Swarm Intelligence and Image Segmentation

Sara Saatchi and Chih-Cheng Hung

Swarm Intelligence: Focus on Ant and Particle Swarm Optimization, Book edited by: Felix T. S. Chan and Manoj.

1. Introduction

Image segmentation plays an essential role in the interpretation of various kinds of images. Image segmentation techniques can be grouped into several categories such as edge-based segmentation, region-oriented segmentation, histogram thresholding, and clustering algorithms (Gonzalez & Woods, 1992). The aim of a clustering algorithm is to aggregate data into groups such that the data in each group share similar features while the data clusters are being distinct from each other.
The K-means algorithm is a widely used method used for finding the structure of data (Tou & Gonzalez 1974). This unsupervised clustering technique has a strong tendency to get stuck into local minima when finding an optimal solution. Therefore, clustering results are heavily dependent on the initial cluster centers distribution. Hence, the search for good initial parameters is a challenging issue and the clustering algorithms require a great deal of experimentation to determine the input parameters for the optimal or suboptimal clustering results.
Competitive learning model introduced in (Rumelhart & Zipser, 1986) is an interesting and powerful learning algorithm which can be used in unsupervised training for image classification (Hung, 1993). Simple Competitive Learning (SCL), shows stability over different run trials but this stable result is not always the global optima. In fact, in some cases the SCL converges to local optima over all run trials and the learning rate needs to be adjusted in the course of experimentation so that the global optimization can be achieved.
There are a number of techniques, developed for optimization, inspired by the behaviours of natural systems (Pham & Karaboga, 2000). Swarm intelligence (SI) including Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) introduced in (Dorigo et al., 1996) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) introduced in (Kennedy & Eberhart, 1995) has been introduced in the literature as an optimization technique. There are several SI approaches for data clustering in the literature which use clustering techniques such as K-means algorithm. In most of these approaches ACO or PSO are used to obtain the initial cluster centers for the K-means algorithm. We propose a hybrid algorithm which combines SI with K-means. We also use the same method to combine SI with SCL.
Our aim is to make segmentation results of both K-means and SCL less dependent on the initial cluster centers and learning rate respectively. Hence, their results are more accurate and stabilized by employing the ACO and PSO optimization techniques. This improvement is due to the larger search space provided by these techniques. In addition, our methodology of considering both spatial and spectral features of the image helps to produce results with improved accuracy.
We have integrated the K-means and simple competitive learning algorithms with ACO in (Saatchi & Hung, 2005) and (Saatchi & Hung, 2006) respectively. In this paper we will study the hybridization of PSO with each of the K-means and the SCL algorithms. A thorough comparison study on ACO-K-means, PSO-K-means, ACO-SCL, PSO-SCL, K-means and SCL algorithms will also be provided.

2. Clustering Algorithms

2.1 K-means

The K-means algorithm, first introduced in (McQueen, 1967), is an is an unsupervised clustering algorithm which partitions a data set into a certain number of clusters. The K- means algorithm is based on the minimization of a performance index which is defined as the sum of the squared distances from all points in a cluster domain to the cluster center (Tou & Gonzalez, 1974). First K random initial cluster centers are chosen. Then, each sample is assigned to a cluster based on the minimum distance to the cluster centers. Finally cluster centers are updated to the average of the values in each cluster. This is repeated until cluster centers no longer change. Steps in the K-Means algorithm are:

Step 1: Initialize K initial cluster centers randomly.

Step 2: For each pixel, calculate the distance to the cluster centers and assign the pixel to a cluster which has the minimum distance to its center.

Step 3: Calculate the average of the pixel values in each cluster and take them as new cluster centers.

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until new cluster centers converge to the previous ones.

The K-means algorithm tends to find the local minima rather than the global minima. Therefore, it is heavily influenced by the choice of initial cluster centers and the distribution of data. Most of the time the results become more acceptable when initial cluster centers are chosen relatively far apart since the main clusters in a given data are usually distinguished in such a way. If the main clusters in a given data are too close to one another in the feature space, the K-means algorithm fails to recognize these clusters. For its improvement the K- means algorithm needs to be enhanced with the optimization technique in order to be less dependent on a given data set and initial cluster centers.

