- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study, the planned results
- 3. The peculiarity of methane and its danger
- 4. Causes of methane explosions
- 5. Survey of the measurement of the concentration of methane in the majority of the conditions of methane. Benefits and deficiencies
- 5.1 Classification of the instruments of the automaton gas control center
- 5.2 Methane analyzers, based on a thermo-analytical method for measuring methane concentration in an atmospheric charge
- 5.3 Methane analyzers, based on a thermometric measuring method
- 5.4 Methane analyzers, based on a chemical method of measuring methane concentration in the atomic field
- 5.5 Gaza-analyzers, based on the airflow and channeling of methane concentration in the atmospheric concentration
- Findings
- List of sources
On psobnyh hailing every month there are a dozen of ignitions and explosions of metane. Successive explosions are as human beings, and the massive material. No less than six large catastrophes in the world history of the mountain business were caused by explosions of methane and dust. The most serious hazardous phenomena in the pattern of explosions are the explosions of the gas vapor. In general, the generated trauma in the explosions and reverses of methane is less than that of the workers and survivors due to machines and machines. But it was high and in distant years it reached 15%. In connection with this, the implementation of methods for the explosions of the front of the facility has a spontaneous social and economic effect.
1. Relevance of the topic
Methane explodes at a concentration of from 5 to 16% and at 650 °C. Causes: poor airing, improper air distribution. Therefore, it becomes necessary to control these very important parameters within acceptable limits for the sake of the safety of human lives and the whole mountain range.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study, the planned results
The purpose of this work is to develop a block diagram of the device for determining the excess of the permissible concentration of methane, taking into account modern methods of information processing using microprocessor technology.
3. The peculiarity of methane and its danger
The main feature of methane is its unusual characteristic and the lack of a sense of danger of methane among workers. We see many types of danger, such as the collapse of coal, rock, cutting and moving parts of machinery and equipment, naturally we are afraid of them, if necessary, take appropriate measures to protect ourselves, not to enter the danger zone. However, there are a number of types of danger that cannot visually be considered, for example, radiation, electromagnetic and other emissions, since they have no obvious signs of – colors, smell, taste. This feature has a negative effect in preventive work.
In coal mines, methane should be classified as such. In order to avoid this impact, it is necessary not only to know well the characteristics of methane, but also to feel, feel intuitively, constantly remember its presence, the danger of accumulation, manifestation in the form of an explosion. Having such a feeling helps, on the one hand, punctually to comply with the requirements of the Safety Rules and take appropriate measures in a timely manner, similarly carried out to prevent collapses and collapses, on the other &mdash leave the danger zone in time.
Many workers, as shown by inspections and investigations of accidents, unfortunately, methane is not very well known. Only a few (about 2-3%) working at the mine clearly represent, had the opportunity to directly meet with this type of accidents, and then, most often, in the process of recovery work in the aftermath of methane explosions. Due to the specific features of the mines and the adaptation of workers to the environmental conditions, the workers do not feel the immense constant danger from the presence of methane and coal dust, however, this does not make the environment any less dangerous. The absence of this sensation, if you want – fear
(non-pathological) is the human factor, concomitant, indirect cause of non-compliance and violations of the PB and explosions. On this occasion, one of the academics of the past generation said something like: ... Mine – This is very serious, the implementation of mining operations must be treated with respect and great responsibility, if you do not want to be in big trouble. Managers, engineers, working in the mine should know and remember the specifics of the environment and take decision-making, the implementation of safety measures very seriously and responsibly.
If a manager doubts that many of those who work poorly know the characteristics of methane, the explosiveness of coal dust and the interaction of these components during an explosion, it is enough to ask 10 people of engineering and technical personnel of the mining and preparatory sections to tell about the properties of methane, to the extent that they instruct workers. And you will see that, at best, the amount of this knowledge reaches 1/10 of that required according to PB, Instructions. Hence the actions, the actions of workers, based on the courage of not knowing the danger
and adapting to it.
The second negative feature of methane is the constant tendency to complicate the ventilation of mines, due to increased depth, increased methane production, lengthening the length and resistance of the network of mine workings and other factors. A retrospective analysis of the causes of methane explosions in mining operations at horizons 1-3 reveals that when moving from the first to the second horizon (and sometimes from the 2nd to the 3rd) for the indicated reasons of underestimating negative factors, explosions are allowed. After their leaders and specialists begin to take really adequate measures to the conditions and the explosions for 5-8 years cease. The output can be one – it is necessary to timely, critically evaluate the changed mountain and gas conditions before the explosion, and not after it. Generalized experience shows that many explosions have an incubation period of ripening
and it is quite long with pronounced signs of danger [1].
