This abstract is used as an example, with the permission ofContent
- Introduction
- 1. The need for small business development and its characteristics
- 2. Modern problems of small business development and ways to solve them
- 3. State support of small business
- Conclusion
- References
Relevance of the research topic
Today's Russian society continues to experience a crisis that manifests itself in politics, economics, ideology and other spheres of society. Russia once again faces the need to select benchmarks for its further development, and one can not make a mistake here.
The transition to market relations in the domestic economy determines the need for organizational and economic innovations in all areas of economic activity. One of the most important areas of economic reforms that promote the development of a competitive market environment, the filling of the consumer market with goods and services, the creation of new jobs, the formation of a wide range of owners is the development of small forms of production.
The experience of the leading countries of the modern world clearly demonstrates the need for a highly developed and efficient small business sector in any national economy. Therefore, the revival of Russia can not be carried out without this sector of economy corresponding to this development, since it is he who is the locomotive that literally drags economic and social development behind it.
Economic practice in small business is in the cause-and-effect relationship with the deepening specialization of social production and the differentiation of goods and services. Economic maneuverability, flexibility of decision-making, territorial-spatial mobility makes small business necessary in a modern, post-industrial society.
The research of domestic and foreign economists is devoted to the development of problems of the formation and functioning of small business structures: Myagkova P., Zyabluk M., Heier V., Erhard L., Allen L., Brokhaus A., Dynkin A., Sterlina A., Nindaika R. , Lukyanova Yu., Rubee V., Gorbunova E., Jordan E., Medvedeva A., Tatarkina A., Fegeno E., etc. They substantiated the need to study the problems of small business, explored the main directions of the implementation of the state policy of supporting small firms, identified some features of development are small of production, defined approaches to the assessment of investment projects and the development of business plans, etc.
Analysis of recent research and publications.
At the moment there are many publications containing various aspects of the concept of "Small Business Development in the Region". In most works, the importance of studying the problem of assessing the prospects for development, its use and growth is noted, it is pointed out that there are significant differences in the definition of the concept of economic potential, its essence, composition and relationships with other categories. Above research and analysis of this topic worked: V.R. Vesnin, G.B. Kleiner, V.V. Kovalev, N.F. Riffa, V.N. Avdeenko, M.V. Afanasyev, Yu.G. Gusev, R.A. Belousov, I.A. Gunina, S.I. Kukharenko.
Purpose and objectives of the study.
The aim of the study is to develop approaches to the disclosure and analysis of the social and economic role of small business in a market economy.
- to reveal the role of state support in the development of small business;
- to study the state of small business at the regional level in the context of industries and administrative districts;
- carry out a system analysis of employment in small enterprises;
- assess the financial and economic situation of small enterprises;
- develop a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of small business development at the regional level;
- establish priority directions for improving the operation of the subsystem of infrastructure support for small business;
- reflect the effectiveness of the financial and credit support of small business.
Object of study
The object is small business in the region.
Subject of study
The subject is the prospects for small business development
СThe content of the work.
1. The need for small business development and its characteristics
In the economic practice, traditional schemes of dividing the economy into composite elements are widely used, which make it possible to comprehensively study the laws and trends in the development of the national economy, to observe emerging problems in a timely manner and take measures to solve them. This is the division of the economy according to sectoral characteristics, by territorial, by ownership, etc.
There was also a division of enterprises according to the criterion of their size depending on the number of employees, the cost of fixed and circulating funds, the volume of production and other indicators. This division was used to determine the category of enterprises, which is the basis for the formation of labor remuneration. The reform of labor remuneration, it would seem, made unnecessary definitions of the "category" of the enterprise. However, life gives another conclusion: it is necessary to sharply increase the role of dividing enterprises into large, medium and small ones and to put it at the basis of a special system for organizing differentiated attention on the part of the state towards the financial, material and technical well-being of different sized enterprises [2].
The functional purpose of enterprises, their role in the economy to a large extent vary depending on the size of the enterprise. Large and small-scale production, even within the same territory and industry, as a rule, are not interchangeable. The absence of one of them is an unfilled cell of the economy, which has as a consequence a general decline in the efficiency of production. Large, medium and small enterprises complement each other, create a holistic organism of the economy.
Those who first encounter small enterprises usually make the typical mistake: they consider small enterprises to be one of the types of enterprises, like state, rent, joint, family, etc. This is not true, small businesses in this list can not be included. Small - this is not the kind, not the organizational and legal form, but the size of the enterprise. A small enterprise is always some kind of applied to the types of enterprises that are singled out in legislation. Of all the available types of enterprises: state, collective, cooperative, cooperative, etc., their part is allocated according to the criteria of the number of employees. Thus, there are small state, small joint, small private and other types of small enterprises [1].
