At present, many industrial enterprises, automatic pumping stations, electric drives of standard production mechanisms appear in the sectors of the economy, allowing to solve various technological problems of enterprises. When connecting enterprises, pumping stations and other electrical receivers to the electric network, there is a dependence of these consumers on the electric network, in turn, the stability of the electric network affects the economic efficiency of enterprises.
Recently, frequency control of the electric drive has been increasingly introduced, providing a number of positive effects. The use of frequency–controlled electric drive has a significant impact on the quality of electrical energy and significantly changes the properties and operating modes of power supply systems, especially in the presence of distributed generation systems in the power supply system. In this regard, the development of models that consider the dynamic behavior of the power supply system with distributed generation and the use of frequency–controlled electric drive is an urgent task.
The object of this study is a power supply system with distributed generation and AC drive. The purpose of work is to develop and study the dynamic modes of the power supply system with distributed generation using unregulated and variable frequency motors.
Theme urgency
The power plant is an important part of the electrical system. In terms of economy, the more powerful the power plant, the higher its economic efficiency. However, depending on the supply of primary energy resources, power plants are often located at a considerable distance from consumers, from residential areas.
The transmission and distribution system will take on the task of transferring electricity from the power plant to the consumer. This is a model of centralized power generation in the traditional form, when the costs of fuel transportation and construction of power plants near the load centers significantly exceed the cost of building an electric network for transmission and distribution.
The above problems are the basis for the study related to the use of distributed generation. Distributed generation is generation, that connected to the distribution network at medium (1–30 kV) and low (less than 1 kV) voltage (generation connected to the high–voltage network over 69 kV does not belong to this category). It is based on the production of electricity by small installations located near or at the point of energy consumption (Fig. 1.1).
Energy sources for distributed generation can be various installations, such as fuel cells, renewable energy sources (wind energy, solar energy, waste energy, etc.). Currently, wind power plants and solar panels are quite popular in the world. Distributed generation was developed as an approach to the use of renewable energy sources without overloading the power grid. This is one of the measures taken by countries around the world, which is used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Australia, Germany strive to use 80% of renewable energy to produce electricity in 2050, Canada and New Zealand offer a figure of 90% for this purpose in 2025 [1, 2].
The work is considered the study of the actual scientific and technical problem, which consists in the use of AC motors (unregulated and frequency–controlled) in the power supply system with distributed energy generation.
The simulation model of supply system with distributed generation, non–regulated and frequency–controlled electric drive is developed and studies of the influence of different factors on the operation of the network and the engine at different operating modes are partially carried out. At the time of writing the master's work is not finished. Further work will be aimed at modeling, calculations and processing of the results.
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