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Brief resume

Name Svyatoslav Tarasenko
Date of birth September 06, 1995
Place of birth Zhdanovka
Schools 2002–2013 – Secondary school I–III stages №12 of Proletarsk
Universities 2013–2017 years – Donetsk National Technical University, Electrical Engineering Faculty
Direction of preparation: Power and Electrical engineering, bachelor
2017–2019 years – Donetsk National Technical University, Electrical Engineering Faculty
Direction of preparation: Power and Electrical engineering, master
Average score 4.5 (for the period of study in a bachelor's degree)
Languages Russian, Ukrainian – native languages;
English – basic
Personal achievements III place in the university student's Olympiad in the field of Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering Master Program Power Supply and Energy Saving, 2017.
Hobbies and interests Sports: Light and heavy athletics, badminton;
Music of various genres and directions;
Playing guitar.
Personal qualities Industriousness, responsibility, honesty, punctuality, purposefulness, learning, punctuality
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: OC Windows 7/8/10;
2. Applications: AutoCad, MathCAD, Компас 3D;
3. Programming languages: C++;
4. Office programs: LibreOffice, MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point).
Professional experience Passage of production practice at REC Substation KhBK 220 kV trainee (summer 2016)
Future plans Successful completion of the magistracy, the search for interesting and promising work
Contact information E-mail –