- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. An approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM on FPGA
- Conclusion
- References
Suspended monorail roads represent a transport system, including: a track that is suspended from the trestle or building structure, along which movable units can move; Track devices that provide the translation of mobile units from one path to another, located at an angle or at a different level with respect to the first; a busbar trunking system designed to supply road machinery with electricity and devices for addressing and blocking.
The very first monorail was created in Russia in 1820 in the village of Myachkovo, its author was Ivan Kirmanovich Elmanov (Yelmanov). His monorail was built on poles on the upper longitudinal bar rolled trolleys, which pulled the horse. In the monorail Elmanov, the wagon rolled on a special skid along the wheels fixed to the trestle. The construction has shown interest in trade and industry; for example, there was a project to use it in the Crimea for the transport of salt ie. create an industrial monorail. In general, at the end of the XIX century, the monorail was a frequent visitor at a variety of exhibitions. In 1872, a cable-drawn monorail was displayed in Lyons, in 1891 in St. Louis a monorail was shown with wagons like trams.
But there was still no operating and running monorail. They remained at the stage of experimental designs, but in most cases - at the project stage.
The world's first suspended monorail road was installed and commissioned on March 1, 1901. in the city of Wuppertal, Germany, operating to the present. The official name Monorail suspension road system Eugen Langen (German Einschienige Hangebahn System Eugen Langen). length of 13.3 km (3.3 km in the city, 10 km above the river bed).
During the movement of the convoy through the monorail, various stresses, oscillations and movements (along the axis) occur, both positive and negative. In zones with residual stresses, vibrational loads can cause plastic deformation.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the joints that perceive the bending moment and lateral force during the joint in the same way as they are perceived by the whole rail, to allow longitudinal displacements of the rail ends in the joint when the length of the rails varies due to temperature fluctuations.
1. Actuality of work
Currently, in large metropolitan areas in the CIS and abroad, often face problems with passenger and freight traffic, especially during rush hour. Abroad it has been proven on live examples on how to effectively use the transport branches monorails, where their cargo is continuous and timely for both companies (and their cargoes) and passengers. Also, the use of suspended monorail roads is widely used in light and light-medium industry in factories. In the CIS countries, the use of mine action was only at mining enterprises, in particular in Donbas. It is also used mainly in food factories. And only in the 2000s ideas arose how to use such roads as for public and industrial transport.
At the same time, monorail roads can have their economically expedient scope as a full-fledged type of industrial and road-building transport. Thus, in particular, the mobile monorail allows the movement of the executive body to fill the entire curb, the roadway on the road far from populated areas, without resorting to the transfer of a large number of equipment, and personnel. Moving cargo in a tight or hampered space.
2. The purpose and idea of the object of work
The purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of the mobile suspended monorail road (MMDD), by justifying the parameters of the monorail track and rolling stock. The idea of the work is to develop a road map, as well as reduce the load on the elements of the monorail.
- develop a roadmap for the MPMD along the road and the arc of the road;
- determine the factors that affect the dynamics of the movement of monorails on the road;
- analyze the research for improvements;
- compile an engineering method for analyzing the problem;
- perform research and reduce the dynamic load.
The object of research - is the dynamic processes that are formed by the rolling stock when the monorail moves.
The subject of the study - is the functional relationship between the parameters of a monorail track and rolling stock.
Review of scientific articles and research
The concept of mobile monorail
Mobile - the ability to relatively quick assembly, and ready quickly to carry out tasks for carrying out work, as well as moving along the front of the work.
Monorail - is a railway that uses a single carrying rail.

Picture 1. Side view

Picture 2. Front view

3. Review of scientific articles and research
A large number of scientists have been engaged in research on monorail pendant roads, among which are: Aizenshtok L.I., Bersenev V.S., Nos V.S., Kuznetsov E.V., Zheltukhin L.G., Gutarevich V.O., Trace N.N., Chashko M.V., Rascvetaev V.A., Nogikh V.R., Vetkin A.S., Evtukh E.S., Khlusov A.E., Verbitsky V.G., Shirin L. N., Petrenko O.S., Koval A.I., Kachurin N.M.
