- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Purpose and objectives of the study, planned results
- 3. Method of verification of the system "level-rake"
- 4. List of sources"
1. Relevance of the topic
At present, in the field of geodetic measurements, there is a transition from optical measurement methods to optoelectronic ones. At the same time, the development and improvement of optoelectronic devices for measuring exceedances, increasing their accuracy, reliability and automation degree lead to the need to create new methods and means of monitoring their metrological characteristics. This, in turn, requires the development of new technologies and means for their metrological verification. This scientific task is devoted to this urgent task.
This scientific task is devoted to this urgent task. In general, the development of modern reference tools in metrology is aimed at ensuring the uniformity of measurements, reducing test times, increasing their accuracy and reliability, and processing data quickly.
The methodology of verifications of digital levels is regulated by a number of specially developed standards that establish basic metrological characteristics. This documentation is mainly designed for optical levels, and calibration schemes of digital levels are not sufficiently developed.
Consequently, the task of creating a universal methodology for metrological research of modern digital levels, which will be relevant at the moment.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study, planned results
The aim of this work is to analyze existing methods and means of research, verify digital levels, and develop methods for determining the basic metrological characteristics of digital levels.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- perform the analysis of existing metrological certification methods for the system "digital level - bar-code rake";;
- develop a methodology for technological metrological verification of the system "digital level - bar-code rake" in laboratory and field conditions.
Object of study:: digital level.
The subject of the research:: the methodology of metrological certification of the system "digital level - bar-code rake".
Research methods:: the research methodology includes the analysis of literature sources, the implementation of theoretical and practical research and experimental verification of the reliability of these results.
3. Method of verification of the system "level-rake"
The basic metrological error of the level is the average square error of measuring exceedances by 1 km of leveling (double) travel. The ways of obtaining it are very laborious, and it is impossible to obtain a purely instrumental inaccuracy of leveling. To solve this problem, methods and means of verification of the level-rake system were developed and investigated. Three methods of verification will be presented: investigation using a raster measuring transducer; research on the comparator; study using end length measures.
List of sources
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