In this regard, it becomes obvious that for small enterprises there is no universal, common for all their types of pricing, logistics, wages, management, etc. All these systems of enterprise functioning are determined by their types.
There is another widespread misconception, as if the kind of small enterprise is predetermined by which organization is its founder. Unconditional communication is not here. Small businesses can be created by citizens, family members and together with other persons, state, leased, joint ventures, public organizations, etc. In addition, small businesses can be created jointly by these bodies, enterprises, organizations and citizens.
If the founder of a small enterprise is a state organization, this does not mean that the new education will be just a small state enterprise. The property allocated from the state enterprise can be leased by a cooperative. The view of the created enterprise is a cooperative. There may be other options.
At the same time, individual and family private enterprises, named so precisely in relation to the founders, can not be of a different kind. That is, for such types of small enterprises, the foundation and type of small enterprises coincide.
Entrepreneurship in the scale of a small enterprise has a number of qualitative features. First of all, it is worth noting the unity of property rights and direct management of the enterprise.
The second characteristic is the so-called visibility of the enterprise: the limited nature of the enterprise causes a special, personal nature of the relationship between the owner and the employee, which allows achieving real motivation for the work of the staff and a higher degree of satisfaction with work.
The third is relatively small markets for resources and sales, which do not allow the firm to have any significant impact on prices and the overall industry volume of product sales.
The fourth is the personified nature of the relationship between the entrepreneur and the clients, since, as noted, a small enterprise is designed to serve a relatively narrow range of consumers.
The fifth is the key role of the manager in the life of the enterprise: he is fully responsible for the results of management not only because of the property market, but also because of his direct involvement in the production process and everything related to his organization.
The sixth specific feature is the family management of the case: it is inherited by the relatives of the owner, what is dictated by the direct involvement of the latter in the whole activity of the enterprise.
Finally, the seventh feature is related to the nature of the financing. If the "giants" draw the necessary resources mainly through stock exchanges, small businesses rely on relatively small bank loans, own funds and an "informal" capital market (money of friends, relatives, etc.)[4].
Just as one of the features, you can allocate a high proportion of working capital in comparison with the fixed assets. If large enterprises have this ratio of 80:20, then for small enterprises it is 20:80.
Among the functions of a small enterprise, first of all, it is important to note the economic functions determined by its role as, firstly, the employer; secondly, the manufacturer of products and services, thirdly - the catalyst for scientific and technological progress, in the fourth - the taxpayer, in the fifth - the agent of market relations.
Social functions are no less important. First, through small forms of entrepreneurial activity, many people discover and realize their creative potential. Secondly, the work of socially vulnerable groups of the population (women, students, disabled people, pensioners, refugees, etc.), which can not be used in large enterprises, is used mainly here. Thirdly, small enterprises are the main producer of places of production training, a kind of "testing ground" for running young staff. Fourth, small businesses, especially in the service sector, meet the needs of people in communication (but they are deprived, for example, in supermarkets).
Already today, the ecological function of small business, which already takes place in countries with developed market economies, is actual and will be actualized [2].
2. Modern problems of small business development and ways to solve them
As time has shown, small business gradually (though not as fast as expected) begins to occupy a certain place in the economy of the country.
As of January 1, 2014. in Russia there were 868,000 small enterprises (compared with their number as of January 1, 2013, the growth was only 6.9 thousand small enterprises, or 0.8%).
At the same time, it should be noted a steady growth in the number of enterprises in such sectors as healthcare, physical culture and social security (by 39.8% in 2013, by 12.1% in 2014), real estate transactions by 19.9% and by 26.8%, respectively), trade and public catering (by 3.8% and by 3.6%). The number of small enterprises operating in the "science and scientific services" branch continued to decline (by 6.2% and 11.4%).
The branch structure of small business is gradually changing towards increasing the share of trade and public catering enterprises and reducing the share of construction organizations, enterprises engaged in general commercial activities to ensure market functioning, science and scientific services.
In 2000, small enterprises produced products, works and services for all types of activities by 261.9 billion rubles, which is estimated to account for about 7% of the output of products, works and services of all sectors of the Russian economy engaged in the production of goods and providing market services . The volume of products produced by small enterprises in actual prices decreased by 13.6% compared to 2010.
