- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Sources and methods of obtaining alternative energy for buildings
- References
Alternative energy is a relatively new industry that does not find a wide range of supporters. The global energy industry is on the verge of global changes that separate traditional energy sources from alternative energy sources. Getting energy from such sources is less dangerous and allows the consumer to be autonomous and energy efficient.
1. Relevance of the topic
An alternative source of energy is a renewable resource. It replaces the traditional sources of energy that operate on oil, produced natural gas and coal. These substances emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the growth of the greenhouse effect and global warming. The most important advantage of alternative energy is its environmental friendliness and there is no threat to the balance of the ecosystem. Everything goes to the fact that more and more alternative sources are being used both in the construction of new buildings and in the operation of existing ones.
2. Sources and methods of obtaining alternative energy for buildings

Future for alternative energy
Consider in detail all possible sources.
Solar energy. Solar energy is quite a powerful source. Technically, today it is possible to use only about a third of the solar energy, which can be converted into electrical, chemical or thermal.
Thermal solar panels. Thermal solar converters have a fairly high efficiency, which reaches 45–60%. Heat from the collectors can be used for hot water and heating.
Heat walls. The simplest device for a building that uses solar energy to produce heat is the Thrombus Wall. Another type of heat-absorbing walls are walls with transparent thermal insulation.
Photovoltaic systems. Photovoltaic solar receivers (semiconductor batteries) are relevant and promising for the future. This makes it possible to create autonomous power stations for buildings and the possibility of generating electricity into a common network.
Placement of solar power plants. These are installations that are located on the facades and roofs oriented to the south, southeast and southwest. The choice of installation scheme is made depending on the type of consumer, the volume of water consumption, the design temperature and water quality, the scheme of traditional heat supply of the object.
Rotating houses. Due to the small use of turning mechanisms for solar panels on the roofs of the cattle, it was proposed to create a building that turned after the sun like a sunflower. There are already several buildings of this configuration in the world.

Rotating house Suite Vollard (Brazil)
Wind power. The principle of operation is that a wind wheel with blades rotates under the pressure of the wind, transmitting torque through the gear system to the shaft of the generator that generates electricity. Wind power plants have a number of advantages: the cost of 1 kW of installed power is lower than that of photovoltaic systems; wind resources are distributed fairly evenly throughout the year and day.
Landing buildings. This method of improving energy efficiency is based on the use of geothermal energy. The operating experience made it possible to single out the following advantages: the use of the developed soil, which, as a rule, is used as a powder of buildings and the organization of wind-proof and sun-accumulating relief forms on the territory of the site; heat-inertial massifs of soil covering the walls and roofs soften the sharp fluctuations of the temperature and humidity parameters of the external environment; slow heat dissipation.
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