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Resume Abstract
Русский Українська



Housing and communal services is one of the most important complexes of economic sectors, ensuring the functioning of residential buildings, creating a safe, convenient and comfortable living and location people in them. Automation of technological processes of housing and utilities plays an important role in reducing economic costs, as well as in improving the reliability and uninterrupted operation of all consumer supply systems.

The water supply system, as part of the housing and communal services, requires the introduction of automatic control systems (ACS) with the use of modern high–tech equipment.

1. Theme urgency

Installation of automatic control systems at different areas and nodes of the water supply network is able to solve a number of tasks, such as:

  1. Control of the process of uninterrupted water supply to all users with the required pressure, regardless of water consumption.
  2. Alarm and emergency shutdown of equipment or switching to backup water sources in case of accidents and emergencies.
  3. Distributed remote independent control of physical parameters that characterize the water supplied to users for each node on which the system is installed.
  4. Dispatch control from the operational point by a set of nodes and subsystems located in a fairly large area.

Automation of the water supply unit can allow to achieve the following results:

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The goal is to reduce the economic costs of transporting water to consumers by reducing and controlling the volume of water leakage in the district water supply system. Improving the reliability and duration of operation of the water supply network.

Based on the already conducted research of district water systems in Donetsk and the problems studied, a number of design tasks were set for the automatic control system.

  1. Reducing overpressure in the district water supply network through the development of an automatic water pressure control system, which will increase the lifetime of the water supply system.
  2. Improvement of the installed technical devices to increase the reliability and uninterrupted operation of the system, and suitability for operation in wet environments.
  3. The introduction of new methods of regulating technological processes at control points, as well as new methods of controlling pumps at a water supply station.
  4. Software implementation of protection functions in order to implement system recoverability.
  5. Modernization of the existing telemetry and dispatching system of distributed control points.

As part of the master's work is expected to receive relevant scientific results in the following areas:

  1. re–equip the complex of technical means of automation of the water supply network with a maximum increase in the reliability of the system as a whole and of its individual nodes in particular;
  2. development of methods for effective pressure control in network sections, which will reduce the cost of transporting water and minimize damage to equipment;
  3. centralized acquisition and monitoring of all necessary data on the state of the water supply system without human intervention.


As a result of the analysis of the district water supply system, it was revealed that the object of study consists of a central point — a water supply unit, and pressure reduction control points. At the water supply unit, pressure is pumped from the tanks with the help of pumps and distributed between the water lines, in accordance with the relevant settings. Control points are often located at the entrances to the consumer zone and serve to protect consumers from excessive water pressure. An analysis was made of existing solutions for automating water supply network nodes and studying the problems of the facility. It was found that the possibilities of improving existing systems are not exhausted, and the implementation of modern automation methods will help solve a number of important technical problems and economic problems. Based on the analysis carried out, goals were set, requirements for the system and functions to be performed by the automatic water pressure control system at the water distribution system were established. The main decisions on the design of the automation system of the water supply system were adopted and substantiated.

Further research focused on the following aspects:

  1. development of a complete multi–level mathematical model of the district water supply system;
  2. minimization of control actions of regulators used in the system;
  3. modeling of the designed system and obtaining results;
  4. selection of actuators and a set of technical means in accordance with the obtained simulation results;
  5. calculation of the final economic indicators of the modernization of the district water supply system.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: June 2019. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.

Publication date of the abstract: December 2018.


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