This abstract refers to a work that has not been completed yet. Estimated completion date: June 2018. Contant author or his scientific adviser after that date to obtain complete text.
- Introduction
- 1. Research problem and relevance
- 2. The purpose and main tasks of the research, planned results
- 3. Investigation of feasibility implementation resource-saving technologies on the territory of the hotel
- Conclusion
- References
In modern conditions, each year there is a problematic of the volumes of consumption of natural resources and the existing unstable foreign policy of the countries of the world. Further development of human activities, without taking into account this problem and corresponding reaction to it, can suspend its scales in several decades.
Therefore, it is necessary to approach the solution of the above problem in a practical way. One way to overcome the existing problem is to replace the use of traditional energy sources with environmental alternatives. In many countries of the world this technique has been used for decades and continues to develop to this day. Foreign developed countries have a vast accumulated experience in the use of environmental energy and assist in the introduction of resource-saving technologies in developing countries.
1. Research problem and relevance
In recent decades, the world community is increasingly moving towards the establishment of sustainable development for all spheres of human activity.
The negative factor, which, however, inhibits such development is economic, i.e. the financial side of this issue. To promote the spread of resource-saving technologies, which is one of the principles of sustainable development, can provide projects that are also economically profitable for acquiring and using in human economic activities. Thus, the use of environmental resource-saving technologies in the economic activities of the selected research object is relevant and will allow achieving several effects: economic, environmental and social, which in a positive aspect will affect the environmental and economic efficiency of the organization.
2. The purpose and main tasks of the research, the planned results
The purpose of the research is to show that the introduction of resource-saving technologies in the hotel enterprise will prove to be an economically and environmentally beneficial solution that will ensure an increase in the environmental and economic efficiency of the organization's activities, while also receiving a social effect.
Main tasks of the research:
- Identify and analyze the development of alternative energy sources at a given time, taking into account changes in global trends.
- Calculate the amount of necessary resources to meet the needs of the hotel (electricity, hot water).
- Implement a rational choice of suitable resource-saving technologies for the requested parameters of the hotel in question (wind power plant, photoelectric elements, solar collector (solar installation), geothermal heat pump).
- Perform a number of calculations that prove the feasibility of using resource-saving technologies in the operation of the hotel.
- To show how much the ecological and economic efficiency of the hotel will increase when this type of technology is introduced.
Research object: the hotel "Sailor", located in Sedovo, Admiral Lunin Avenue, 85, in the immediate vicinity of the Sea of Azov.
Research subject: possibility of increasing the ecological and economic efficiency of the hotel operation when it uses resource-saving technologies.
3. Investigation of the expediency of introducing resource-saving technologies on the territory of the hotel
In the master's thesis it is proposed to introduce resource-saving technologies, namely, a solar station, a solar collector and a wind generator for the Moryak hotel in order to reduce the current expenses of the organization and increase its attractiveness through the use of alternative energy sources.
The hotel in question is located off the coast of the Azov Sea in the Donetsk region. The building of the hotel has 6 floors, which accommodate 34 rooms of various classes for 67 visitors, with a total area of 700 м2. Also on the premises are: parking, laundry, sauna, conference room, three office leases, restaurant, room kasteljanshi. In addition to standard hotel services, this hotel is located in the tourist and recreation area. Consequently, the use of resource-saving environmental technologies will have a significant beneficial effect on hotel visitors and the hotel itself, tourists vacationing, as well as the surrounding natural environment.
Internal and external lighting of the hotel comes from the centralized electrification system of the city. Providing hot water by using an electric water heater. The energy consumed by the hotel is spent on heating the premises, lighting and activating various electrical receivers. For heating, gaseous fuels are traditionally used. By introducing non-traditional energy sources into use, it will be possible to completely or partially stop the consumption of municipal electricity and gaseous fuels.
At this stage in the work, a selection and analysis of the planning of the working capacity of solar batteries was carried out.
Figure 1 shows the progress transformation of the solar flux on the way to electrical appliances.