In work [1] it is offered to investigate the process of transportation of cargoes on underground developments as an interacting transport-technological system "rolling stock of a suspended monorail road - the support of the preparatory workings out - the mountain massif". In particular, the study of the technological process of interaction of the subsystems "mountain massif - the support structure of the preparatory work", "the reinforcement of the work - becoming a monorail", "monorail - the rolling stock of the suspended monorail" provides for the design parameters of the ways of suspension of the monorail and fixation of the mining in general. A mathematical model has been developed that allows to take into account the interrelation of technological transport parameters with the help of PDM and the parameters characterizing the organization of their interaction with the transport and technological system of the mine as a whole. It has been established that the timely preparation of reserves in conditions of intensification of mining operations is provided by the use of suspended monorail roads whose operational parameters, unlike traditional transportation schemes, are characterized by the state of the side rocks around the preparatory workings and the values of deformation of the bearing frames of the arch support, which vary within the range 50-150 mm for the transport of goods with a mass of 180-4000 kg at a speed of 0.5-2.0 m / s.
In addition, a rational scheme for the preparation of poles has been developed and recommended using suspended monorail roads. However, the scope of this type of auxiliary transport is limited due to an unintended decrease in the speed of moving the rolling stock from 1.2 to 0.5 m / s, which leads to an increase in the delivery time of goods in 1.3 - 1.6 times compared with the estimated indicators.
A new method of fastening a monorail suspension line has been developed, according to which the stability of the arch support is achieved due to the distribution of static and reactive dynamic loads, the arising and transmitted supports from the monorail both during the movement of the rolling stock in different modes of transportation, and at the moments of its passage through the joints of the carrier profile. This will increase the service life of the arch support and prevent deformation and change in the cross-sectional area of the transport workings.
For the first time, a method of preparing reserves has been developed, which consists in combining the time of the installation chamber and the installation of the cleaning equipment from the spent work face, which is supposed to reduce the total time costs (the total time of the installation of the installation chamber and the installation of the cleaning equipment is reduced by 20-25%), the productivity of conducting mining and preparatory work during the mining of coal from the shallow layers in the conditions of the mines of the Western Donbas. The estimated additional annual economic effect from the introduction of the proposed method of preparing reserves is 619 thousand UAH.
In the work [2], researchers Aizenshtok L.I. and Nos V.S. outlined the basic requirements for the structure of the monorail track, formulated on the basis of the study of the process of oscillation of vessels and loads in the load-bearing elements of the track, driving traction cables and fastening the workings, depending on the speed of movement and the parameters of the butt joints.
Works [3,4,5] Gutarevich V.O. affect the most important aspects of the development of suspended monorail roads, starting from viewing the joints of the monorail and developing new ones, ending with the investigation of the processes arising from the movement of the suspension structure along the monorail.
Were developed Gutarevich V.O. [3] mathematical models of the motion of suspended crews on a monorail as a system of elastic bodies connected with each other. Mathematical models are represented by systems of differential equations, the numerical solution of which was obtained by the Runge-Kutta method using the Mathcad software package.
The work of the mine suspension [5] monorail road, when the convoy moves along the monorail, is associated with the force actions caused by the implementation of tractive and braking forces, the movement of the load, the variability of the accelerations, the presence of joints and the unevenness of the path. As a result, there are fluctuations, resulting in additional energy costs, deformation of the path itself and its suspension, including the support of the mine workings. As a result, efficiency is deteriorating, reliability is reduced, and emergency operation is increased. With the increase in the speed of movement and the mass load on the monorail, the negative consequences multiply, which significantly limits the possibility of their operation.
