- Relevance
- Analysis of research publications
- The purpose of the master's work
- The main research material
- Conclusion
- List of references
Non-recoverable during operation systems will include such systems, the restoration of which for any reason is impossible directly in the considered period of time [1].
In this case, a complex in structure scheme will be understood as a system that includes at least one bridge structure [2].
In those cases when it is necessary to increase the reliability of the designed system without changing the reliability of its component parts, it is usual to introduce redundant (reserve) elements or groups of elements, or make certain changes to the scheme, which allows optimizing its structure.
The method for assessing the reliability of non-recoverable systems, the elements of which can only be in two incompatible states: healthy and failed (open circuit failure) has been fully developed [3-6].
In the above methods of calculating the reliability of complex systems, the structure of their protection is assumed to be absolutely reliable.
In real power supply systems, industrial enterprises, the means of protection can work correctly, turn off the damaged part of the network (manual, automatic), such damage in the system will be referred to as open circuit failures, or refuse and not turn it off – failure to trigger .
Therefore, the development of accurate methods for assessing the reliability of power supply systems of industrial enterprises, taking into account the reliability of protective equipment, is an urgent scientific and technical challenge.
Analysis of research publications
The paper argues that when studying the reliability of complex technical systems and devices, the all or nothing alternative turns out to be too rough. Therefore, engineers in their practice would like to use a more precise division of the levels of efficiency. In this regard, experts in the theory of reliability in many countries are working on the creation of mathematical models of the reliability of systems in which elements can be in three or more incompatible states using multi–valued logic.
In the preface to the book, [8] the authors, responding to Kurt Reinshke on his criticism [9] of the so–called flaws of logical–probable methods (LVM), which consider only two states of system elements, noted that they were not related to the fundamental features of these methods, but only reflected the state theories and practices of those years [10].
Thus, the transmission line will be in the voltage antinodes under its almost constant value along the entire length. The low-potential parts of both coils will be in the areas of current antinodes; in the same areas, as indicated, the pump and drain coils (low-voltage Tesla transformer windings) are located.
S. Avramenko was able to transfer energy through one conductor and use this effect to power the active load. He discovered that if you convert electricity into high-frequency pulses, then a closed circuit is no longer needed and the conductor itself serves as a direction for energy, and not as a transmitter. The most interesting thing is that it doesn’t matter what the conductor is made of or what section it is, the main direction.
Moreover, for capacities of tens and even hundreds of megawatts (for comparison, the average installed power of a large power plant in Russia amounts to hundreds of megawatts) you will need copper wiring no more than one millimeter thick. It must be reliably insulated, for example, as a cable for a home television antenna. This is possible only because a high electric field of tens or hundreds of kilohertz is used, and a high tens of kilovolts of voltage is applied to the transmitting coil of the transformer. Due to the high voltage in the conductor, almost no current flows, and this means that there is no ohmic loss in conductor heating either.
A supporter of Tesla's approaches to equipping the electric system of Russia with the most optimal technical devices, director of the All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture, academician Dmitry Strebkov notes that the losses with this method of transmission of electricity over any distances (thousands and even tens of thousands of kilometers) will be no more than one percent. In fact, single-wire transmission of electricity is superconductivity, only much cheaper, already developed technology and does not require the use of cryogenic temperatures, says Strebkov.
Currently, in large urban agglomerations, the problem of electric power shortage has sharply arisen, especially in city centers, where it is impossible to build large power plants. It is required to introduce high-power over high-voltage power lines. And, as you know, power lines require the alienation of large plots of land, which is very expensive in cities. In addition, these giant buildings are extremely costly, and the loss of energy transfer through them sometimes reaches ten percent. Cable lines also require large installation costs, since large trenches need to be laid due to the large size of traditional cables. In addition, their capacity is limited to a greater extent than at power lines, and losses are even higher. In addition, in case of a sudden damage or damage to the cable, finding the damaged place and its elimination flies into the operating organizations into a pretty penny.
