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Brief resume

Name Anna Brutova
Date of birth June 28, 1994
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2000-2012 years. Lyceum number 71 named. PF Batuly
Universities 2012-2016 years. - Donetsk National Technical University, faculty: engineering and economics, specialty: "Accounting and audit"; baccalaureate
2016-2018 years. - Donetsk National Technical University, faculty: engineering and economics, specialty: "Accounting and audit"; magistracy
Average score 74 (out of 100 for the period of study in a bachelor's degree)
Languages Russian (native), Ukrainian (fluent), English (intermediate level)
Hobbies and interests Literature, cinema, to skate
Personal qualities Purposefulness, responsibility, honesty, sociability, ability to work in a team, aspiration for self-development
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system: Windows XP / 7.
2.Applied areas: Microsoft Office, 1C, Sail
3.Programming languages: HTML
Additional courses, internships, grants 2016 Manicure and nail extension courses
Professional experience 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Production practice at SE "Mine. AF Zasyadko, Assistant Accountant
Future plans Successful defense of master's work. Search for prospective work in the specialty.
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