The railway model is proposed by Evtukh E.S. in the dissertation [6]. This model allows us to investigate the dynamic processes caused by the rolling of the wheel pair through the rail joint. The model makes it possible to take into account the ballast subsidence in the region of the rail joint.
In the scientific works of E.V. Kuznetsov. [11] found that when moving train trains to the anchors of the monorail suspension, dynamic forces act. The total dynamic forces are formed from the action of inertial, centrifugal and shock forces. The bulk of the total dynamic loads are forces arising from the movement of trains along the junctions and irregularities of the track (89.8%). The influence of dynamic forces is taken into account by the dynamic coefficient, the value of which is assumed to be 2.
In the scientific works of S.M. Zelenchuk [7,8,9]it was established that a series of loads, stresses and deformations act on the monorail during movement of the composition. This is a vertical, horizontal, load of its own weight, as well as seismic loads that occur in the event of a break in one of the traction ways of the track. The total dynamic forces are formed from the action of inertial, centrifugal and shock forces. The bulk of the total dynamic loads are the forces arising from the movement of the convoys along the joints and irregularities of the track (about 89.5%). Completed with nests for the institution connected to the vertical vertical end.
The developed dynamic model of lateral rocking of the suspended monorail road. The resulting equations of motion, carrying out their analysis, determined the frequencies and amplitudes of lateral wobbling of the rolling stock. During the movement of the rolling stock with a monorail, there is a lateral buildup of the crew relative to the point of suspension. It is established that the periodic suspension of the hanging point, during which the deviation of the crew from a given fixed inclined position, will be as small as desired.
As a result of theoretical and experimental studies [10] the regularities of the stress-strain state of the roof rocks under the interaction of suspended transport devices with a rock massif were specified. This allowed to develop and implement a set of technical means to ensure the stability of underground transportation workings, which is of great importance for the coal industry of Kuzbas.
The problems of exploitation [11] of mine suspended monorail roads are considered. The aim of the work is to increase the operational efficiency and safety of the mine suspension monorail operation by optimizing the transient processes occurring during acceleration or braking of the rolling stock. To do this, taking into account the control actions, a mathematical model of the rolling stock movement is developed, a criterion for the optimality of control is established, a Hamiltonian of the system is constructed, a conjugate system of equations and its solution are obtained. It is established that during the start-up and braking of the rolling stock, there are additional dynamic loads, which are transmitted through the suspension of the monorail track to the support of the mine workings. The optimum mode of braking of the suspended suspension monorail road is determined. Dependences between parameters of a rolling stock and braking forces are found. The obtained dependences make it possible to establish the appropriate time for switching on or off the brake of the rolling stock, when the traction force is still acting at the initial moment, the speed of movement is partially extinguished, and then additional braking to zero speed is made at the time of traction deactivation. This makes it possible to minimize the braking time, increase the efficiency and safety of the mine suspension monorail.
The features of the formation and the urgency of determining additional loads on the arch support of preparatory precincts with suspended monorail roads are substantiated [12]. Taking into account the parameters of transportation, the characteristics of vehicles and the state of the rock mass around the preparatory workings, an analysis of its stability was carried out. The results of mine studies of the manifestation of rock pressure in the workings, fixed with arched supports, with a monorail suspension road are presented. Recommendations are given for determining additional loads on arch support for predicting the stability of transport workings.
The calculation technique of [13] parameters of steel-polymer anchors is described, with the help of which the monorail is suspended from the roof of the mine.
The considered method [14] of choice of the anchor parameters was tested in the conditions of the mine of OJSC "Razrez Sibirginsky" when suspending a monorail with a diesel locomotive of the firm "SCHARF" with a load capacity of up to 25 tons. The test results confirmed the possibility of using steel-polymer anchors for suspension of monorail high-capacity roads.