4. Causes of methane explosions
Explosions and inflammations of methane occur predominantly during the processing of steep seams. The source of fire that initiated the ignition of methane, as a rule, are the centers of spontaneous combustion of coal arising in the developed space. Due to the peculiarities of the technological schemes for working out steep coal seams, hotbeds of spontaneous combustion of coal in the developed space are often detected not at an early stage of their occurrence, but are manifested by flashes of methane in the developed space, or by smoke. Local methane explosive concentrations of methane are formed in the upper developed space outside the area of the clean-up activities. When these local accumulations of methane from the centers of spontaneous combustion of coal bypassed burning coal bypassed, then flashes or methane explosions occur. People who are in the mining face may be exposed to a shock wave, but the explosion of methane in the clearing face and the workings adjacent to them, as a rule, does not spread [2].
5. Survey of the measurement of the concentration of methane in the majority of the conditions of methane. Benefits and deficiencies
5.1 Classification of the instruments of the automaton gas control center
They are divided into the following types: mechanical, sound, ultra-sound, thermal, magnetically, electrically and optically. The priors of each type are inflated by a few subtypes:
- Mechanical appliances are improving static and dynamic. Standard specifications: a) with the implementation of chemical reac- tions — six-dimensional, manual, six-dimensional and multi-dimensional; b) all - differential, float. Dynamic gears are inflaming on the focus of the 6th, more effective and diffuse.
- Sound and ultra-sound: a) troublesome measurements have been taken, continuous amplitude measurements, amplitude-amplitude measurements. 6) reversal on the measurement of the speed of the reproduction of the sound in the impulse measurement.
- Thermal gas equipment podrazdelyayut on: a) thermoconductive, augmentative changes in the heat of the analyzing medium; b) thermal-reactive - with a reaction in the gas phase (thermo-catalytic), with a reaction in a liquid phase (thermal-reactive).
- Magnit devices share: tepmomagnit, magnitotepmokondyktometpicheckie magnitovickozimetpichnye, and magnitomechanic magnitopnevmatic.
- The external factors inflate the decrease and the increase of the current.
- Optical is divided into absorption and emission.
The performance of the equipment is dependent on the distance of the specimen in which the measurement is measured, is inflated by: a) the pa- tients in infrastructural ohms (in the number of optical and operational equipment); 6) pa6otayuschie in yltpafioletovoy o6lacti - c nepocpedctvennym (p.pyamo) pogloscheniem izlycheniya kontpolipyemym komponentom, c pogloscheniem izlycheniya variations vzaimodeyctvii oppedelyaemogo komponenta c peagentom liquid (fotokolopimetpicheckie zhidkoctnye); c) pa6otayuschie in vidimoy o6lacti cpektpa - c nepocpedctvennym (p.pyamo) pogloscheniem izlycheniya oppedelyaemym komponentom, c pogloscheniem izlycheniya variations vzaimodeyctvii oppedelyaemogo komponenta c liquid peagentom (fotokolopimetpicheckie zhidkoctnye), c pogloscheniem izlycheniya variations vzaimodeyctvii paccmatpivaemogo komponenta c peagentom, kotopym ppopitana 6ymazhnaya or tekctilnaya lenta ( photocolorimetric or photometric lentochnymi).
5.2 Methane analyzers, based on a thermo-analytical method for measuring methane concentration in an atmospheric charge
At the picture of 1 unit, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, at the unit, at the test-rim, and at the segment, at the same time, the equipment has been used for practical use of practical equipment for the use of practical equipment. Bridges a and 6 are aluminum cylindrical cylinders with y-oxide, coated with a flat plate and palladium. Inside the device, inside the cylinder, there will be a separate helix that is the heater. On the body of a cylinder that has a handle, it is equipped with a tabletop helix, which performs the functions of a control thermometer. The concomitant configuration of the element was applied to metane AMT-2 analytics.
Variant b distinguished by the fact that in it there is only one helix from the platinum wrap, which executes a single-time heating function and has the same characteristics.
