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In recent years, a completely new understanding of the main goal of education has been formed in society. The teacher should first of all think about the formation of the student's ability to self-development and self-realization.

Ushinsky K. D. to the basic didactic principles included: consciousness and activity of training; visibility; sequence; strength of knowledge and skills. These principles are still fundamental in education today.

Visual methods are those in which the assimilation of the necessary material depends significantly on the use of visual aids, as well as the technical means used in this process [1]. They are used with verbal and practical methods of instruction, for visual-sensory acquaintance with the described processes, objects, phenomena.

1. Theme urgency

High educational motivation is the key to the success of learning the material and improving the quality of knowledge. The use of visualization is an excellent tool that influences educational motivation. Visibility arouses interest and motivates to activity, promotes transition of educational motivation to a higher level & nbsp; & ndash; internal motivation, which creates the conditions for the emergence of the spirituality of the individual.

Visibility is one of the leading principles of learning. Visibility in teaching contributes to the formation of a representation that correctly reflects the objective reality, and at the same time perceived phenomena, objects and processes are analyzed and generalized in connection with educational tasks [2].

The development and widespread use of computer technology allows teachers to actively use them during the explanation. The use of multimedia technologies will help the teacher to present the material in a more meaningful and easily accessible way, using various multimedia elements. Thanks to the inclusion of digital media elements in the lecture, students gain a better grasp of the material, because they use several sensory senses, which helps to pay more attention to the information presented and better to store this information in memory.

Means and forms of training based on new information technologies become an important component of any learning process. The development of computer technology has influenced the emergence of a new type of educational process - distance learning. Distance learning is provided by the use of a set of such educational technologies in which the interaction of the trainee and the teacher is carried out irrespective of their location and distribution in time on the basis of pedagogically organized telecommunications means [3].

Despite the fact that mainly computer technologies are included in the educational process as a "supportive" means to increase the visibility within the historically established system of education, it is quite obvious that in the future the learning process will be impossible without modern information technologies.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The aim of the work is: research, analysis and development of computer-oriented interactive means of increasing the visual clarity of teaching in the teaching of graphic disciplines for university students.

To accomplish this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Review and analysis of methods and tools of interactive computer-based learning.
  2. Analysis of computer systems as a means of increasing the visibility and improving the quality of teaching graphic disciplines.
  3. Review and analysis of existing means of increasing visibility.
  4. Development of an electronic textbook, using methods and tools to increase the visibility.

Object of research are means of increase of visibility.

The subject of the research is the determination of the optimal methods and means of increasing the visibility of the teaching of graphic disciplines.

3. Methodology for increasing visibility

The process of teaching students involves the transfer of knowledge from teachers to students. Various forms of transmission of this knowledge are known. From the methodological point of view, these forms are combined into three methods of mutual communication between the instructor (teacher) and the trainees (students) [4]. It:

The first method involves an authoritarian form of interaction, when students listen to the teacher, outline information following it in the form of text or images. Feedback of the teacher and students is carried out through quizzes and works. Such a method does not develop the independent thinking of students.

The second method involves the activity of each student, not just the teacher, the lack of authoritarian pressure and control and control measures on his part, the students and the teacher are on an equal footing. Students actively ask questions, express their opinions, are not passive participants in the class.

At present, in connection with the development of computer communication tools, the interactive method of teaching has been widely developed. It involves a multifaceted interaction of the learning and learning sides. It is built on the student's interaction with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as the field of experience to be learned. Compared with traditional teaching in an interactive method, the interaction between the teacher and the student changes: the activity of the teacher gives way to the activity of the students, and the teacher's task is to create conditions for their initiative.

In modern interactive learning, a significant role is played by computer-based learning and visual aids.

There are such categories of training facilities:

Graphs and charts simplify the perception and facilitate the perception of the text by a person. Sometimes, several schemes are sufficient to understand the meaning of the project on several pages.

Rapid development of 3-D graphics – scientific visualization was formed into an independent branch of science, incorporating the foundations of differential calculus, geometry, programming. The transition to 3D technology has transformed graphics from a presentation tool into a powerful method of solving scientific problems. Three-dimensional visualization can be widely used for educational systems in various fields of science. Training using three-dimensional models is very visual and allows you to diversify the forms of presentation of material and increase the interest of the listener.

The methodology of modern teaching using computer graphics and audiovisual tools should focus on future and modern technologies, including the trends in the development of ways to use information and computer tools and technologies. In the modern methodology, of course, the necessary technical conditions, software and user requirements that create conditions for accessing digital graphics and computer design should be presented. But more importantly, the composition of educational and methodological complexes should initially be built to upgrade and integrate them with a dynamic change in the information resource.

The foundation of modern engineering activities are competencies in the field of modern CAD programs that allow creating virtual parametric models of solid objects. Hence the section "Computer Graphics" has a practical focus of the modern process of teaching graphic disciplines, and in the training program it is presented by the obligatory laboratory practice. This type of educational activity assumes the organization of initial instrumental training of trainees, so that further independent work of students on educational projects is more approximate to professional actions. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the development of an effective methodology for the formation of students' initial work skills in graphical environments. With limited time allocated in the training program for laboratory classes in a computer class, it is important for students to give operational installations the use of the main spectrum of the editor's capabilities in graphical constructions, to prepare recommendations on rational algorithms for designing 3D objects, to demonstrate computer-assisted variational methods of solving geometric modeling problems [5].

To increase the efficiency of the submission and perception of the material, it is planned to develop an electronic textbook with a visual step-by-step construction of models, transformation of spatial models into diagrams, guidance on performing demonstration tasks. In fig. 1 provides a diagram of the preparation of visibility in graphic disciplines in the form of an electronic textbook.

The scheme for creating visibility in graphic disciplines

Figure 1 – The scheme for creating visibility in graphic disciplines
(animation: 7 frames, 7 cycles of repeating, 14 KB)

The development of such teaching aids using modern information technologies will improve the efficiency of not only lecture and laboratory classes, but also organize independent work of students. To this end, a knowledge testing and control module should be added to such information systems.


In the course of research work, the subject area of computer systems was thoroughly studied and analyzed, as a means of increasing the visibility and improving the quality of teaching graphic disciplines. A review was made of the theoretical and practical achievements of scientists in the design of electronic multimedia teaching aids and knowledge control. The functional, the interface of these programs are analyzed in detail and their analysis is performed.

Conclusions were made about the low quality of the graphic part of such software products. To further work on the diploma project, the task was to develop means for increasing the visibility in the teaching of graphic disciplines, and the basic scheme for the preparation of visibility was determined.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: May 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


  1. Наглядные методы обучения: виды, классификация и особенности [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  2. Артемов В.А. Психология наглядности при обучении // М.: Просвещение, 1998, 176 с.
  3. Вздорнова Л. С. Применение информационных технологий обучения и совершенствование системы профессиональной подготовки специалистов железнодорожного транспорта [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  4. Хрящев В. Г., Морозова Н. В., Суркова Н. Г. Способы активной и интерактивной подготовки студентов технического вуза по инженерной графике // Альманах современной науки и образования Тамбов: Грамота, 2016. № 6 (108). c. 106 – 111.
  5. Александрова Е. П., Носов К. Г., Столбова И. Д. Организация графической подготовки студентов на основе информационно-коммуникационных технологий [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: