Українська Русский
DonNTU Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Julia Svetocheva
Date of birth Jun 14, 1995
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2001–2012 – Donetsk Grammar School №6
Universities Donetsk national technical univercity
2012–2016 – Bachelor degree, specialty Organizational-economic and legal support in the business sphere
2016–2018 – Masters' degree, specialty Strategic management
Average score 4,9
Languages Russian (native), Ukrainian (native), English (intermediate level)
Hobbies and interests Music, dance, singing, travel
Personal qualities Purposefulness, perseverance, sociability, correctly delivered speech, independence, creativity
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system: Windows
2. Applied directions: STATISTICA, 1C: Enterprise
3. Office software: MS Office
4. Mathematical Packages: Mathcad
5. Internet technologies: HTML, CSS
Work experience 2016–2018 – Sales manager in a trading company
Future plans Graduation of the magistracy, round-the-world trip
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