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The financial result is a universal economic category that takes into account two factors of the main objective of business activity - income and costs.

Successful socio-economic development of each country on the path of market transformation is possible in the conditions of effective functioning of enterprises. Increasing the effectiveness of their activities ensures the growth of the state's economic potential, and vice versa - the emergence of crisis phenomena in individual enterprises negatively affects the economic system as a whole. It is important enough that the level of efficiency of economic activity of any enterprise is characterized by financial results obtained as a result of this activity.

Profit as a positive financial result of the enterprise's activity occupies a special place in the system of market economy. Modern economic thought has not yet formed a holistic concept of the creation and use of profits, whatever would adequately reflect the realities of the existing system of economic management, would help to increase the efficiency of activities. That is why it is relevant to study profits as a positive financial result and a fundamental economic category that has a complex qualitative structure and received new content under the conditions of the transformation of the economic system.

The purpose of the work is to identify areas for improvement of the process of managing the financial results of an enterprise.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified and solved in the work: - the essence of financial results and classification were analyzed; -The indicators characterizing the level of financial results are studied. -determined the main directions of increasing the level of financial results in an industrial enterprise.

The object of the research is the financial results of the activity of an industrial enterprise

The subject of the research is the main stages and stages of the process of managing the financial result at the enterprise.

The theoretical basis of the research is the work of domestic and foreign economists on the management of the financial result of the enterprise. When writing the work, the following methods were used: system analysis; comparison; methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical methods.

During the writing of the work, the current regulatory framework was used: legislative and regulatory acts regulating the activities of enterprises and the conditions for managing the financial result.

The practical significance of the results obtained is a systematic analysis of approaches to managing the financial performance of an enterprise with a view to developing theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for improving the management of the company's financial results, taking into account the current economic conditions.

1. The essence of financial results and classification

One of the key objects of scientific research in the field of economic theory is the financial result, which is a universal category of the indicator of performance. The category "financial results" takes into account both sides of a two-part task: how much is received and at what price. The definition of the essence of financial results in its general economic sense explains them as a result of comparing the revenues of the reporting period with expenses. In turn, incomes are equated to the consumer value of the products produced (works performed, services provided), and costs - to the actual cost (cost). In the case of an effective production and economic activity, financial results are manifested in the form of profits, in the opposite case - in the form of losses.

Profit as the final financial result of the activities of economic entities is formed as a result of the interaction of many components, with both positive and negative significance. As part of the financial result, profits from all types of enterprise activities are taken into account: profit from the sale of products, goods, works and services of a non-commodity nature; profit from the sale of other products, fixed assets, other property and non-tangible assets; profit from operations with securities and currency values; profit from financial transactions; profit (losses) from non-operating transactions.

Thus, for each business entity, profit is a signal that indicates where the greatest increase in value can be achieved, creates an incentive for investing in these areas. Their role is played by losses, they show mistakes and miscalculations in the direction of using funds, organizing production and marketing of products.

2. Indicators characterizing the level of financial results

The mechanism of profit management is built taking into account the close relationship of this indicator with the indicators of the volume of sales of products, incomes and costs of the enterprise. The system of this interconnection, termed "interrelation of costs, volume of sales and profit," makes it possible to distinguish the role of individual factors in the formation of operating profit and to ensure effective management of this process in the enterprise.

Direct costs are the costs of the enterprise, directly related to the process of production or sale of goods (services). These costs can be easily attributed to a specific type of product. For example, raw materials, materials, basic workers' wages, depreciation of specific machine tools and others.

Indirect costs are not directly related to the production process, they can not easily be correlated with a particular product. To such costs it is possible to carry a salary of managers, trading agents, теплоэнергию, электроенергию for auxiliary manufacture.

Relevant costs are costs that depend on the adoption of managerial decisions. Irrelevant costs do not depend on the adoption of managerial decisions.

Mixed costs include elements of fixed and variable costs. For example, the cost of paying for electricity, which is used for both technological purposes and for indoor lighting. In the analysis it is necessary to divide the mixed costs into constants and variables.

3. The basic directions of increase of a level of financial results at the industrial enterprise

The economic realities of the activities of domestic enterprises are quite brutal and not perceiving them means staying on the sidelines of business life. The modern enterprise has faced a lot of problems of production, financial-economic, market-marketing character.

The following factors influence the formation of financial results of an enterprise:

1) The price of products.

2) The volume of sales of products.

3) Cost of finished products.

4) Assortment and the nomenclature of let out production.

Analysis in the synthesis of different approaches to determining the objectives of the enterprise made it possible to determine the strategic and tactical goals of managing the enterprise's profit.

The strategic objectives of managing the company's profit include: optimizing the decision-making in the field of financing and investing the enterprise; Leadership in the fight against competitors; survival of the enterprise in a competitive environment; avoid bankruptcy and major financial setbacks; ensuring a permanent financial equilibrium of the enterprise in the process of its development.

Thus, profit management as a positive financial result of the enterprise is expedient to present in the form of a number of interrelated and interacting functional subsystems: asset management, capital management, investment management, cash flow management, tax payment management, financial risk management.


The financial result is a general indicator of the analysis and evaluation of the efficiency of the economic entity at certain stages of its formation. The indicators that express the financial result of the enterprise are:

-indicators of profit, characterizing the financial and economic effect of the enterprise (absolute indicators);

-indicators of profitability, characterizing the effectiveness of the use of resources used in the production process and current costs (relative indicators).

Profit as an economic category and a positive financial result is a combination of economic, distributive, financial relations that are formed over the distribution and use of a portion of newly created value acting as an increase in the amount of funds advanced for the performance of economic activity or as an excess over the economic activities and related costs of production.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: June 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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