When writing this аbstract, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion June 2018 . The full text of the work and materials can be obtained from the author or his advisor after this date.
- Introduction
- 1. Statement of the problem
- 2. Famous Scientists and Developers
- 3. Advanced technologies
- 4. Disadvantages of development and ways to solve thema
- Conclusion
- References
Intellectual systems are widely used in modern society. The creation of new technologies does not bypass the road traffic. There was a need to improve the conditions of roads to reduce the risk of getting into traffic accidents all road users. All vehicles (from bicycles to trucks) are developed.
1. Statement of the problem
The problem of road safety is becoming more urgent every day. Nowadays, road transport is one of the most important factors that affects the state and development of the state's economy. Reducing the number of road accidents is one of the main tasks, which includes three components: the driver, the car and the road. To solve the whole problem, it is necessary to improve all components. But the main role belongs to the driver, who is able to direct all the processes on the road. In connection with the increase in the intensity of traffic flows, full control leads to an increasing physiological and mental load on the driver, which also leads to an increase in traffic accidents. That is why there was a need to facilitate the work of the driver with the help of additional devices.
The potential of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the development of today's technology is huge. With the help of ITS there is a reduction in travel time and ensuring road safety, reducing traffic jams, as well as improving the performance of the traffic system and the efficiency of using car fuel can attract economic benefits to all road users.
Intelligent road technologies cover directly roads, environment, pedestrians, road transport, etc. All this is one single technological system of development.

Figure 1 – Scheme of the system of intelligent roads
As for cars, the road transport market continues to develop intensively, which allows to increase the level of comfort and safety. Thus, automotive companies began developing and implementing Smart devices or Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) [1].
Despite the fact that these systems have different purposes, they are all aimed at improving the transport situation on the roads. The basis of all systems of this kind are subsystems that provide planning and testing the trajectory of the car in automatic mode. Also one of the tasks that have the highest priority is the development of active safety systems [2].
Unfortunately, at the current moment in the field of intellectualization of highways the technologies have not reached the maximum development, so we have something to strive for. In the near future, many innovations are expected to help bring science to a new level.
2. Famous Scientists and Developers
Science does not stand still. The problem of road transport is also given a lot of research. Thanks to new developments, intelligent transport systems technologies are reaching a new level.
Great contribution to the current developments made by foreign and domestic scientists and researchers. Among foreign: Jennifer Dang (Development of electronic stability control of the car, control of the car in all driving situations.), Sebastian Silvani and Douglas Skorubsky (Development of technology of foundation brakes and modern brake control systems.), Hamming R. In.. Among domestic: Klyuev V. V., Parkhomenko P. P. (Application of computers in production.), Kagan B. M., Shibanov G. P. and etc.
3. Advanced technologies
Modern road transport is becoming more computerized. The automobile industry is introducing more and more new technologies, which allows users to ease their lives.
A lot of companies are engaged in the development of smart
cars, as well as
intelligent traffic systems. Examples of such companies are: Volvo,
Google Mobile, Hyundai Motor Company, Infocom LTD, Audi, etc.
Let's consider each of them in more detail.
Infocom LTD
The company Infocom LTD
from Zaporozhye announced the first domestic pilot
Pilotdrive. He without direct participation of the driver is able to send
the car from point A to point B along the optimal route.
Pilotdrive is a system of unmanned vehicle control, which can be installed
on any type of transport –cargo, passenger, personal car.
[3] Infocom
imports the hardware for developments, but with the software part is managing
independently, on its own. Pilotdrive is externally recognizable.
On the car installed cameras, sensors, radar and thermal imager.
With their help, the car is able to navigate the way.
Appearance of the Ukrainian unmanned vehicle is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Appearance of the car with the Pilotdrive system
Autopilot recognizes road marking, its width, can navigate in off–road conditions. The sensors of the drones have coverage 360°, which excludes the appearance of blind zones. Sensory systems recognize road signs, pedestrians and even animals, which running out into the roadway. The reaction of the car to the obstacle is immediate [3].
The company Infocom LTD
developed a product for local roads,
which can not be said about foreign developments.
The car's sensor systems are protected from rain and fog.
The Pilotdrive monitoring system displays the complete information about the
location, direction of travel, the distance traveled,
the speed at any stage of the traffic, the real fuel consumption,
the efficiency of all control systems by the smart car
The control and monitoring system is equipped with a special WINCC OA platform (see fig. 3), which creates a human–machine interface. This platform, from Siemens, is used in most cases in industrial automation, and this implementation is a kind of unique project that provides all the available information for passengers and the driver.

