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Land accounting is a state measure for the accumulation, systematization and analysis of comprehensive information on the number, location and economic use of land resources. Being an integral part of the state land cadastre, accounting continues to study the economic state of the land and begins to study them in a natural way.

The calculation of the number of lands reflects information that characterizes each land plot in terms of area and composition of land

At the present stage, the land legislation of the DNR is in the process of formation. In the period of the formation of the legislative base, it is possible to make the necessary changes and improve the process of land management taking into account the analysis of the experience of other states.

Since land is a valuable economic resource of the state and the wealth of the people, it is extremely important to effectively maintain the land cadastre. The cadastral records in most countries of the world have a great influence on the overall land management policy of the country, so the most accurate information about the size and condition of land resources is extremely important, and hence the increased attention to cadastral accounting.

1. Theme urgency

The quantitative registration of lands, being an integral part of the land cadastre, is a system of measures for the accumulation, systematization and analysis of comprehensive information on the quantity, quality, location and economic use of land resources.

The main task of land registration is to characterize not only land ownership and land use, but also each land plot as a land-accounting unit. Each land plot consists of a certain number of land in categories according to the purpose of the land. Accounting covers all the land of state, municipal and private property.

The land count records show the actual state of their use and are recorded in annual reports.

However, without a graphical display of the quantitative accounting of land it is difficult to single out a separate land plot and determine its economic efficiency. Another important issue is the inconsistency between the instruction on the quantitative accounting of land and the ECE's standard land-use classification.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to analyze the land accounting systems of other countries and identify the most appropriate procedure.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The goal is to develop forms of statistical reporting on the quantitative accounting of land for the NDP.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Analysis of accounting for land abroad.
  2. Analysis and comparison of reporting forms in the legal system of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
  3. Analysis and solution of the problem of non-conformity of reporting forms and cartographic materials.
  4. Introduction of changes in the reporting forms in accordance with the solution of the assigned tasks.

2. Analysis of accounting for land abroad

In most European countries, the land cadastre has been maintained for centuries and is a complex undertaking, covering a wide range of issues related to the study, assessment and accounting of land. Cadastral information serves for legal registration of transactions with land, calculation of the tax rate and determination of land prices, as well as for efficient economic use.

In foreign practice, the term cadastre is most often associated with the concept of real estate. And under the property at the same time is defined as a public inventory, which contains data on the number, value, property of land and other real estate, firmly tied (connected) to the land. [21], [22], [24], [31], [42], [49], [50], [51].

Being guided by economically developed countries, cadastral systems can be divided into four groups:

  1. countries with the Napoleonic administrative system, which includes the countries of the south of Europe - France, Spain, Italy, Greece;
  2. countries with the German system – Germany, Austria, Switzerland;
  3. a block of Scandinavian countries, where Sweden is the main representative;
  4. separately distinguish a group of English-speaking countries, which includes the UK and other countries of the world, which in one way or another experienced the influence of English common law, including the United States and Canada.

In addition, cadastral systems of former socialist countries and countries of Islamic influence have their own peculiarities, of which there is very little information in the literature. [21], [22], [24], [25], [36], [42], [46].

3. Land accounting in the Russian Federation and Ukraine

The most appropriate example for creating forms of statistical reporting of the NDP is the experience of the countries of the post-Soviet space, in particular, Ukraine and Russia.

In Ukraine and Russia, the main (primary) and current (operational) are conducted. These two types of accounting are interrelated and represent certain stages of a single land accounting process [9], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [19], [20]..

The data on the quantitative accounting of land is shown in the reporting documentation. Reporting documents are the forms of statistical reporting on the quantitative accounting of land.

The main forms of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of Rosstat of August 6, 2007, No. 61 "On approval of statistical tools for the organization of Rosnedvizhimostyu statistical monitoring of land resources" are:

  1. N 22-1 Information on the availability and distribution of land by categories and forms of ownership (preliminary information);
  2. N 22-2 Information on the availability and distribution of land by category and land;
  3. N 22-3 (organization) Information on the rights on which land was used by enterprises, organizations, farms, companies engaged in the production of agricultural products;
  4. N 22-3 (citizens) Information about the rights on which citizens used to use land (associations of citizens) engaged in the production of agricultural products;
  5. N 22-4 (organization) Information on the availability of land from enterprises, organizations, farms, companies engaged in the production of agricultural products;
  6. N 22-4 (citizens) Information on the availability of land from citizens (associations of citizens) engaged in the production of agricultural products;
  7. N 22-5 Information on the distribution of total areas of urban settlements by types of land use and forms of ownership (preliminary information);
  8. N 22-6 Information on the distribution of total areas of rural settlements by types of land use and forms of ownership (preliminary information);
  9. Annex N 1 to Form N 22-4 (organization, citizens) The state of reclaimed land (irrigation);
  10. Annex N 2 to Form N 22-4 (organization, citizens) The state of reclaimed land (drainage).

Order of 05.11.98.y. № 377 The State Statistics Committee of Ukraine approved and put into effect, starting from 01.01.99, reporting forms:

  1. Form 6-zem (annual) – Report on the availability of land and their distribution by landowners, land users, land and economic activities;
  2. Form 6a-zem (annual) – Report on the availability of irrigated land and their distribution by landowners, land users, lands;
  3. Form 6b-zem (annual) – Report on the availability of drained land and their distribution by landowners, land users, land;
  4. Form 2-zem (semi-annual) – Report on lands that are owned and used.

However, in 2015, changes were made in the legislation. So, the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine of 30.12.2015 № 337 On the approval of the forms of administrative reporting on the quantitative accounting of lands (forms No. 11-earth, 12-earth, 15-earth, 16-earth) and Instructions for filling them out new reporting formats were adopted:

  1. Reporting form No. 11-zem (quarterly) ОReport on land and land plots for the purpose and types of ownership and the Instruction for its completion;
  2. Reporting form No. 12-zem (annual) Report on land and land for owners and users, forms of ownership and the Instruction for its completion;
  3. Reporting form No. 15-zem (quarterly) Report on land and land parcels for designated use and land and Instruction for its completion.
  4. Reporting form No. 16-zem (annual) Report on land and land plots for owners and land and the Instruction for its completion.


At this stage of the work, a literature review was conducted and the experience of other countries in the field of land registration was reviewed. The next tasks under the plan are to compare the reporting forms of Ukraine and Russia, as well as to make the necessary changes in the DNR reporting forms.

While writing the essay study is not yet completed. The final results will be presented in June 2018 on the protection of the master's work.


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