At present, the question of various methods of transmitting electrical energy over distances remains very relevant. In 1892 in London, and a year later in Philadelphia, the famous inventor, a Serb by nationality, Nikola Tesla demonstrated the transmission of electricity through a single wire. How he did it – remains a mystery. Some of his records have not yet been deciphered, another part has burned down. Tesla's sensationalism is obvious to any electrician: after all, in order for the current to flow through the wires, they must be a closed loop. And then suddenly – one ungrounded wire! But, I think, modern electricians will be even more surprised when they find out that a person is working in Russia, who also found a way to transmit electricity through one open wire. Engineer Stanislav Avramenko has been doing this for 15 years.
Experiments on single–wire and wireless power transmission began more than 100 years ago with the experiments of N. Tesla. Many years later, interest in this problem arose again, especially after S. Avramenko demonstrated the transmission of alternating current through a single wire at the Moscow Electrotechnical Research Institute.
Features and benefits of a half–wave power transmission system
- There is an independent phase shift between the voltages at the ends of the line from the transmitted power. That is, in a half–wave line, regardless of the transmitted power, the phase shift at the ends of the line is always 1800 (anti–phase voltages).
- By the criterion of static stability, a half–wave line behaves like a line of zero length. That is, in the case of a power plant operating on a load through a half–wave line, the ultimate power by the criterion of static stability is determined by the parameters of the power plant itself, as in the case of a line of zero length.
- A half–wave line is identical in its method of changing the flow of active power to a DC line. That is, in a half–wave line, as in a DC line, the amount of transmitted power can be changed only by controlling the voltage drop across the ends of the line.
- The half–wave line for reactive power is balanced in all modes, while in normal lines the reactive power at their ends is zero only in natural power modes.
- The directly proportional voltage dependence in the middle of the line on the transmitted power is in direct contradiction with the behavior of the voltage in the middle of ordinary lines, where the voltage fluctuation is only a few percent when the transmitted power varies widely (from zero to natural and more), and the voltage increases when idle.
- At the half–wave line, the voltage in the middle of the line repeats the range of variation of the transmitted power.
- When calculating the bandwidth of the lines instead of the stability criterion, they are guided by the allowable voltage level in the middle part of the line, that is, by the highest operating voltage.
- It is possible to shunt the half–wave line at the midpoint. An unusual property of a half–wave line compared to traditional lines is that when the midpoint of the half–wave line is shunting, the currents at the ends of the line become zero, since shunting the midpoint of the line is equivalent to disconnecting the line at the ends. Therefore, the presence of a shunt switch at the midpoint of the line turns out to be useful for carrying out switching of half–wave lines in normal and emergency modes.
- Half–wave lines are indifferent to the quality of electricity at the input, which makes it relevant to use them for buffer transmission of electricity from renewable energy sources to the existing network.
- It is possible to transfer energy to a single wire. The transfer mechanism does not contradict the laws of physics, but is a direct consequence of the above listed modes of operation.
- Transmission of electrical power by wire of significantly smaller diameter, which makes this method more economical.
- The line has much greater stability in operation. This method requires less equipment that supports stability, besides network maintenance is simplified.
- Increased electrical line safety. The ability to create modes where there is no danger of a short circuit.
- Efficiency and the ability to transfer electricity in a half-wave way over medium distances. This method requires less capital expenditures, is simpler to deploy.
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