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Brief resume

Name Natalia Metlina
Date of birth 05.08.1992
Place of birth Zugres
Schools 1999–2009 – Zugress different profiles Lyceum № 3
Universities 2009–2013 – Donetsk National Technical University, Department of ecology and chemical technology, Speciality: Ecology of the chemical technologies, bachelor
2016–2018 – Donetsk National Technical University, Department of ecology and chemical technology, Speciality: Environmental Safety, master
Average score 4,6 for the period of study as a bachelor
Languages Russian, Ukrainian (native), English (average level)
Hobbies and interests outdoor activities, reading books, cinema, music, dancing, knitting
Personal qualities activity, responsibility, blitheness, dedication, rapid learnability, self-criticism, ability to work in a team
Professional and computer skills
1. Experience in the analytical chemistry laboratory
2. Work with the UV–spectrometer
3. Work with a photoelectrocolorimeter (FEK)
4. Work with the IR–spectrometer
4. Operating systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7
5. Microsoft Office
6. Software packages: EOL+, MathCad, Компас, Statgraphics
Professional experience
July 2012 – general engineering practice of Donetskkoks;
July 2017 – production practice of SE Zuyevsky TPP;
Future plans successfully to finish a magistracy, to find a job with a possibility of career growth
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