Figure 1 – Progress transformation of the solar flux преобразования солнечного потока
(animation: 15 frames, 58.4 kilobytes)
The total declared capacity of all electrodependent devices of the hotel is 32,835 kW * h ≈ 33 kW * h. But, since not all declared devices consume electricity at the same time, then the maximum load will be 2.5-5.5 kWh * hour. Consequently, the amount of power consumed per month will be from 0.9 MW * months to 2 MW * months.
Having carried out a comparative analysis of approximately equal solar cells (solar battery Abi Solar CL-P60250 250W / 24V (China), solar battery LDK, series 250R 20 (China), solar battery Sunerg, model XM60 / 156-280I + 35 (Italy )) [15], the priority will be given to the solar battery of LDK, the 250P series. 20. Taking into account the dollar-ruble exchange rate at the time of settlement ($ 1 = 65 rubles), the total payment for the solar station set amounted to 605,150 rubles.
To achieve high productivity of solar cells, it is necessary to choose the right type of installation of these devices on the roof surface of the equipped object. To make solar panels produce as much electricity as possible, they must be installed in a southerly direction. It is also possible to orient the equipment in the south-west and south-east direction. The angle of inclination of the battery to the horizon line is very important. The most optimal position is when the sunlight hits the panel at a right angle. Also, remember about the seasonal changes in the angle, under which the sunlight on the battery falls.
In this case, the roof of the building of the hotel complex "Sailor" has a flat surface, the roofing is brown tile. Flat roofing is the most suitable option for placing solar cells. Since, you can easily set the angle of inclination in accordance with the time of year and thereby increase the energy production of solar cells.
For a comprehensive analysis of the efficiency of the alternative energy production facility for the hotel, economic calculations were made for the following indicators.
1. Depreciation charges will be calculated in a straightforward manner taking into account the useful life (operation) of the facility. Depreciation charges are calculated using the formula (4.1):

Formula 4.1– Depreciation charges
where Воб
– the cost of equipment, rubles;
М – costs for assembly of equipment, rubles;
– useful life (operation), years.
Calculations we shall reduce tab. 4.1.

Table 4.1 – Depreciation charges
2. The cost of electricity consumed by the hotel per month is determined by the formula (4.2):

Formula 4.2 – The cost of electricity consumed by the hotel per month
where Qэл
– the amount of electricity consumed, 2000 kW * months;
– tariff rate for electricity for legal entities, RUB / kW.

3. Determine the annual electricity consumption of the hotel by the formula (4.3):

Formula 4.3 – The annual electricity consumption of the hotel
Let us find this value.

4. Using formula (4.4), we calculate the payback period of the solar station:

Formula 4.4 – The payback period of the solar station
Let's find the payback period:

Thus, after carrying out economic calculations, it was determined that the payback period of the solar photovoltaic station in question would be 10 years, which is an acceptable payback period for these installations.
Since the payback period of investments in the installation is 10 years, and the period of its operation is approximately 15 years, it is possible to calculate additional savings for five years using formula (4.5):

Formula 4.5 – Additional savings
Based on the calculations performed, the introduction of resource-saving technology - solar photovoltaic systems is expedient, since:
- use of this unit allows to save electricity of the city centralized power network;
- alternative energy source is being consumed - the Sun, instead of the traditional one, which has an ecological effect on resource saving;
- economic effect is achieved by saving financial resources to pay bills for electricity supply to the hotel;
- improves the image of the hotel as an eco-hotel;
- the competitiveness of the hotel is increasing, as this is the determining factor for customers who care about the ecological component of their life, which also determines the social effect of this project.
In the course of further work on the master's work plan, a similar analysis is planned for the use of a solar collector and a wind generator.
Based on the above statistics obtained in practice by the world community, it can be concluded that the use of alternative energy sources every year allows to receive not only environmental and social effects, but also significant economic benefits in the course of commercial operations.
Master's work is devoted to the possibility of increasing the ecological and economic efficiency of the hotel using resource-saving technologies.
The work carried out a comprehensive analysis of the climatic component of the region, the technical arrangement of the hotel, its volumes of power consumption, and the amount of requested power generated from photovoltaic installations. Also, an analysis was made, if possible, of the type of installation of solar cells, the presence of external obstructing objects.
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