobile Robot❞, IEEE Journal Robotics and
Automation, RA – 2, 14 – 23, 1986.
- Jonathan Connell, ❝Navigation by Path Remembering❞, Proceedings of the 1988 SPIE Conference on Mobile
Robots, 383 – 390, 1988.
- Jonathan Connell, Minimalist Mobile Robotics: A Colony – Style Architecture for an Artificial Creature, Academic
Press, Cambridge MA, 1990.
- David Payton, ❝An Architecture for Reflexive Autonomous Vehicle Control❞, Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1838 – 1845, 1986.