According to the main type of activity of enterprises, production, works and services were produced by 231.8 billion rubles, three quarters of this amount accounted for the gross income of trade and public catering enterprises (26.1%), industrial output (24.2%) and the volume of construction work (26.1%). Investments of small enterprises in fixed assets in 2013 amounted to 22.5 billion rubles, or 5.6% of all investments for the development of the economy and social sphere of Russia. Compared to 2012, in comparable prices, they decreased by 3.5%[5].
In most economic regions there is a discrepancy between the shares of the volume of profit and payments. The effect of these factors reduces the amount of revenues to the revenue side of budgets of all levels.
Many of the characteristic features of the development of small business in Russia are directly related to the main problems that hinder the development of normal market relations and private entrepreneurship in general.
The August crisis in Russia showed that in our country the middle class, the class of owners, exists as a reality. And our trouble is that we realized this at such a price.
The presence of an interlayer, albeit very small, of the owners-entrepreneurs, also indicated their problems. So in Resolution I of the All-Russian Congress of Entrepreneurs of Small Enterprises, the following problems were identified:
- The process of creating small business infrastructure is slowly proceeding;
- The number of small enterprises is increasing at a low rate, especially in the production sector;
- Not in many regions, regulatory acts and regional programs for the development of small business have been developed and adopted by the authorities, and where they are implemented, their implementation is far from complete;
- The interaction of the regions is not enough, both in terms of sharing information and experience in the development of small business, and in organizing practical economic interaction between entrepreneurs of different regions among themselves [1].
3. State support of small business
The practice of state assistance to the non-monopoly sector of the economy of developed countries shows that the government's choice of the main directions of this assistance is based on studies of this range of problems. Therefore, the most important task of the authorities is to determine the priority areas for the development of small business. In Russia, these areas are:
- Production and processing of agricultural products;
- Production of food, industrial goods, consumer goods;
- Drugs and medical equipment;
- Rendering of industrial, municipal and household services;
- Construction of housing, industrial and social facilities.
Accordingly, one of the important instruments of state assistance to the development of small businesses is direct financial assistance, which is carried out through preferential subsidies to small firms, providing guarantees when they receive loans from other sources and preferential taxation. [4].
Now, when many political parties and movements correct their programs, they can be seen a changing attitude towards small businesses. So from all programs it is possible to single out the main general ideas:
- Priority development of small business is not an end in itself, but one of the main conditions for the economic and social revival of Russia.
- Mass large-scale development of small business will allow to provide work to millions of citizens, released from state and privatized enterprises. According to I.Khakamada: about 50 million people.
- The implementation of measures to ensure production and innovation support for small businesses will create a significant number of new small businesses, up to 12 million enterprises, and new jobs, primarily for socially vulnerable segments of the population.
- ? A small enterprise that plays an increasing role in regional socio-economic processes takes into account the specificity of each region, forms a significant share of the budget revenue base and is the decisive factor of economic stabilization through the creation of local consumer markets and new jobs [6].
If you do not go into details, today there are four main directions for solving small business problems. The first is to change the psychology of power to small business. To move away from the view that a small business does not pay taxes and is in a gray economy. The second is the reform and simplification of taxation. Under today's system, when the lion's share of income is taken away, enterprises are forced to evade taxes.
Thirdly, make transparent and clarify the acts of property sale and purchase. And, finally, to solve the issue with the land, otherwise agrarian Russia will eat the import. The fourth is to stimulate investments of the population, which no longer trusts banks, the state, or small business. And this, according to some estimates, make work from 20 to 40 billion dollars, stored under pillows and mattresses [3].
Russia must live by the principle that the state serves the needs and demands of society, and not vice versa.
In this paper, small business in Russia has been characterized at present, features of small business have been singled out, and the main and most acute problems of it have been identified.
Noting the need to divide firms into large, medium and small, it was found that the main criterion for the separation of enterprises is the number of employees at a given enterprise, which depends on the industry to which the enterprise belongs.
It should be noted that small business in Russia already has a fairly broad legal basis, but it is inadequate. The problem is that it is one-sided and the legal aspects are not implemented, which makes it absurd to adopt any new regulations.
As for the field of activity, the small business has its own niche in the economy, which provides the most effective return on work, both with whole giant enterprises, and with an individual. This position is due to the features and functions of a small enterprise.
The characteristics of small firms, in the first place, are determined by their size. Hence the special role of the manager, and a small sales market, and exceptional flexibility in the provision of goods and services and a high proportion of working capital and many other features inherent only in small businesses.
At the time of writing the thesis the thesis is not yet complete. Final completion:
June 2018. After this date, the full text of the work can be obtained from the author or his supervisor.
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