The theoretical studies [15] of the process of interaction between the suspension structure and the monorail track have been carried out. The limits of the change in the coordinates and speed of movement of the components of the suspended monorail are determined. The influence of elastic-dissipative bonds on the parameters of motion during the braking of the suspension structure is found. The movement of suspension crews carrying a bulky cargo along a monorail track is investigated. It is established that longitudinal dynamic forces more than 1.6 times can exceed the value of the applied braking forces. The deviations arising during the braking of the load carried relative to the vertical vary periodically from 0.05 to 0.67 rad. To reduce the oscillations, it is sufficient to increase the value of the damping coefficient of the couplings of the brake trolleys only, which makes it possible not to complicate the design of the rolling stock.
According to the results of mine observations, it was established [16] that the main reasons for the occurrence of unevennesses in the rail track and the disruption of the parallelity of the rail lines are: insufficient thoroughness of laying, maintenance and repair of the track; subsidence of joints; initial curvature of rails; peculiarities of the structure of the upper structure of the track, significant water inflow and soil punching, etc. In accordance with the program and the methodology of experimental studies, rail track measurements were made using a special travel pattern. The survey included: a pull-down (100 m long section), a conveyer crosscut (60 m), a conveyor drift (40 m) and two drainage gates (total length of 200 m sections). Workings equipped with rail tracks with a track of 900 mm from rails of type P33 on reinforced concrete sleepers - in capital excavations and on wooden ones - in precincts. The measurement procedure included the breakdown of the surveyed areas into pickets with a length of 1 meter and the determination of the track width, longitudinal and transverse profile at each picket. According to the measurement technique, a conditional plane is drawn through the bottom of the deepest depression of both the longitudinal and transverse profiles, from which the unevenness value is measured. The results of processing mine experiments indicate that under real conditions the rail thread is a complex curve that significantly changes its curvature both in vertical and horizontal planes on a relatively small base equal to one meter. The obtained parameters make it possible to determine the actual spatial position of the axis of the track and the magnitude of its deviation from the nominal position.
In [17], a relationship was established between the traction ability of a monorail locomotive and the parameters of the mechanism of pressing the drive wheels. Recommendations are given on the choice of the type of clamping mechanism. Analysis of the influence of the type of the clamping mechanism shows that when the traction device moves through sections with different angles of inclination, it is sufficient to have three fixed levels of force of pressing the drive wheels. The resulting power losses do not exceed 5% of the consumed. The use of automatic pressing can be considered expedient if the power losses at three levels will significantly exceed the losses caused by an increase in the mass of the traction device, by using mechanisms that provide automatic clamping.
For the first time, the dependencies of the permissible sizes and parameters of monorail roads (radii of curvatures, departures of dimensions, linear and angular dimensions, coefficients of resistance to movement on curvature) on their structures and operating conditions were established for the first time [18], which made it possible to develop a methodology for calculating the inscription.
- Abroad has already been proven on living examples, how effective is the application of transport branches of monorail roads, where their cargo flow is continuous and timely for both firms (and their cargoes) and for passengers. Also, the use of suspended monorail roads is widely used in light and light-medium industry in factories. In the CIS countries, the use of mine action was only at mining enterprises, in particular in Donbas. It is also used mainly in food factories. And only in the 2000s ideas arose how to use such roads for both public and industrial transport.
At the same time, monorail roads can have their economically expedient scope as a full-fledged type of industrial road construction transport. - Description of work in scientific works of researchers of different titles, often described about the generalizing parameters and their assumptions in various processes.
- During operation, the overhead monorail is experiencing many dynamic loads that need to be reduced or minimized. During the movement of the convoy through the monorail, various stresses, oscillations and movements (along the axis) occur, both positive and negative. In zones with residual stresses, vibrational loads can cause plastic deformation. Attention should be paid to the joints that perceive the bending moment and shear force during the joint in the same way as they are perceived by the whole rail, to permit longitudinal displacements of the rail ends in the joint when the length of the rails varies due to temperature fluctuations.
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