Автор: Konturskaya K., Sokolova O. V.
Источник: Young scientists’ researches and achievements in science: сборник докладов научнотехнической конференции для молодых учёных (Донецк, 19 апреля 2018г.) / ответств. за вып. Е. Н. Кушниренко. – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2018-129 с.
Konturskaya K., Sokolova O.V. The impact assessment of the Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station on the environment. The article is devoted to the problem of the environmental protection in modern society. The authors consider the influence of the enterprise Company
Water of Donbass on the hydrosphere, atmospheric air and soil in the instance of the The Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station activity.
Natural resources are means of subsistence, without which human being can’t exist and which he finds in the nature. These are water, soil, plants, minerals used properly or in their recycled forms. All these provide us with food, clothing, shelter, fuel, energy and raw materials for industry, using them people create items for comfortable life, cars and medicines. People have the right to drink clean water, to breathe air without harmful contaminants and to grow food in environmentally clean soil. Thus we must do our best not to do tremendous harm on the environment with our activities.
Water purification is very important process as a man consists of water at about 80% and uses it for his own needs every day.
The enterprise called Company
is the largest one in the sphere of housing and communal services [1]. This company is a unique complex of hydraulic and water supply facilities which support water continuity of Donetsk region.Water of Donbass
The main tasks of the company are:
The Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station is one of the purifying sewage objects.
The aim of the research is to study the work of the filtration station and to assess its impact on the environment.
The following tasks must be performed to achieve the aim:
The Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station is intended for drinking water supply of Donetsk, Makeyevka and Yasinovatoya. It is located in Yasinovatoya district. The station was designed in 1956 and began working in 1958. Its productivity according to the project is 500 thousand m3/day.
The filtration station impact on the atmosphere was considered during the research [2]. According to the current permit of the pollutant emissions into the atmosphere there are 20 sources of emissions on the filtration station area (8 of them are organized and 12 are unorganized).
28 pollutants are emitted by the station sources and their amount is 731.9939 tons / year. Five of emitted pollutants are the most common. They are lead and its compounds, suspended particulate matters, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide. Their potential emission is 60,152 tons / year. Twenty-one of them are hazardous pollutants with potential release of 0.043 tons / year. They are arsenic and its compounds, iron and its compounds, cadmium and its compounds, copper and its compounds, nickel and its compounds, mercury and its compounds, selenium and its compounds, lead and its compounds, chromium and its compounds, manganese and its compounds, nitric acid, sulfate acid, ammonia, hydrogen chloride, sodium hydroxide, ethyl alcohol, phenol, carbon tetrachloride, gasoline and methane. And there are two substances with non-defined limit of emission permit into the atmosphere in large cities. They are dinitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide. Their potential emission is 671,799 tons / year. Table 1 shows the actual emissions of pollutants in the air caused by the stationary sources compared with established emission standards.
According to Table 1 the boiler plant, the forge horn and the woodworking workshop located on the filtration station are the main sources of emission but they do not negatively affect the atmosphere. The documentation analysis of these sources proves that they do not negatively affect the atmosphere.
Examining the filtration plant impact on the hydrosphere we brought out that the waste water of the plant activity is sent into the storage capacitor with further water discharge through outlet No. 1 into a small flat-bottom valley called Cordonaya, the pond called Zheleznodorozhny
and the River Kalmius, which are used for the communal purposes. The outlet is located 206 km far from the River Kalmius. 50 644 thousand m3 of water was taken from the water channel called Seversky Donets-Donbass and 1382.6 thousand m3 of water was returned into the nature in 2016.
The sludge from horizontal sinker, the water taken after the high-rate trickling filter washing and other industrial wastewater flow into the capacitor of the rinse water sludge of the filtration station.
The washing water sludge capacitor of the Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station is located in the valley called Cordonaya that is 2 km far from Yasinovataya. The washing water flows through two concrete collectors laid on a concrete foundation. The sand trap water flows into the sludge capacitor too.
The washing water sludge capacitor of the Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station is a tank made by the earth dam. Purification is carried out mechanically by the storage. The sludge accumulates at the bottom of the tank and the pure water is discharged through the collector into the basin of the River Kalmius. The recycling discharged water accounting is carried out hydrometrically at the barrel outlets in the wells. Once in а while the capacity parameters are taken down in order to calculate the degree of silting and to define the aspects of further work. The storage bowl useful volume has been decreased by 630 thousand m3 since 1962. The results taken down in 2003 showed that the storage silting intensity is 15.4 thousand m3/year.
The circulating water discharged into the station water basin is called as a poor purified. It has been caused by the strict standards of pollutants in the returning water and the water quality impairment in the water supply sources for the last years [3]. Table 2 shows the actual and approved water composition and substances discharge within the wastewater.
According to Table 2 the discharge of pollutants in the recycling water does not exceed the limit. Therefore the filtration station does not negatively affect the hydrosphere.
During the filtration station activity 17 types of waste products are formed, namely: waste luminescent, spent oil products, waste rubber materials, packing stuffing waste, electrode cakes, pieces of woodworking, sawdust, wood shavings, water treatment sludge, ash and slag, household waste, oiled rags, metal shavings, abrasive waste, abrasive-metal dust.
According to the degree of the impact on the environment and human beings all waste products generated during the filtration station activity are divided into classes. The waste hazard class is determined by the waste producer according to the relevant regulatory documents approved by special executive authorities in the field of waste management [4]. The Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station generates 17 waste products. One of them refers to the first hazard class, two of them refer to the second hazard class, two waste products refer to the third hazard class and twelve waste products refer to the fourth hazard class.
The waste collection is carried out by means of its movement from the areas of its formation. Also, the waste collection is carried out according to the type and hazard class to determine the most suitable ways for the management of the waste products. The containers marked with clear indications of the waste type are used to collect the waste products. The largest amount of waste products is formed of ash and slag (12.19 tons / year), debris (29.0 tons / year), household waste (11.5 tons / year) and sludge of water purification (870.22 tons / year). All waste products are put out to other enterprises to be recycled or are used at the filtration station for own needs.
So, we can conclude that neither Donbass water basin nor the atmosphere suffer because of the filtration station pollutants. The Verkhne-Kalmius filtration station does not negatively affect the environment of Donetsk region.
1. Коммунальное предприятие Компания
[Электронный ресурс] / Донецк – Режим доступа : 2011 г. – О компании http://www.voda.dn.ua/o-kompaniiВода Донбасса
2. Инвентаризация источников выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух для Верхне-Кальмиусской фильтровальной станции Донецкого РПУ КП Компания
/ Утвержден О. Г. Мокрым. – Донецк, 2008.-133 с.Вода Донбасса
3. Разрешение на специальное водопользование и проект нормативов предельно допустимых сбросов загрязняющих веществ с оборотными водами КП Компания
/ Утвержден С. В. Третьяковым. – Донецк, 2011.-87 с.Вода Донбасса
4. Обращение с отходами за 2016 г. Учет отходов и упаковочных материалов и тары / Утверждено Приказом Главного управления статистики Донецкой Народной Республики 18.02.2015 No 23.