2.2 Simple Competitive Learning

Competitive learning model introduced by Rumelhart and Zipser in (Rumelhart & Zipser, 1986) is an interesting and powerful learning algorithm which can be used in unsupervised training for image classification (Hung, 1993). Several different competitive learning algorithms have been proposed by neural network researchers. These algorithms are capable of detecting various features represented in input signals. They have been applied in several different areas such as graph bipartitioning, vector quantization, etc (Hertz & Krogh, 1991). In this section the unsupervised simple competitive learning will be briefly presented.
The neural network models are characterized by the topology, activation function and learning rules. The topology of the simple competitive learning algorithm can be represented as a one-layered output neural net. Each input node is connected to each output node. The number of input nodes is determined by the dimension of the training patterns. Unlike the output nodes in the Kohonen�s feature map, there is no particular geometrical relationship between the output nodes in the simple competitive learning. In the following development, a 2-D one-layered output neural net will be used. During the process of training, the input vectors are fed into the network sequentially in time. The �trained� classes are represented by the output nodes and the center of each class is stored in the connection weights between input and output nodes. The following algorithm outlines the operation of the simple competitive learning as applied to unsupervised training in (Hung, 1993); Let
L denote the dimension of the input vectors, which for us is the number of spectral bands. We assume that a 2-D (N x N) output layer is defined for the algorithm, where N is chosen so that the expected number of the classes is less than or equal to N2.

Step 1: Initialize weights wij(t) (i = 1, �, L and j = 1, �, N x N) to small random values. Steps 2 to 5 are repeated for each pixel in the training data set for each iteration.

Step 2: Present an input pixel X (t) = (x1,�, xL) at time t.

Step 3: Compute the distance dj between xi and each output node using

where i, j, L, wij and xi are similarly defined as in steps 1 and 2.

Step 4: Select an output node j* which has the minimum distance. This node is called the best matching unit (BMU) or the winning node.

Step 5: Update weights of the winning node j* using

where Ʀ(t) is a monotonically slowly decreasing function of t and its value is between 0 and 1.

Step 6: Select a subset of these N2 output nodes as classes.

SCL shows stability over different run trials but this stable result is not always the global optima. In fact, in some cases the SCL converges to local optima over all run trials and the learning rate needs to be adjusted in the course of experimentation so that the global optimization can be achieved.

3. Swarm Intelligence

There are a number of techniques, developed for optimization, inspired by the behaviours of natural systems (Pham & Karaboga, 2000). In this study, we employ swarm intelligence, a natural optimization technique for optimizing both K-means and SCL algorithms.

3.1 Ant Colony Optimization

The ACO heuristic is inspired by the foraging behaviour of a real ant colony in finding the shortest path between the nest and the food. This is achieved by a deposited and accumulated chemical substance called pheromone by the passing ant which moves towards the food. In its searching the ant uses its own knowledge of where the smell of the food comes from (we call it as heuristic information) and the other ants� decision of the path toward the food (pheromone information). After it decides its own path, it confirms the path by depositing its own pheromone making the pheromone trail denser and more probable to be chosen by other ants. This is a learning mechanism ants possess besides their own recognition of the path. As a result of t this consultation with the ants� behaviors already shown in searching for the food and returning to the nest, the best path which is the shortest is marked between the location of the nest and the location of the food.

Figure 1. Ants finding the shortest path around an obstacle as a result of pheromone concentration

It was reported in the literature (Dorigo et al, 1996) that the experiments show when the ants have two or more fixed paths with the same length available from a nest to the food, they eventually concentrate on one of the paths and when the available paths are different in length they often concentrate on the shortest path. This is shown in Figure 1, when an obstacle is placed on the established path of ants, they first wander around the obstacle randomly. The ants going on a shorter path reach the food and return back to the nest more quickly. After a certain amount of time, the shorter path will be reinforced by pheromone. This path eventually becomes the preferred path of the ants (Zheng et al., 2003).
ACO uses this learning mechanism for the optimization. Furthermore, in the ACO algorithm, the pheromone level is updated based on the best solution obtained by a number of ants. The pheromone amount that is deposited by the succeeding ant is defined to be proportional to the quality of the solution it produces. For the real ants as shown in Figure 1, the best solution is the shortest path and it is marked with a strong pheromone trail. In the shortest path problem using the ACO algorithm, the pheromone amount deposited is inversely proportional to the length of the path.
In their research, Dorigo et al (1996) took the ant system as a colony of cooperating agents for solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Considering the short path problem, suppose for any pair of nodes
Vi and Vj on the graph G, there is a connection cost attached to the edge (Vi, Vj) and the pheromone trail and heuristic information are stored on the edge.
The goal of an ACO heuristic is then to find the shortest path on graph G. In ACO heuristic,
m artificial ants are normally used to find the best solution. Suppose an ant k is in vertex Vi at certain step i during its search process. This ant selects the connection with the probability (Dorigo et al., 1996):

where Pkij is the probability of ant k choosing the path (Vi, Vj) from Vi. Parameters Uij and Ljij are the pheromone and heuristic information assigned to the edge (Vi, Vj) respectively, ǂ and ! are constants that determine the relative influence of the pheromone and heuristic information, and allowedk(t, I) is the set of vertices which is allowed to be visited according to problem constraints.

