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In the current socio – economic space, there is an increase in mutual influence, interdependence, interaction of all components of modern society. Economic, political, social, and spiritual processes are increasingly intertwined, the state and society, manufacturing and science, culture and the domestic space are closely cooperating. All this creates difficulties in cognition and forecasting as it is impossible to adequately assess one area of activity regardless of external factors surrounding it. In this master's work, the management of socio – economic systems is considered in the context of modern conditions where much is interconnected, an assessment is made of the state of the socio – economic systems of the region a also recommendations for its improvement.

1. Theme urgency

The relevance of the topic is that the development and well – being of the region and society depends on the literacy of managing socio – economic systems. To succeed, it is just necessary to take into account many factors occurring around and inside, sometimes going far beyond the scope of the activities of managers.

– analysis of external and internal factors that can quantitatively and qualitatively affect their development;

– expression of negative and positive factors;

– determination of direction and creation of a development program;

– implementation of the program.

When implementing the program as well as in its formation, attention should be paid to the surrounding factors, since under the influence of a modern volatile environment, discrepancies may arise with the initial development plan, which as a result can have a negative effect.

Management of regional development of socio – economic systems has a number of features. First of all, this is the sensitivity to changes. Therefore, it is very important to be able to competently and gradually adjust to the conditions of the changing environment, avoiding excessive radicalism. Also, when managing the regional development of SES, it is worth paying attention to internal factors, for example, human, both from the point of view of the population (readiness for change, understanding processes and the status of the region), and so from the point of view of civil servants (the desire for changes, corruption).

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The aim of the work is to analyze the methods of managing the socio – economic development of systems, develop recommendations for the development of SES in the region.

Tasks of work :

  1. Definition of the concept of socio – economic system and its classification.
  2. Analysis of the experience of the management of SES.
  3. Search for the concept of the state policy for the development of SES.
  4. Evaluation of the SES management methodology.
  5. Analysis of SES management in the market conditions of the region.

Research object: the process of managing the socio – economic development of systems.

Research subject:methodological, methodical, information approaches to the management of socio – economic development of systems.

3. Definition "Socio – Economic System" and its classification.

Socio – economic systems are complex structures consisting of economic, production, technical and social structures created in the sphere of production, distribution, exchange and consumer results of human activity..

Socio – economic systems show mankind a system of interaction between productive forces and production relations. Therefore, the criteria for classifying systems inevitably must be determined by the criteria for classifying the two sides of the mode of production – productive forces and production (economic) relations (Table 1)

An approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM

Table 1. Classification of socio – economic systems


As it was said before, the socio – economic system is a complex set of interconnected social and economic institutions, therefore, when analyzing them, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors of interaction between these two systems, the classification of the SES gives a huge benefit, as it allows us to understand the result to which one or another SES

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2011. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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