A short circuit is an electrical connection between two points of an electrical circuit with different values of potential, not provided for by the device design and disrupting its normal operation. A short circuit may occur as a result of insulation failure of current-carrying elements or mechanical contact of non-insulated elements.
1. CAD
Computer-aided design is an automated system that implements an information technology for performing design functions, is an organizational-technical system designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a set of technical, software and other means of automating its activities.
In the world there are a large number of CAD systems with similar functions. Software of this kind is in demand in the modern world. These programs are suitable for personnel of thermal power plants, such as the shift manager of the station, the dispatcher of the main control panel, employees of the electrical department.
2. GDescription USAPR (CAD_Electric_Education)
One of the best graphic editors of AutoCAD was used as a platform for creating an educational CAD system, among which a graphic database of images of the main elements of electrical circuits with a voltage higher than 1 kV was created. USAPR software is built on the AutoCAD object model and the use of internal algorithmic programming languages AutoLisp, VisualLisp, as well as the language for creating dialog boxes DCL [2].
The cost of such CAD systems can reach 150 thousand rubles per workplace. For example, the latest version of WinELSO Russian Industrial Company will cost the company 80,000 rubles, and the cost of the simulator for switching the Modus company reaches 120,000 rubles. In fig. 1 is a diagram of a simulator for switching company Modus.

Fig. 1 – Simulator circuit for switching company Modus.
USAPR developed on the basis of AutoCAD software allows significant savings in the equipment of workplaces [1].
In the work, for example, the scheme of main electrical connections and equipment of the Separate Division Starobeshevskaya TPP of the Republican Enterprise Energy of Donbass is used. In fig. 2 shows a fragment of the main electrical connections. Currently Starobeshevskaya TPP is one of two TPPs located on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Fig. 2 – Fragment of the main electrical connections scheme of the Starobeshevskaya TPP.
A simplified scheme of the main electrical connections of the Starobeshevskaya TPP was created, allowing to calculate short-circuit currents (hereinafter referred to as short-circuit currents) at any point of the circuit, with the possibility of their subsequent archiving and automate the selection of switches and cables. The developed machine design diagram of electrical connections and own needs is presented in fig. 3

Fig. 3 – The developed machine design scheme of the main electrical connections and own needs of SbTES (animation: 7 frames, always repeated, 282 kilobytes)
The advantages of USAPR include the use as output of the original design schemes, formed by students on the monitor screen. These output documents, as well as the tables of initial data and the results of the implementation of project procedures, correspond to the GOST of the CIS countries that are used today [3].
In the course of the work, a machine design diagram of the main electrical connections and own needs of SbTES was developed, which, together with its processing program, allows the calculation of short-circuit currents in any of its electrical nodes. The design scheme takes into account the position of switching devices, which allows you to create any variant of the operation of the power output circuit and the SN system. SbTES.
List of sources
- Павлюков В.А. Учебная САПР электрической части станций и подстанций [учебное пособие] / Павлюков В.А., Ткаченко С.Н., Коваленко А.В. – Харьков: ФЛП Панов А.Н., 2016. – 124 с.
- Официальный сайт
CAD Electric Education
[электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://es-cad.ru/CAD-Electric-Education/ (дата обращения 20.04.2018). - Полещук Н. Н. AutoCAD разработка приложений, настройка и адаптация / Н. Н. Полещук. – СПб.: БХВ–Петербург, 2006. – 992 с.