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Brief resume

Name Alexandr Korona
Date of birth Dec 17, 1993
Place of birth Enakievo
Schools School №70 2001–2012 year
Universities 2012-2016. Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor's degree in "Legal and Economic Support of Business") 2016-2018. Donetsk National Technical University (master's degree in the specialty "Crisis management")
Languages I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. English with a dictionary
Personal achievements 2016-2017. Publications in LLC "Institute of Management and Social and Economic Development" (Saratov)
Hobbies and interests Games (billiards, tennis, backgammon), books (car literature), music, cars.
Personal qualities Responsibility, diligence, learning, organization, decency, purposefulness, sociability.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems:Windows
2. Applications: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint
3.Internet browsers (Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser).
Additional courses, internships, grants Participant of the IIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategy of sustainable development in the anti-crisis management of economic systems".
Professional experience 10.05.2013-15.11.2013 Service station "START" assistant car, car pre-painting for painting. 05.05.2015-04.10.2015 Service station "SV AUTO" assistant to the auto mechanic. 3D camber-toe.
Future plans Successful graduation from the magistracy, job search by profession with the possibility of career growth.
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