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The current economic situation leads to the fact that many mines do not pay enough attention to the introduction of modern technologies and equipment, preferring to use the old, morally and materially worn out, which leads to low efficiency of the mines.

So, the issue of timely mechanization of technological installations, in particular, the mine system of heat supply, modernization or replacement of outdated equipment, is the basis for the introduction of an integrated system of automation of technological processes using modern automation devices, is relevant.

1. Theme urgency

Nowadays, one of the urgent problems facing our state is the problem of storage of fuel resources. Due to the difficult state of the fuel and energy sector, due to the shortage of all types of fuel, a decrease in coal production and a decline in its quality over the past 20 years (the coal ash content reaches 35%), this problem is extremely important to solve.

The solution to this problem should be sought in the involvement in industrial use of energy sources that were not quite taken into account in the fuel and energy balance, as well as in the development of methods for the exploitation of fuel resources that will make full use of their thermal potential and minimize energy losses. One of the ways to solve this problem is the introduction of a new technology of burning solid fuel in a low-temperature fluidized bed (FCB).

Due to the introduction of this technology, it becomes possible to use reserves of low-grade solid fuel, utilization of coal preparation and coal mining waste.

The required quality of control can be achieved only through comprehensive monitoring of the state of the technological parameters of the FCB furnaces. And the basis of the laws of control is the operation of fireboxes with maximum efficiency and minimum expenditure of fuel resources.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

Given the trend of deterioration in the quality of solid fuel, it is possible to formulate the purpose of the work - increasing the efficiency of the heat supply system of a mine with furnaces FCB.

The overall goal of the work is the following tasks:

  1. Study of the technological features of the boiler plant;
  2. Analysis of existing technical solutions in the field of automation of boiler plants with furnaces FCB;
  3. Modernization of boiler plant control systems with furnaces FCB.

3. Improving the efficiency of the heat supply system of the mine with furnaces FCB

The object of research of this work is the heat supply system of the mine with a boiler plant with several furnaces of FCB operating on one collector in the conditions of variable flow of the heat carrier. For furnaces of this type are used hot water boilers type DKVS or DKVR. As stated at the beginning of the work, the goal is to develop a system for automated control of furnaces of the FCB in accordance with the current needs of mine users. To solve this design problem, it is necessary to make some assumptions:

The whole complex of heat supply of the mine can be represented as a model, which clearly demonstrates the heat and mass transfer between FCB boilers and consumers in accordance with the heat balance equations obtained. [6]

The main technological parameters of the furnaces of FCB include the consumption of solid fuel and the speed of the blast air. By changing this parameter, it is possible to regulate the heat capacity of the fireboxes and to prevent the occurrence of emergency conditions - slagging or sintering of the layer.

From a technological point of view, it is much easier to implement the regulation of the operation of the furnace by changing the speed of the blast air. This indicator, as noted above, varies depending on the angle of rotation of the blades of the guide apparatus of the blower fan. [7]

When regulating the power of the furnace for solid fuel consumption, the main problem is the measurement of the actual values of this indicator, due to several factors.

But this method gives a much greater economic effect, since it allows to save solid fuel.


There is a need to introduce an automatic control of the operation of mine boiler rooms in the conditions of variable (non-constant) consumption coolant. It is also necessary to satisfy the requirement of a trouble-free process of burning solid fuel. Proceeding from this, it is extremely important to develop a system for automatic control of a heat supply complex of a mine with furnaces of NTCS, which ensured high quality of both the heat generation process and its distribution among consumers. What I will continue to improve in future work.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: June 2019. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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