Brief resume
Name | Franchuk Dmitriy. |
Date of birth | Mar 12, 1996. |
Place of birth | Donetsk. |
Schools | 2002-2012y. Donetsk Liceum 12. |
Universities | Since 2013 he studied at Donetsk National technical University, specialty electronics and nanoelectronics. In 2017, a diploma of degree of the Bachelor. Since 2017, he entered DonNTU for a master's degree in electronics and nanoelectronics. |
Average score | The average score for the period of study in the bachelor 87 points on the national scale ECTS. |
Languages | Russian(perfect), ukrainian(perfect), english(intermediate). |
Personal achievements | From 2002 to 2013 multiple winner of regional, national and European competitions in Traditional Karate To, as well as from 2005 to 2015. multiple winner of regional and all-Ukrainian competitions in ship modeling and ship modeling. Participant of the scientific conference Lomonosov readings in 2013. He took part in field conferences on robotics, one of which was held in Moscow in 2017. Participant of exhibitions of students 'works, including Donbass youth festival, held in 2018. |
Hobbies and interests | Since 2005 are addicted to ship modeling and ship modeling sport, 2015. began to lead this club in the Donetsk Republican Centre of Technical Creativity. Also from childhood he was interested in and fond of electronics and robotics, from 2016 he began to lead the circle of robotic in the same institution. I am fond of CNC equipment, namely 3D printing, laser engraving and CNC milling. Just doing Flocking (covering surfaces with velvet). From the literature I prefer the scientific, accompanying the above Hobbies, for a more thorough study of Hobbies. |
Personal qualities | Good perseverance, patience, care, accuracy, responsibility and communication skills. |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating systems: Windows, IOS, Android 2. Applications: full Microsoft Ofice, Arduino ide, SolidWorks, CorelDraw 3 package. Programming languages C, Pascal,C++, HTML, Delphi 4. Delphi, CodeVisionAVR, Arduino IDE, Borland Pascal development environments. |
Additional courses, internships, grants | Lego Education courses, STEP computer Academy Courses. |
Professional experience | 2014. I work as the supervisor of groups of robotics and shipmodelbuilding in the Donetsk Republican Centre of Technical Creativity. Also from 2015 to 2016 Methodist of sports and technical Department. From 2018 robotu in a Technical Studio BitSpace instructor of the course of Lego Education. |
Future plans | The career move of the current work. |
Contact information | |