Variant is made in the form of a sponge with y-oxide of aluminum, covered with a flat and a tarmac. In the case of a spherical wadded wad, the wiring of the worm is carried out by a computer program, which is carried out by quot; These elements are used in the MMA-1 and CMC-1 vpas scripts, the IMC-1 cms, the 6Mine-metr-relay TMPK-3 and the ciphers, and the signatories of the MPS-1. The head temperate, with the aid of the cops, was a complete oxidation of methane on the back of the low temper optics of the catalyst, and the speed of the pro 360 °C.

Figure 1 - Low-temperature thermochemically reproducible elements: a) cylindrical with a heated ignition; 6) cylindrical with direct heating; c) direct fired spherical

Figure 2 - A chemical image of a thermal sensor
On figure 2 shows the chemical trait of the sensor, which gives the basis of his approach and the principle of operation. B It enters: 1 - gas filter; 2 - commensurate T1 IE; 3, 5 - keepers; 4 - insulated wheel; 6 - current-carrying tip; 7 - pa6o T11E. Peaktsionnaya kamepa yavlyaetcya poloctyu, ctenkami kotopoy clyzhit gaz filter time, vypolnenny of popictoy metallokepamiki or o6ychnoy kepamiki (in 6olee pannix konctpyktsiyax vmecto gazoo6mennogo filtpa icpolzovalac dvoynaya metallic cetka) and plactmaccovaya kolodka, kotopaya yavlyaetcya dnom peaktsionnoy kamepy and ppoxodnoy vtylkoy for tokoppovodyaschix depzhateley nA kotopyx The brackets are paired and clamped elements that are secured to the holders with the power of the terminals. In order to exclude the interaction of the worker and the com- pany of the elements, they will be affected by the rest of the friends of the friends or the rest of them.
5.3 Methane analyzers, based on a thermometric measuring method
On rigorous scopes reported a wide range of two types of counterpart gas analyzers: one is at the highest concentration of methane (0 - 100%) for wrAHs and turn-ons. The other one is for the control of the water in the 6-compartment boxes of the battery compartments.
The gas analyzer has the capacity to inspect a civilian curb 6e for the use of certified samples. It is a resistance store incorporated in a torque circuit. Variations pepeklyuchenii magazina coppotivleny, polozheniya kotopogo oppedelyayut tochki ppovepki Po shkale pokazyvayuschego ppi6opa, menyaetcya coppotivlenie, voznikaet paz6alanc kompencatsionnogo mocta and 6lagodapya opicannoy vyshe o6patnoy Linkages izmenyaetcya tok chepez ppeo6pazyyuschy element pa6ochego mocta, verily ect ppoicxodit At Process, analogichny pa6ote ppeo6pazyyuschego elementa pa6ochego mocta variations Change The kontsentpatsii measuring gauge.
Competitively gas analyzer KAM-1 is made in the form of three 6Lokovs: a receiver, a second receiver and a copier 6 or an extractor.
5.4 Methane analyzers, based on a chemical method of measuring methane concentration in the atomic field
At the same time, the figure 7 is caused by the principle pattern of a gas engineer with a detector for heating (camo) and self-sensitivities. It includes: 1 - 6 years of the highest pressure; 2 - editop; 3 - fan control valve; 4 - active tpy6ka; 5 - manometer; 6 - input supply terminal; 7 - catommeter; 8 - the hardware column; 9 - the ice mantle; 10 - flow speed meter; 11 - self-episode. Gazshah Then, the miner, passes through the heater to the cell of the battery and the input unit. Having secured the perception of the analysis of the gas mixture, which was inserted into the crown of the spin of the memory of the permeation of the injection of the gas, the gas reservoir of the engine builder of the gas supply, the gas engine of the engine developer of the gas supply of the gas engine. In the column of the analysis of the gas mix is divided into the share components. Belts and thermometer detectors are exposed to air or water intakes. Coming out of the column, the gas-powered vehicle together with the drivers, who wash out of it, swings out to the measuring center of the battery, and then, through a measurement of the system and the patient's hands and a The memory card is recorded by a camcorder, or recorded visually. The detector, located in the outlet of the gas from the cylinder, continuously fixes the change in the concentration of the compressor and is washed out by the gas-washing fluid. often, this is a thermal conductivity detector (cat). Such a child is a metallic 6-pillar with two cameras, in which the heaters are equipped with a flatwheel or volcano or volcanoes. Through a so-called comparative camera, a gas-stopper continuously penetrates. Through another battery, called by the patron, the gas-stoker invariably comes along with the help of partisan employees. Paznaya teploppovodnoct gazov in cpavnitelnoy and pa6ochey kamepax neodinakovo izmenyaet coppotivlenie cpavnitelnogo and pa6ochego nagpevatelnyx elementov chto vyzyvaet poyavlenie paznocti potentsialov in diagonali moctovoy cxemy in plechi kotopoy vklyucheny nagpevatelnye elementy. This potential difference is recorded by the self-registering agent.
Detection of hot areas, which can be dispersed and analyzed by cleaning it, use a warm-tracking detector, using a thermal sensor, using a thermal sensor, using a flame detector. The heating effect of the catalysis of the warmth of the fuel is above the effect of changing the temperature of the detector of thermal conductivity. A separate thermal security inspector has been examined by a police officer on a voluntary basis by a police school on a criminal basis in a police school on a police basis by the police. Therefore, in spite of the high degree of accuracy and capacity, the thermal detector did not have a wide range of applications.

Рисунок 7 – The principle pattern of the gaspal chromium
5.5 Gaza-analyzers, based on the airflow and channeling of methane concentration in the atmospheric concentration
In IGD them. AA Ckochinckogo 6yl pazpa6otan and icpytan in shaxtnyx ycloviyax ekcpepimentalny o6pazets vozdyshno-kanalnoy cictemy kontpolya in shaxtnoy atmocfepe Gamma q>, kotopy polozhen in ocnovy komplekca gazovogo kontpolya KGK (opytny o6pazets izgotovlen zavodom
Kpacny metallict q> ).
The KGK hardware module is intended for the auto matic remote stapler of the six-seater from the hearths and the reprocessing of the centralized rotor and of the reproducible from the central ejecta, and the reproducible
With the help of the KGK apparatus, in the first place, they control the concentration of the oxide of the alloy to identify the early scenes of the self-ignition of coal, as well as at the end of the year.
The capacity of the CGK is from the air supply and the gas analyzer. In the field of the equipment of the sixth automatic machine, the devices of the devices of the rigs of the devices of the rigs of the devices of the rigs of the devices of the devices, The complex of the gas analyzer is located on the superstructure. Principles for deyctviya appapatypy KGK zaklyuchaetcya in otcacyvanii ppo6 vozdyxa of zadannyx tochek kontpolipyemogo o6ekta (shaxty, pydnika) Po cpetsialnym tpy6kam to tsentpalnomy gazoanaliticheckomy pynkty, Where ppovoditcya analiz ppo6 vozdyxa c pomoschyu avtomaticheckix gazoanalizatopov.
In figure 8, the principle heading of CGK is indicated.

Рисунок 8 – The headset of the KGK team
Enter: 1 - the shooter with controllers; 2 - rotameter; 3 - vakyymmetp; 4 - driver; 5 - protective structures; 6 - wagons; 7 - air heater; 8 - gas analyzers; 9 - waggon; 10 - vacuum loads; 11 - o6paratny valve; 12 - airjet collector; 13 - ventil-regulator; 14 - elektropnevmokopan; 15 - Ventilator Fighter.
Work one sort of vakuum nacocov and one sort of nacocov-po6yditeley shaxtny vozdyx chepez vozdyxoot6opnye yctpoyctva Po otdelnym tpy6kam pnevmoka6elya poctoyanno dvizhetcya do yctanovlennogo nA povepxnocti tsentpalnogo gazoanaliticheckogo pynkta. Under the guidance of the Master of the Voyage, he is under the control of the heart of the world. On the back of the electric motor, the main air moves to the air heater and away from it - in the atmosphere. The displacement of the control channels is carried out by means of the transmission of the control impulse on the electric drive control unit. The amount of the joint airway passing through the channels is monitored by rotors and control vents. Electrocontacts octopuses monitor the control of the vehicles and protect them against reuse. Bo owners co-ordinate water and oil conditions.
In the field of artworking B verily acpekte vozdyshno-kanalnye cictemy imeyut znachitelnye ppeimyschectva, pockolky pokazateli nadezhnocti, ppoctoty o6clyzhivaniya, metpologicheckaya o6ecpechennoct, and vzpyvo6ezopacnoct dpygie in neckolko paz vyshe chem in elektponnyx cictemax analogichnogo naznacheniya.
The master's work is devoted to the actual scientific task of combining the main methods for determining the concentration of methane in the mining section of a coal mine.
In the course of the work:
- Features of methane and its danger were established.
- The causes of methane explosions in coal mines were established.
- A review of the measurement of methane concentration in the main conditions and their analysis was carried out.
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