In order to solve this problem, in connection with the success in mastering high-temperature superconductivity, the use of a superconducting cable for these purposes was proposed. It is known that at a temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius, some ceramic materials experience the so-called superconductivity phenomenon, when Joule electric energy losses during current flow in a conductor are practically zero. In addition, superconductors, and now these are long thin steel tapes with microscopic layers of superconductor and other compositions applied to them, allow large currents and voltages to be passed through, i.e. high power up to tens of megawatts in one large cable. However, the superconductor itself must be continuously cooled to its liquid-nitrogen temperature over its entire length; otherwise, it will go into a non-superconducting state and burn out, leaving consumers without electricity. The cost of maintaining a cable freeze can exceed the loss in a regular cable of equal power. At the same time, the cost of a superconducting cable is truly gigantic, and the price of one kilometer of such a cable can exceed the cost of one kilometer of construction of the Moscow Ring Road during the administration of the capital by Mayor Luzhkov. Well and, it should be noted, the world has not yet learned how to produce superconductors of suitable length, high quality and with a low price, and they have not fully resolved the technical problems of cooling.
Meanwhile, in the leading Western countries, fabulous sums of tens of millions of dollars are spent annually on the development of superconducting programs. Even in Russia in recent years, this area of science has been supported by the state, and more than one billion rubles are poured into these programs every year. At the same time, it was not timely taken into account that there are other ways to solve this problem of transferring large power over long distances with small losses and at much lower capital and operating costs. Including was missed and promising, implemented not only on laboratory samples, but also acting on many important objects, including in the oil and gas industry, the technology of single-wire transmission of high frequency voltage, the idea of which was first formulated by Nikola Tesla.
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Figure 2 – The method of decomposition of the existing equivalent schemes for the basic element 2.
Features and benefits of a half-wave power transmission system
- There is an independent phase shift between the voltages at the ends of the line from the transmitted power. That is, in a half-wave line, regardless of the transmitted power, the phase shift at the ends of the line is always 1800 (anti-phase voltages).
- By the criterion of static stability, the half-wave line behaves like a line of zero length. That is, in the case of a power plant operating on a load through a half-wave line, the ultimate power by the criterion of static stability is determined by the parameters of the power plant itself, as in the case of a line of zero length.
- The half-wave line in the way of changing the flow of active power is identical to the DC line. That is, in a half-wave line, as in a DC line, the amount of transmitted power can be changed only by controlling the voltage drop across the ends of the line.
- The half-wave line for reactive power is balanced in all modes, while in normal lines the reactive power at their ends is zero only in natural power modes.
- Direct proportional voltage in the middle of the line from the transmitted power is in direct conflict with the behavior of the voltage in the middle of normal lines, where the voltage fluctuation is only a few percent when the transmitted power varies widely (from zero to natural and more), and the voltage increases when idle course.
- У полуволновой линии напряжение в середине линии повторяет диапазон изменения передаваемой мощности.
- At the half-wave line, the voltage in the middle of the line repeats the range of variation of the transmitted power.
- When calculating the bandwidth of the lines instead of the stability criterion, they are guided by the allowable voltage level in the middle part of the line, that is, by the highest operating voltage.
- Half-wave lines are indifferent to the quality of electricity at the input, which makes it important to use them for buffer transmission of electricity from renewable energy sources to the existing network.
- It is possible to transfer energy to a single wire. The transfer mechanism does not contradict the laws of physics, but is a direct consequence of the above listed modes of operation.
The listed features of the half-wave mode of operation of power lines at a qualitative level can be explained by the electrical properties of standing voltage and current waves, the physical properties of which generate the above-mentioned set of such unusual qualities.
Half-wave methods of energy transmission through a single wire have the following practical advantages compared with traditional methods of power transmission:
- The transmission of electrical power through the wires of significantly smaller diameter, which makes this method more economical.
- The possibility of using single-wire transmission of electrical energy. This feature allows you to solve a number of special tasks (space, power balloons, etc.).
- The line has much greater stability in operation. This method requires less equipment that supports stability, besides network maintenance is simplified.
- Increased electrical safety line. The ability to create modes where there is no danger of a short circuit.
- Efficiency and the ability to transfer electricity in a half-wave way over medium distances. This method requires less capital expenditures, is simpler to deploy.
Quantitative estimates of the economic efficiency of the implementation of this technology in practice can be obtained only after additional research. [7]. According to preliminary estimates, this method of power transmission is more economical and technically expedient for special tasks of transferring energy over medium distances (10 – 300 км).
List of references
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