Protection of any object includes several boundaries, the number of which depends on the level of regime of the object. In all cases, an important control system will be an access control system (ACS) for the facility.
When implementing specific access control systems, various methods and implementations are used to identify and authenticate the individual [1].
Correct use of telecommunications access control system (TACS) allows you to close unauthorized access to the territory, the building, separate floors and rooms. At the same time, they do not create obstacles for the passage of personnel and visitors to the zones permitted for them.
Traditional methods of personal identification, based on the use of passwords or material carriers, such as pass, passport, driver's license, do not always meet modern security requirements [16].
The solution of the problem of accurate identification of a person can be the use of radio–frequency identification systems.
Radio frequency identification has several advantages over other identification technologies. The biggest advantage of radio frequency identification is that the distance at which identification data can be received and recorded varies up to several tens of meters [17].
The aim of the work is to study RFID–technology for organization of access to objects using telecommunication technologies. To achieve this goal, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Conduct an analysis of modern wireless technologies in order to identify their advantages and disadvantages in the organization of access control.
2. To develop a methodology for constructing a typical architecture of a telecommunications access network to an object.
3. Develop an algorithm to ensure the work of TACS.
4. Simulate the simulation of segments of a wireless telecommunications network for the purpose of analyzing network characteristics.
As part of the master's study, it is planned to develop a methodology for constructing a typical architecture of a telecommunications network for access to an object using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. This technique will solve the problem of precise identification of the person at the entrance / exit to the object without the need for direct visibility of the person who has an RFID tag and with the required reading range.
The supposed scientific novelty consists in developing a technique for constructing a typical architecture of a TACS to an object by analyzing and selecting the characteristics of the range of RFID technology.
RFID systems basically consist of four elements: RFID tags, RFID readers, antennas and the choice of radio frequency characteristics, as well as the computer that is used to connect the readers and process data from them.
The tag is the main building block of RFID. Each tag consists of an antenna and a small chip that contains a radio receiver, a radio modulator to send a response back to the reader, control logic, some memory, and a power system.
The RFID reader can be broken down into several basic elements or subsystems:
The RFID reader sends a radio pulse to the tag and listens to the response of the tag. The tag detects this energy and sends a response that contains the serial number of the tag and, possibly, other information.
Dynamic Figure 1 shows the principle of RFID technology in the access control system.
Figure 1 – the principle of RFID technology in the access control system
(animation: 17 frames, 8 repetition cycles, 61.2 kilobytes)
Antennas are the third main component in the RFID system. They can vary considerably depending on the functionality, application and base operating frequency. Like any antenna, the RFID antenna conforms to the basic rules of any antenna system.
There are a number of parameters and definitions for RFID antennas:
The main controller is usually a desktop or laptop computer located next to the reader. This controller has two main functions. First, it receives data from readers and performs data processing, such as filtering and sorting. Secondly, it serves as a monitor for the device, which ensures that the reader is working correctly, reliably and with the latest instructions [8].
One of the main parameters of RFID systems is the range. In inductive or capacitive systems operating in the near zone of the field, the range of action is low – it reaches units of tens of centimeters. The reason for this is a sharp decrease in the electric strength (inverse cubic dependence) and magnetic (inverse quadratic dependence) fields with the distance in combination with the need to comply with strict requirements for electromagnetic compatibility (regulations) and sanitary standards. At the same time, the possibilities for increasing the range of such systems have practically been exhausted.
The range of RFID systems operating in the far zone of the electromagnetic field, depending on the type of label – chip or chipless, passive or semi–active – can range from one to tens of meters. In comparison with systems of the near zone, the range is increased due to a less sharp (linear) decrease in the intensity of the electromagnetic field. In addition to the positive effect, an increase in the range of action can lead to undesirable consequences. Thus, in particular, an increase in the range of action leads to an expansion of the readout zone of the equipment and may reduce its speed due to the need to resolve collisions of signals from a large number of labels. In addition, electromagnetic compatibility problems with other radio electronic equipment, for example, with closely located readers of other RFID systems, may appear. Consequently, a competent choice of parameters that affect the range of operation can improve the efficiency of RFID systems as a whole [2],[5].
In this paper, the RFID technology was briefly discussed, the purpose and tasks are described. The issue of the range of the RFID system was also considered.
When writing this essay, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: June 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
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7. Корнеев С.В., Рунге А.В. «К вопросу об управлении эффективной поверхностью рассеяния диполей в технологии радиочастотной идентификации». В кн.: Антенны / Под ред. Бахраха Л.Д. Вып. 6. – М.: Радио и связь, 2002.
8. RFID Radio Frequency Identification Technology Tutorial [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
9. Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology and Measurements [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
10. Технологии ШК и RFID [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
11. О технологии радиочастотной идентификации RFID [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://it -
12. История развития технологии RFID в США [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
13. История и Развитие RFID [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
14. Какое будущее ждет RFID технологию в России? [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
15. Технология радичастотной идентификации (RFID). Перспективы использования и возникающие проблемы [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
16. Выбор и применение систем контроля и управления доступом [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа:
17. Разработка системы контроля и управления доступом к охраняемым объектам [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: