The wide distribution of special grades of stainless, heatresistant and highstrength steels and alloys in connection with the growth of loads and temperatures in the main parts and assemblies of modern machines also determines the urgency of the task of increasing the efficiency of their processing. Low thermal conductivity and high strength of these materials contributes to an increase in temperatures and cutting forces, reducing the resistance of the cutting tool, which leads to high labor intensity and low cost of their processing [1].
High temperatures in the treatment area, arising from & ndash; because of the low thermal conductivity of hardtocut materials, they determine the need to study the temperature limitations on cutting conditions when optimizing them. At present, well developed common methods for thermophysical analysis of technological systems, including the basic laws of the formation of heat fluxes and temperatures in the cutting zone [2].The existing method allows to establish the effect of processing parameters on the cutting temperature and justify temperature limitations in optimizing cutting conditions, which is especially important for difficult-to-ork materials. [4].
It is of interest to further study the temperature limitations for special grades of stainless, heat-resistant and highstrength steels and alloys, and to take these limitations into account when optimizing cutting conditions using the linear programming method, which will make it possible to specify the optimal conditions for their processing and to reveal productivity growth reserves [5].
1. The purpose and objectives of the study
The aim of the study is to increase the efficiency of turning by substantiating the optimal cutting conditions and the use of lubricating – cooling process fluids.
The main objectives of the study:
- Analyze the possibilities of different SOTS and methods of their submission to the cutting zone to reduce the cutting temperature.
- Investigate the thermal state of the cutting zone during turning using the cutting fluid; to develop theoretical models for determining the temperature of cutting depending on cutting conditions, taking into account the effect of the coolant.
- Perform optimization of cutting conditions and evaluate the possibilities of improving the efficiency of turning with regard to the effects of a coolant.
The object of study: the processing of machine parts turning with the use of coolants.
Subject of research: technological parameters of machining by turning using SOTS: cutting temperature, surface roughness, optimum cutting conditions, productivity, cost price.
The main provisions of the master's work
- The author defends an integrated approach to ensuring highperformance machining of machine parts with turning, taking into account the effect of the cutting fluid based on the optimization of cutting conditions.
The scientific novelty of the results is:
- In the development of theoretical models for determining the temperature of cutting, depending on the modes of turning, taking into account the effect of the coolant cutting;
- In establishing the analytical dependencies of the optimal turning conditions on the processing conditions, taking into account the effect of the Zotz by the criteria of maximum productivity and minimum cost.
The practical significance of the results is:
- In the creation of reasonable recommendations on the choice of the optimal (according to the criteria of performance and cost) cutting conditions for different machining conditions by turning using the COTS.
As a result of the analysis of heat fluxes and temperatures in the cutting zone, depending on the speed and supply, temperature limits were established during the turning of various difficult-to-work materials. For these materials, the boundary values of the coefficients that determine the need to take into account temperature limitations are established.
The optimal cutting conditions are determined to ensure maximum processing performance, taking into account the established temperature limits. Comparison of these cutting conditions with the modes calculated without taking into account temperature limitations was made. Identified reserves to increase cutting speeds (up to 2 times) with the removal of temperature restrictions.
The developed technique to be widely used to predict the patterns of temperature formation in the treatment area, depending on the cutting conditions and optimization of cutting conditions, taking into account temperature limitations for various types of processing.
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