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In modern conditions at the enterprises the issues of ensuring the working process acquire special relevance necessary material resources and their effective use, improvement of warehouse management and stocks of products, sales activities and traffic flows. Fluctuating consumer demand requires businesses to constantly carry out market analysis in order to change the assortment structure of products in volumes sufficient for its satisfactions. According to the results of research conducted at 45 enterprises revealed [1], that the main factors that contributed to the development of warehouse management, include the growth of customer service requirements, increasing the value of warehouse service (from the point of view of time, quality, reliability), the rising costs of distribution, management of inventory control, introduction of information technologies.

In order to be competitive, an enterprise should organize its activities in such a way as to minimize risks, losses and costs, which are associated with the processes of storage and marketing of products, and maximize revenues from its implementation. This is possible to implement in the first place by improving the efficiency of warehouse management.

1. Relevance of the topic

Relevance of the topic is based on the problem of low use of space, because you need a large number of passes for the passage of the loading techniques. And it is also based on the fact that in our region the warehouse area is considered in m2 while in Europe it is considered in m3, thus maximum use of the warehouse.

In Europe a long time is already automated and semi-automated warehouses , which is realized by the system printed of a pallet Shuttle cart which is controlled remotely. In our country, such warehouses are not used due to the fact that you need to fully upgrade the warehouses under the new system, train your staff and also because it is a large initial investment. But also with this system increases the efficiency of the warehouse and the profit also increases, this system quickly pays off, which is not taken into account in our country.

To solve this problem, it is proposed to use a semi-automatic system with a Shuttle trolley and stuffing racks, where the number of the aisles are minimized and the storage height of the products is increased.

2. Purpose and objectives of the study

The aim of the study is to substantiate the rational parameters of storage rack systems with Shuttle trolley.

to achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:

  1. Investigate the status of the issue and identify resolved and unresolved issues;
  2. Develop mathematical models describing the operation of the storage system;
  3. to Conduct research and to establish the best combination of parameters of the warehouse;
  4. Develop recommendations for devices and methods to improve the efficiency of the warehouse.

Obtained result

The mathematical model of the motion of the Shuttle truck on the rails of the rack allow you to simulate the process of interaction of the wheels Shuttle trolley with guides. These models can be used to analyze the dynamic loads on the racking systems that are being formed during the movement of pallets with cargo. As a result, the following tasks are obtained:

  1. The state of works on creation of pallet storage systems is Investigated and their analysis is executed. As a result, it is found that for the module from 120 pallet, the required warehouse volume is:
    • for front racks – 1300 m3;
    • for deep racks – 1152 m3;
    • for the Pallet Shuttle system – 302,4 m3.
  2. Mathematical models describing the operation of the storage system have been Developed. The regions of parametric resonances at transverse the fluctuations of the Shuttle truck.
  3. Studies have Been carried out and found that the power of the trolley – 0.31 kW, and the lifting mechanism – 0.45 kW.
  4. A Pallet Shuttle storage system has been Developed, which has the following channel dimensions:
    • width 1.35 m;
    • height 1.8 m;
    • length 8 m.
  5. Recommendations are Given and the required costs necessary for storage and processing of products in the warehouse are determined. In relation to the costs determined profitability, which is 23.6%. Installed capacity of the warehouse in size 21663 m3/year. The utilization rate of the warehouse volume, which is determined 0.32.

    List of sources

    1. Аникин, Б.А. Логистика и управление цепями поставок. Теория и практика. Основы логистики/ Б. А. Аникина. – М.: Проспект, 2013. – 344 с.