| Dmytro Petrov
Date of birth
| May 7, 1994
Place of birth
| Donetsk
- School № 47 in Donetsk (2001-2006);
- Donetsk High School №70 (2006-2012).
- Bachelor – Donetsk National Technical University (2012-2016)
Specialty – “Systems of technical protection of information with limited access, automation of its processing”
- Master – Donetsk National Technical University (2016-2018)
Specialty – “Information security”
Average score
| 94 out of 100 points
- Russian – native
- Ukrainian – perfectly
- English – technical level
Personal achievements
Diplomas and certificates:
- KYIV SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS has the honor of awarding this certificate to Olena Konishchva for participation in the final round of the NATIONAL STUDENT OLYMPIAD ECONOMICS, 11.04.2014, Kyiv.
- Сертифікат переможця І туру та фіналіста студентської олімпіади з кількісних методів в економіці 12.02.2016, м. Киев.
- Международная студенческая цифровая олимпиада «3К», Промышленная олимпиада имени С.П. Королева. Финалист по направлению «Электроника», г. Москва, 2015 г.
I took part in conferences of a different level. There are publications, including Scopus.
Hobbies and interests
| Computer games, books in the genre of fantasy, playing musical instruments, sports.
Personal qualities
| Responsibility, diligence, purposefulness, creativity, ability to act actively in a stressful situation.
Professional and computer skills
- Graphics: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom;
- Web: HTML, CSS;
- Specialized and mathematical packages: 3D Компас,Ansoft HFSS, mmana, LabView, System Veiw;
- OS: Windows;
- Office: MS Office, Open Office.
Additional courses, internships, grants
Future plans
| Graduation of a master's degree
Contact information
| e-mail