Автор: Nastia Malinovskaia
Источник: Материалы XIV-й Международной научно-практической конференции «Экономика и маркетинг в XXI веке: проблемы, опыт, перспективы», 23–24 ноября 2017 г., г.Донецк, ДонНТУ: [посвящ. 90-летию кафедры «Экономика и маркетинг»: материалы] / редкол.: А.А.Кравченко [и др.]. — Донецк: Изд-во ДонНТУ, 2017. — 629 с.
Nastia Malinovskaia Solution of tasks to increase the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise in conditions of instability and uncertainty. Ways out of the crisis and entry into the market.
In recent years, the Russian economy has undergone some changes, which have revealed a number of topical problems that are of a theoretical and practical nature that are of great importance for the sustainable operation and development of industrial enterprises, including the electric power industry.
The most important problems are questions of the theory, methodology and practice of making managerial decisions in terms of risk and uncertainty. The rejection of centralized management of the country's economy and the transition to a market economy entailed many problems. Modern Russian enterprises are legally independent economic entities, which means not only the ability to independently determine their financial and production policies, but also the lack of state support in the event of any difficulties.
Responsibility to the state, to itself, to the collective for the consequences of the decisions made entirely lies with the manager, who needs to take care of creating reserves in case of unforeseen losses. Each business entity is forced to choose its own way out of the crisis and entering the market. Market orientation of industrial enterprises increasingly requires managers to be able to see the prospects, make effective strategic management decisions in the current uncertain business environment.Growth of instability of business conditions, weak state support, specific features of the functioning of industrial enterprises (energy enterprises) objectively requires the consideration of uncertainties in business activity. In order to ensure the sustainable operation of industrial enterprises in changing, uncertain economic conditions, it is necessary to comply with and use the basic principles of strategic management, the implementation of which should be carried out, first of all, through the adoption of effective management decisions based on the system approach, the analysis of external and internal factors, directly indirectly affecting the activities of the enterprise. In this regard, the role of gy companies has changed.
The government of the state approved a program that provides for the restructuring of the industry, the elimination of the system of strict tariff regulation and the development of competition in the areas of generation and sale of electricity.
Naturally, monopolistic spheres (electricity transmission, operational dispatch management) must also undergo significant changes in order to create an effective mechanism for reducing costs in the production, transmission and distribution of electricity and improving the financial condition of the industry as a whole. It is planned to create generating companies (GC) on the basis of inclusion in their composition of the largest power plants located in different geographical and territorial zones of the country, a large part of which are currently independent subjects of the federal wholesale energy and capacity market.
The need to adapt Russian energy enterprises to the difficult conditions of economic reform has led to increased interest in developing strategies for achieving high competitiveness of enterprises, since without identifying prospects and foreseeing future development trends, it is practically impossible to create tactical measures in difficult market conditions. Strategic scientifically grounded installations and a long-term line of conduct for an energy enterprise in the industry make it possible to determine the amount of profit and market share in the forecast period, provide a reserve of financial resources and time for fundamentally affecting the market situation. A sound and well-practiced market policy of an energy enterprise causes efficient economic development. In this connection, the task of developing the scientific foundations for the strategic management of generating companies in the new economic conditions of management is extremely urgent. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for evaluating and selecting a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of an interregional generating company (CIM), as well as practical recommendations for its achievement at energy enterprises that ensure their effective and sustainable development.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of basic tasks:
In the current conditions for reforming the electric power industry, the problem is especially topical, ensuring the sustainable operation of companies. Namely, ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat to consumers, with rational use of consumed fuel and energy resources for its production, to maintain the social and environmental security of the country. Formation of the enterprise development strategy in a transition, dynamically developing economy, fuzzy, incomplete, rapidly aging information requires the development of new methods that allow working in a dynamic, uncertain environment. Estimates of the activities of the energy system and its elements can have different sources and different nature. Some are the result of objective measurements based on known statistics. Part of the data can be submitted by experts. To obtain new characteristics and maximize the use of available information, all available estimates must be used and combined. This leads to the problem of a unified representation of the most diverse information, which can be solved by creating a fuzzy model of functioning.
Formation of the enterprise development strategy in a transition, dynamically developing economy, fuzzy, incomplete, rapidly aging information requires the development of new methods that allow working in a dynamic, uncertain environment. Estimates of the activities of the energy system and its elements can have different sources and different nature. Some are the result of objective measurements based on known statistics. Part of the data can be submitted by experts. To obtain new characteristics and maximize the use of available information, all available estimates must be used and combined. This leads to the problem of a unified representation of the most diverse information, which can be solved by creating a fuzzy model of functioning.
Internet: http: //www.dissercat.com/content/metodika-otsenki-i-vybora-strategii-povysheniya-konkurentosposobnosti-mezhregionalnoi-generi#ixzz4xlRbloHF - disserCat - electronic library of dissertations - Methods of evaluation and selection of strategy increase the competitiveness of an interregional generating company in conditions of uncertainty.