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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Aleksandr Garanzha
Date of birth Jun 22, 1994
Place of birth Horlovka
Schools 2001-2012 – Horlovskaya gymnasia "Intellect", city of Horlovka
Universities 2012-2016 – Donetsk national technical University, faculty of computer science and technology, Department of computer monitoring systems, training direction "Computer Sciences", specialization "Programming of media systems and computer design", bachelor
2016 – Donetsk national technical University, faculty of computer science and technology, Department of computer modeling and design, specialization "Computer modeling and design", master
2016-2018 - Donetsk National Technical University, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Master of Public Administration, specialization "State and Municipal Administration", Master's program, in absentia
Average score 4.43
  • Russian (fluent);
  • Ukrainian (fluent);
  • English (free);
  • German (base)
Personal achievements
  • 2012-2017 – the Head of sport comission of primary trade Union organization of the faculty of computer Sciences and technologies;
  • 2013 – the Head of sport comission of the primary trade Union organization of students of DonNTU
  • 2017 - Winner of the awarding ceremony For the case in the nomination For sporting business
Hobbies and interests Football, computer design, technics, cars
Personal qualities Purposefulness, responsibility, diligence
Professional and computer skills
  1. Operating system: Windows XP/7/8.
  2. programming Languages: C#, C/C++, JavaScript, PHP.
  3. modeling Languages and descriptions: UML.
  4. Internet technology: HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap.
  5. Graphics packages: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, DTP program Adobe Indesign.
  6. Mathematical and statistical programs: MATLAB, Simulink, MathCad, Statistica.
Future plans Diploma of master of DonNTU, the improvement of knowledge in the field of information technologies and implement yourself as an expert
Contact information Å-mail: garazh94@gmail.com