- Introduction
- 1. Concept of an investment project
- 2. Investment development of the Ukrainian metallurgical industry
- 3. Types and participants of investment projects
- Conclusion
- References
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that investment activity is one of the most important aspects of the functioning of any commercial organization. The reasons behind the need for investment are the renewal of the existing material and technical base, the increase in production volumes, the development of new types of activities. The purpose of this work is to study the concept and classification of investment projects. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were solved:
- studying the nature and objectives of the investment project;
- review of the classification and life cycle of projects;
- review of the business plan, as well as methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects.
The object of research is the Metallurgical Plant Donetskstal.The subject of the study are concepts and classification of investment projects.
Investment projects have a variety of forms and content. The investment solutions considered in the analysis of projects can relate, for example, to the acquisition of real estate, investment in equipment, research, development, the development of a new field, the construction of a large production facility or enterprise. But any investment project consists of several stages. Each of these stages is necessary for its purposes: the final decision of the initiators of the project, to attract investors, for the effective implementation of the project. Methods of research in the work were: the analysis of scientific works and practices on the subject of research, the logical method, the system approach.
Information base of the research:
- printed and electronic, business and specialized publications;
- Internet resources;
- analytical review articles in the press, etc.
1. Concept of an investment project
Investments are of particular importance for both the social and economic development of the country as a whole, and for the activities of business entities. Economic growth is determined by a variety of factors, the most important of which is the increase in the volume of investments and increase their effectiveness. Provision of freedom for entrepreneurship, creation of legal and economic basis for attracting capital of Russian and foreign investors and other factors led to a radical reform of the previously existing organized long-term investment mechanism [ 1, с.7 ].
The word "project" comes from the Latin word "projectus", which means "abandoned forward" in Russian translation. idea.
In the domestic economic literature "under the project" is understood the system of goals formulated in its framework, created or upgraded for their implementation of physical objects (buildings, structures, industrial complexes), technological processes; technical and organizational documentation for them, material, financial labor and other resources, as well as management decisions and activities for their implementation "[ 2, p.28 ].
Each project in the course of implementation must pursue pre-set goals. In economic theory, there is a certain classification of goals applicable to a particular investment project [8].
The goal data can be aggregated as follows:
- Goals related to increasing the satisfaction of the needs of the investor;
- Goals related to the optimization of the property position of the firm.
Several targets can simultaneously become a project. Finally, the stated objective of the project should be strictly observed at all stages its life cycle, as changing it inevitably leads to the need to reject this project and move to the development of a new one.
Depending on the purpose of investment, the following types of investment projects that provide:[9], [10]
- increase in the volume of output;
- expansion (update) of the product range;
- improving the quality of products; reducing the cost of production;
- solving social, environmental and other problems [ 3, p.13 ].
2. Investment development of the Ukrainian metallurgical industry
Metallurgy is one of the main industries of Ukraine. Today in the mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine "registered" about 800 enterprises, including 19 metallurgical plants and factories, 12 pipe plants, more than 20 hardware enterprises, more than 100 specialized enterprises for the processing of scrap metal and waste [ 4 ].
Thus, the metallurgical sector is really an economically, socially and territorially significant component not only of industry, but of the entire Ukrainian economy [ 5 ].
Looking back on several decades ago, we note that back in 1988-1989 gg. steel production in Ukraine accounted for approximately 55 million tons per year. Ukraine confidently took the 5th position in the ranking of the world's largest producer countries after the United States, Japan, Russia and Germany. But 2012 Ukraine finished with a figure of 32.4 million tons of steel, which put it on the 10th place in the world ranking[11]. The same amount of steel in Ukraine was first produced in 1963.
Mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine is the second among the CIS countries in the production of ferrous metals. The share of Ukraine in the production volume of the CIS countries in the past few years is: cast iron - 35-39%, steel - 30-34, rolled products - 25-28%. In 2010, all the CIS countries, including Ukraine, increased output of ferrous metals in comparison with the crisis in 2009.
Analyzing the industry attractiveness of Ukraine for the above groups of factors, we can conclude that the most intensive investment processes should be observed in highly profitable areas that do not require significant capital investment while ensuring its quick return. This applies primarily to domestic trade, processing of agricultural products, light industry.
The metallurgical industry is the second after the high-technology knowledge-intensive industries in the priority areas of investment, since it provides products that have a stable demand in world markets [7].
Donetsk region was and will be one of the most powerful regions of Ukraine. It belongs to the number of the population, by the volume of the gross s ocial product and the amount of profit that enterprises receive in the process of production and economic activity.
The investment attractiveness of the enterprise is an integral characteristic of individual enterprises as objects of forthcoming investments from the perspective of development prospects, the volumes and prospects for the sale of products, the efficiency of asset use, their liquidity, the state of payment ability and financial stability [ 6 ].
3. Types and participants of investment projects A
The main element of the investment project structure is the project participants, since they provide the realization of the idea and the achievement of the project's goals [11].
Depending on the type of project, one to several dozens of organizations can participate in its implementation. Each of them has its own functions, the degree of participation in the project and the measure of responsibility for its fate.
However, all these organizations, depending on the functions they perform, can be combined into specific groups of project participants:
The customer is the future owner and user of the project results. As a customer can act both a physical and a legal entity. In this case, the customer can be either a single organization or several organizations that have combined their efforts, interests and capitals to implement the project and use its results.
The investor is the one who invests in the project. Often an Investor is also a Customer. If the Investor and the Customer are not the same person, the investor enters into an agreement with the customer, monitors the execution of contracts and performs settlements with other project participants.
The designer is the one who develops the design and estimate documentation.
Supplier - provides material and technical support for the project (procurement and supply).
The contractor is a legal entity responsible for carrying out works in accordance with the contract.
The consultant is a company and specialists engaged in contractual terms to provide consulting services to other project participants on all issues and at all stages of its implementation.
The project manager is a legal entity to which the customer (or investor or another project participant) delegates the authority to manage the project: planning, monitoring and coordinating the work of the project participants.
The Project team is a specific organizational structure headed by the project manager and created for the duration of the project in order to effectively achieve its objectives.
Licensor - a legal entity or an individual - the holder of licenses and know-how used in the project. The licensor grants (usually on commercial terms) the right to use the necessary scientific and technical achievements in the project.
The bank is one of the main investors providing financing for the project. The bank's responsibilities include the continuous provision of the project with cash, as well as lending to the general contractor for settlements with subcontractors, if the customer does not have the necessary funds.
Types of investment projects.All forms of real investment are three main stages (phases), which together constitute the cycle of this investment:
- The pre-investment stage, in the course of which variants of alternative investment decisions are developed, their evaluation is carried out and a concrete variant thereof is accepted for implementation;
- Investment stage, in the process of which the immediate implementation of the investment decision is carried out;
- The post-investment stage, in the process of which control over the achievement of the specified parameters of investment decisions during the operation of the investment object is ensured.

Figure 3 - Project Management Processes
(animation: 27 frames, endless repetition, 51 kilobytes)
The investment project is the main document that determines the need for real investment, in which the basic sequence of sections outlines the main characteristics of the project and the financial indicators associated with its implementation.
As a result of this work, the concept of an investment project was studied and it was clarified that this is a set of documents containing a justified goal of the forthcoming activity and certain activities aimed at achieving it. Various kinds, methods of estimation and sources of financing of the investment project are studied.
When writing this essay, the master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: July 2018. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
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