Then ant k moves and deposits a pheromone on the trail, which is defined below:

where Q is a positive constant and Lk is the cost of the path used by ant k. After all m ants completed their path finding, the pheromone on each edge is updated according to the following formula:

where o is the evaporation factor (0 1) which causes the earlier pheromones vanish over the iterations. Therefore, as the solution becomes better, the corresponding pheromone have more effect on the next solution rather than the earlier pheromones which correspond to the initial undesired solutions found.

This pheromone information will be a guide for the new set of ants. Each time, the current best solution is saved, and this process will be repeated until a termination criterion is met.

3.2 Particle Swarm Optimization

The PSO algorithm is inspired by the group behavior of schools of fish, flocks of birds and swarms of insects. As an example, birds are likely to find food in flocks, without knowing its location in advance. It seems that members of the flock buildup their intuition in order to find their nutriment. As sociobiologist E. O. Wilson (Wilson, 1975) has written, in reference to fish schooling, �In theory at least, individual members of the school can profit from the discoveries and previous experience of all other members of the school during the search for food. This advantage can become decisive, outweighing the disadvantages of competition for food items, whenever the resource is unpredictably distributed in patches.� 

The PSO algorithm consists of a swarm of particles flying through the search space (Kaewkamnerdpong & Bentley, 2005). Each particle�s position is a potential solution to the problem. Each particle�s velocity is modified based on its distance from its personal best position and the global best position. In other words the particles move according to their experience and that of their neighbors which yields to the best fitness value.

The objective function evaluates the positions of the particles. Personal best position (pbest) is then obtained as follows (van der Merwe & Engelbrecht, 2003):

where f is the objective function. The global best position (gbest) is obtained as follows (van der Merwe & Engelbrecht, 2003):

For each iteration of a PSO algorithm, vi and xi are updated as follows (van der Merwe & Engelbrecht, 2003):

where u is the inertia weight which serves as a memory of previous velocities. The inertia weight controls the impact of the previous velocity. The cognitive component, yi(t)�xi represents the particle�s own experience as to where the best solution is. The social component, Ɛ(t) � xi represents the belief of the entire swarm as to where the best solution is. c1 and c2 are acceleration constants and r1(t) , r2(t) ~ U(0,1) ,where U(0,1) is a random number between 0 and 1.

The PSO algorithm is repeated until a termination criterion is reached or the changes in velocity get near to zero. A fitness function is used to evaluate the optimality of the solution. The following algorithm outlines a PSO based image classification (Omran et al., 2002). In this algorithm, a single particle xi represents N cluster means such that xi=(mi1,...,mij,,miN) where mij represents the j-th cluster centroid vector of the i-th particle. Therefore, a swarm represents a number of candidate cluster centers. The fitness of each set of cluster is measured using:

where zmax=2s -1 for an s-bit image; Z is a matrix representing the assignment of pixels to clusters of particle i. Each element zijp indicates if pixel zp belongs to cluster Cij of particle i. The constants w1 and w2 are user defined constants. Also,

is the minimum Euclidean distance between any pair of clusters. The algorithm is as follows:

Step 1: Initialize cluster centers for each particle randomly.

Step 2: For each particle, assign each pixel to a cluster that has the minimum distance to its cluster center.

Step 3: Calculate the fitness function for each particle and find the global best solution. Step 4: Update the cluster centers using Eqs. (8) and (9).

Step 5: Repeat the procedure until the stopping criterion is reached.

4. Conclusion

Experimental results showed that SI techniques can improve the K-means and the SCL algorithms in recognizing the clusters. The K-means algorithm often fails to realize clusters since it is heavily dependent on the initial cluster centers. The ACO-K-means and PSO-K- means algorithms provides a larger search space compared to the K-means algorithm. By employing these algorithms for clustering, the influence of the improperly chosen initial cluster centers will be diminished over a number of iterations. Therefore, these algorithms are less dependent on randomly chosen initial seeds and is more likely to find the global optimal solution.

We have also shown that SI can be beneficial to the SCL algorithm. SI can help SCL find the global optima using the same parameter set and learning rate as those used in the SCL and recognize the clusters where the SCL fails to do, in some cases. This can be advantageous since for SCL to find the global optima the learning rate should be adjusted in the course of experimentation.

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