- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Purpose, objectives of the study, planned results
- 3. Review of research and development
- 4. Features of the extended 3D-model MIDREX based on design and technological characteristics
- Conclusions
- List of sources
Modeling is a universally means of understanding reality. Modeling allows us to explore the essence of complex processes and phenomena using experiments not with a real system, but with its model. It is known that to make a reasonable decision on the organization of the system, it is not necessary to know all the characteristics of the system, it is always sufficient to analyze its simplified, approximate representation.
1. Relevance of the topic
3D modeling plays a very important role in the modern world. Today it is widely used in various fields, for example, in marketing, architecture, education, industry, medicine, etc. 3D modeling allows creating a prototype of a future building, commercial product and various other objects in a volumetric format. Also important role 3D modeling plays in the presentation and demonstration of a product or service.
Another area of research addressed in this paper is metallurgy. Metallurgy is one of the foundations of industry in our region, therefore consideration of advanced metallurgical technologies is a priority and urgent for the Donbass. One of these new perspective technologies is direct solid-phase reduced iron (DRI) in a mine-type furnace using a reducing gas obtained by converting natural gas in a specially designed reformer. This technology has appeared recently, but has already become widespread in the world. Now, in connection with the fall in world prices for natural gas, interest in direct reduced iron technology has increased.
2. Purpose, objectives of the study, planned results
The target of the work is the development of the optimal dynamic 3D model of direct reduced iron facility MIDREX type based on the research of its design and technological characteristics.
To accomplish a given target, we need to solve the following tasks:
- to choose the way and means to implement the 3D model;
- to investigate the structural and technological characteristics of the facility;
- to build a 3D model;
- to choose the development environment for numerical calculations;
- to integrate the developed 3D-model into the chosen development environment;
- to create an animation of 3D-model;
- to perform numerical calculations of technological parameters.
Thus, as a result of the work, it is planned to obtain a dynamic 3D model of the MIDREX type facility taking into account the design and technological characteristics.
3. Review of research and development
Today, there are a large number of 3D models of various objects. This concerns both to those around us in everyday life things, and various equipment.
However, despite the huge inventory of existing 3D models, three-dimensional model of direct reduced iron facility has not been found, only its scheme.
4. Features of the extended 3D-model MIDREX based on design and technological characteristics
As a result of the bachelor's work, the basic three-dimensional dynamic model of direct reduced iron facility MIDREX type was created. The model was built using Autodesk 3ds Max (formerly 3D Studio MAX), a full-featured professional software system for creation and editing 3D graphics and animation. For convenience, MAXScript was used, it is the built-in scripting language for 3D modeling package Autodesk 3ds Max, designed to automate routine tasks, optimize the use of existing functionality, create new editing tools and user interface.
The result of building the basic dynamic 3D model is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Basic dynamic 3D model of a MIDREX facility
In the master's work, it will be taken as a basis for the extended model. The extended model consists of more objects, and it is also planned to make it more realistic.
Figure 2 shows the schematic of the extended MIDREX facility model.

Figure 2 – Scheme of the extended MIDREX facility model
In the scheme, the following zones of the shaft furnace of the facility are indicated by the numbers 1-5:
- 1 – zone of heoting and reduction of higher iron oxydes;
- 2 – zone of FeO reduction;
- 3 – autoreforming zone;
- 4 – transition zone;
- 5 – cooling vessel.
In the developed model it is necessary to take into account not only the modifications of the facility, but also the technologies associated with it. It should be borne in mind that technological parameters are needed along the flow of material flows (both gas and solid).
Automation of the previous model was carried out using the MaxScript scripting language. However, it is worth noting that the task of calculating technological parameters is complex, multi-parameter and requires intensive calculations. It is based on balanced ratios for material and energy flows, taking into account the thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions occurring inside the plant. MaxScript does not have enough capabilities to solve this problem. In this regard, it was decided to use a high-level language for calculations and the OpenGL API for geometric and dynamic modeling. It is assumed that the OpenGL extensions will be used for reading and parsing the 3ds Max model in order to use the previous developments.
When choosing a graphic API, OpenGL and DirectX were compared.
As a result, OpenGL was chosen according to the following criteria:
- stability;
- reliability and portability;
- ease of use.
Then the development environment was chosen, it was decided to use Delphi in the work.
Delphi is OOP, an object-oriented programming language that allows you to drastically reduce the development time of programs and significantly improve their quality [12].
In the course of research work, materials on the theme of master's work were found and analyzed.
The following means of implementing the assigned tasks were selected:
- 3ds Max and the scripting language MaxScript to create a three-dimensional model;
- OpenGL API for geometric and dynamic modeling;
- Delphi for numerical calculations.
At the time of writing this essay, the master's work is not yet complete. Estimated completion date: May 2018. The full text of the work, as well as materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
List of sources
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