Figure 3 – WINCC OA Monitoring System
Infocom is developing an unmanned ground vehicle (BNTS) for use as military equipment. This will ensure the minimization of risks and the preservation of life in emergency situations.
The company plans for 2017 to develop a number of innovations that will improve the efficiency of the UAV, including the positioning system without GPS, and the radio silence mode [4].
Google has developed a new unmanned vehicle. This project is implemented by the Google X lab.
The system uses information collected by the Google Street View service, a video camera, a LIDAR sensor mounted on the roof, radar in the front of the car and a sensor [5].
In 2010, Google began testing its cars that were equipped with such a system. In real conditions, without human participation, the car drove about 1600 km completely autonomously and another 225308 km with partial human participation [5]. These developments will help reduce the number of accidents, and the number of deaths.
In 2012, Google reported significant progress. The developed car has already traveled more than 480 thousand kilometers with minimal human participation. As a consequence, the company reduced the number of crew to one person. Google also announced that it has replenished the fleet of unmanned vehicles with a hybrid crossover Lexus RX450h. They are necessary for testing the system in areas with complex terrain [5].
At the end of May 2014, Google introduced a new sample of an unmanned vehicle. This development has no rudder, no gas and brake pedals, and is 100% autonomous.
September 1, 2016, a group of developers from Google In. patented the way to recognize flashing beacons of emergency vehicles [5].
In May 2016, Google and Fiat Chrysler signed a cooperation agreement with the goal of producing 100 self–governing Chrysler Pacifica. Cars will increase the number of seats, as well as will be equipped with a hybrid engine.
Experts from Google are gradually implementing the following steps on the way to automatic management of vehicles [6]:
- Informing the driver without interception of control.
- Interception of control in case of emergency.
- Possibility of limited control transfer (automated mode).
- The possibility of complete transfer of management on the initiative of the driver.
- Fully automatic car.
Much has already been implemented by the company's developers, but has not been released.
Hyundai Motor Company
The demand for intelligent transport systems in South Korea,
with a fairly high level of IT technology, is increasing at the same pace as
the rest of the world. Therefore, the Korean automobile corporation Hyundai Motor
Company does not lag behind in the development of modern motor transport.
She announced the introduction of ultra–modern OS.
The system is designed for intelligent
machines Connected Cars.
This software will enable you to exchange data at high speeds.
The developers said that without the platform being created it is impossible to
develop and operate the machines in the near future. CCOS will allow to
manage on–board, infotainment and communication systems.
The release of the first Hyundai cars, which will operate using the CCOS
platform, was announced at the beginning of the next decade. Until 2020,
the company plans to conduct various tests to check the consistency of the
elements of the system [7].
The company also develops a concept car, which is equipped with a CCOS platform. It will test the performance of Connected Cars functions. One of these features is automatic software update, created to make changes to the system through a wireless network without visiting service centers.
Together with the American company Cisco, Hyundai Motor Company is developing the original technology of the auto–network. In the future, this will help develop an intelligent road system. Such initiatives are aimed at the rapid development and improvement of the life of the Korean automotive manufacturer's cliques.
In addition to developing and testing CCOS, Hyundai is also involved in the
development of other technologies for intelligent
At the same time, auto–applications for gadgets and "smart" houses,
autonomous driving, intelligent remote maintenance and traffic analysis do
not stand aside [7].
Hyundai Motor Company introduced an immersive reality simulator at the Seoul Motor Show, where visitors can drive without a driver. A virtual trip to the standalone IONIQ shows how the latest piloting tools allow the car to move safely without the driver's involvement in the most difficult traffic situations [8].

Figure 4 – Development of Hyundai Motor Company
The developments of this company are as important for advanced technologies as for the development of other companies. The company is engaged in self–filling cars, which do not need to stop at petrol stations. The system, introduced into cars, allows filling without driver participation. When the fuel gauge in the tank approaches the red mark, the car notifies the mobile refueling station using one–time access codes to the fuel tank [10].
Volvo sets itself the task of comfort and safety, which is trying to
successfully implement. The company recently reported that it teaches cars
to interact with each other. One of the features of the system is the
notification of drivers about the departure of two connected cars to the
incoming lane in the blind
zone (Fig. 5) [10].

Figure 5 – Interaction of vehicles in the blind
4. Disadvantages of development and ways to solve them
Modern technological developments in the field of intelligent automotive systems have a number of their shortcomings as well as all advanced technologies. The first development of such systems is aimed at improving the vehicle, which entails an improvement in comfort for all road users. But such developments are not always available, which is one of the main drawbacks. It entails a number of other necessary improvements for automotive intelligent systems. The developed mathematical models are not fully improved and require modifications that would be more standardized.
Developers of automotive intelligent systems try to provide models with the latest developments, but not always caring about the price. To ensure price diversity, it is necessary to use not only expensive but also cheaper equipment that will provide minimum requirements for this system and will not be overloaded with extra functionality. Also, the use of existing sensors will reduce the accumulation of a common system with unnecessary equipment. For new models, it is necessary to develop optimal mathematical models that provide the entire spectrum of the provided functional.
In the course of the preparatory work, the analysis of existing solutions of the tasks was carried out, shortcomings in current developments were identified and analyzed.
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