- Introduction
- 1.Relevance of the subject
- 2.Goal and tasks of the research
- 3.Experimental research of phytoncidal activity
- Conclusion
- References
Changes, occurring in biosphere, partially made by technogenic impact of humanity, led to changes in ecology and to degradation of habitat.
The air, which we breathe, contains: hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, dust and other substances harmful to human health [1]. According to WHO in the world more than 1 billion people lives in large cities with air pollution above the maximum permissible concentrations.
Humanity started confronting with nature and it must crucially change its behavior with our planet in terms of solving life support issue. Passive "nature protection" must be replaced with principally new active phytotechnologies, which can form healthy habitat as opposition to "environmentally destructive" and "environmentally polluting" technologies.
1. Relevance of the subject
Plants plays a big role in humanity’s habitat recovery. Being the main component of the biosphere, plants are becomes more important in the life of society as a factor of our environment, because plants can stabilize and improve people's lives against of increased anthropogenic impact on nature [1].
Green plantations reduce the negative impact of anthropogenic factors. They perform dust filtering function, a way to absorb and neutralize gaseous emissions, some of them release volatile biologically active substances – phytoncides, which significantly improves the sanitary and hygienic condition and quality of life in the conditions of technogenic environment.
2.Goal and tasks of the research
The target of this work is analysis of seasonal phytoncidal activity, relatively to the bacterium of the genus Bacillus subtilis, certain species of woody plants in the conditions of different anthropogenic impact level.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
- Theoretical analysis of literary sources on the topic of the study, with the aim of understanding the subject of this work;
- A review of existing methods for studying phytoncidal activity, and selection of an acceptable method for performing the experiment;
- Performing laboratory studies of phytoncidal activity of some species of woody plants for almost three years (32 months) against bacteria of the genus Bacillus subtilis in different seasonal periods;
- Detection correlation between the area of growth of woody plants and emission intensity of phytoncidal substances;
- Analysis of changes in the emission intensity of phytoncide substances in different seasonal periods;
- A comparative analysis to determine the phytoncidal activity of some species of woody plants performed in 2012-2013 with the experiment conducted in 2015-2017;
- Analysis of the studied woody plants on the basis of the main biomorphological features;
- Development of recommendations on planting the city with plants with greatest phytoncidal activity.
3. Experimental research of phytoncidal activity
The following plants were selected as research objects: spruce (P. abies), acicular maple (Aсer platanoides), poplar black, or pyramidal (Populus pyramidlis) [2].
For the research and comparative characteristics of the seasonal phytoncidal activity of various species of woody plants, samples of these plants were needed. As a test material, leaves were selected at areas with different anthropogenic impact. Such areas were: [2]
Area 1 – Music Park
, the city park of culture and
recreation of
the stadium "Donbass-Arena" – a relatively clean area, because in
area there is no industrial enterprises.
Area 2 – the district of PJSC Donetsk Metallurgical Plant
is a
area with a permanent harmful negative anthropogenic impact, where the
vegetation is located in the extreme conditions of the city, as it is
subject to the harmful effects of the metallurgical factory.
Area 3 – checkpoint, Donetsk Botanical Garden is the most ecologicaly clean area.
To determine the phytoncidal activity of the studied woody plants, the biological method was used.

Picture 2 — Petri dishes with formed colonies of microorganisms 1 – formed microorganisms under control, 2 – formed microorganisms with a sample of leaves of maple, 3 – formed microorganisms with a sample of spruce needles 4 – formed microorganisms with a sample of leaves of poplar pyramidal
(animation: 4 frames, 5 reps, 158 kilobytes)
In petri dishes, where were leaves of plants (2,3,4) colonies of Bacillus subtilis grew less than in the control dish, where were no leaves. That is, the volatile phyto-organic substances of these plants are able to suppress the growth and multiplication of microorganisms of bacteria of the genus Bacillus subtilis. It is also possible to take into account the fact that the phytoncidal substances of the poplar pyramidal (4), based on these photos, showed greater phytoncidal activity than spruce and maple substances.
In the course of the experiment, the results shown in pic. 3 were obtained.

Picture 3 – Comparative values in (%), seasonal phytoncidal activity of some species of woody plants, relative to bacteria of the genus Bacillus subtilis, growing on areas with different anthropogenic impact
Thus, it was found that the phytoncidal activity of most species during the growing season is unstable. The plant shows the greatest phytoncidal activity in the spring in May, during the vegetative period of plants, and the smallest in late autumn in november.
The results of phytoncidal activity in the present period differ significantly from 2012-2013. According to 2013, in all areas of growth, spruce fir showed high phytoncidal activity, which was not surprising, because coniferous trees are the leaders in the production of phytoncidal volatile substances. However, looking at today's data, it can be noted that in all areas both in autumn and winter, spruce has shown the lowest phytoncidal activity, because coniferous trees accumulate dust and other harmful gases most of all [2,7].
At this stage of the work, after conduction of the experiments and analyzing the literature in the opinion of many researchers [3,4,5] spruce has low gas resistance, as a result of which these plantations experience severe oppression and die. There were instances of its mass extinction. The ability to resist damage by sulfurous anhydride in spruce degrades with age, especially after 40 years. It is not recommended to grow it in a radius of 20 km from industrial centers.
The pyramidal poplar (P.pyramidlis) and the maple (A.platanoides) showed low phytoncidal activity in the area of growth №2. This is due to the fact that "DMZ" area is under heavy pollution oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, dust and other harmful gases.
The problem of environment recovery must be addressed through the formation of a single system of "green protection", which includes not only increase of its area of greenery of various functional purposes, but also a comprehensive increase of their effectiveness. Further search of the phytoncide properties opens the prospect of their most complete and targeted useage in landscape architecture and landscape gardening [6].
During writing this essay, the master's work is not yet completed, in the future it is planned to analyze a woody plants in terms of biomorphological features and offer recommendations on planting the city with plants that has greatest phytoncidal activity.
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