Brief resume
Name | Svyatoslav Tarasenko |
Date of birth | September 06, 1995 |
Place of birth | Zhdanovka |
Schools | 2002–2013 – Secondary school I–III stages №12 of Proletarsk |
Universities | 2013–2017 years – Donetsk National Technical University, Electrical Engineering Faculty
Direction of preparation: Power and Electrical engineering, bachelor 2017–2019 years – Donetsk National Technical University, Electrical Engineering Faculty Direction of preparation: Power and Electrical engineering, master |
Average score | 4.5 (for the period of study in a bachelor's degree) |
Languages | Russian, Ukrainian – native languages; English – basic |
Personal achievements | III place in the university student's Olympiad in the field of Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical EngineeringMaster Program Power Supply and Energy Saving, 2017. |
Hobbies and interests | Sports: Light and heavy athletics, badminton; Music of various genres and directions; Playing guitar. |
Personal qualities | Industriousness, responsibility, honesty, punctuality, purposefulness, learning, punctuality |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating systems: OC Windows 7/8/10; 2. Applications: AutoCad, MathCAD, Компас 3D; 3. Programming languages: C++; 4. Office programs: LibreOffice, MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point). |
Professional experience | Passage of production practice at REC Substation KhBK 220 kVtrainee (summer 2016) |
Future plans | Successful completion of the magistracy, the search for interesting and promising work |
Contact information | E-mail – |