- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Review of research and development
- 3.1 Review of international experience
- 3.2 Review of domestic developments
- 4. Using the mobile module in the study
- Findings
- List of sources
The purpose of the master's thesis is to analyze and study the parameters of the constructive safety of intelligent vehicle control systems. The study is carried out using a previously developed software module that used modern wireless data transfer technologies such as Bluetooth and GPRS, as well as work with the Android mobile operating system. The software module is designed to receive and display the sensors of the system for collecting and processing environmental information, as well as to work with the obtained data and the ability to transmit information to a web-server. The program module as part of the system for collecting and processing information about the environment has been created for use in computer monitoring.
1. Relevance of the topic
In modern conditions it is difficult to imagine a person without a mobile phone, tablet computer or any other portable device. Each of us got used to the fact that the smartphone is always at hand. In recent years, the phone is not only a means of communication, but also has many useful features, such as, for example, Internet access. Mobile devices have begun to perform a wide range of computational common tasks; these devices may become the new generation of personal computers. The Android operating system is one of the most popular platforms for mobile devices. It is worth noting that this is not a cheap analogue of the product from Apple, as some experts believe, but an alternative and the main competitor with high development dynamics. This platform is developed on the Linux kernel and has the flexibility of setting up the system, which is very well combined with convenient tools, which is an ideal solution for creating new applications. Initially, the Android operating system was developed by Android Inc, which was later bought by Google. The system is currently being developed and developed by the Open Handset Alliance, which was founded by Google on November 5th, 2007, and has 47 members, including many electronics manufacturers, software developers, mobile operators and microchip manufacturers. One of the features of the Android operating system is the fact that it is largely integrated with Googles proprietary services, and it is thanks to the special libraries developed by this Android company that third-party programmers can independently create applications for it.[5]
2. The purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose and objectives of the research are to optimize the computational resources of the software module of the system for collecting and processing information about the environment, as well as to derive patterns and trends.
The idea of ??the work is to conduct a scientific study using a mobile device running Android OS to obtain current readings of environmental sensors, as well as transmit the received data to a web server.
The main objectives of the research. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have already been solved:
1. Analysis of the capabilities of the Android operating system.
2. Development of an interface system for collecting and processing environmental information with a server.
3. Development of an application for Android OS, which could be used as a software module.
The object of study is the Android OS, a system for collecting and processing environmental information.
The subject of the research is the development of a mobile application with the possibility of using the system for collecting and processing environmental information as a software module.
Methodology and research methods. In the process of creating a master's thesis, various methods of comparative and statistical analysis are used, on the basis of which it is concluded that it is advisable to use the data of the software module for the system for collecting and processing information about the environment.
The research was based on the work of domestic and foreign software developers such as Goloshchapov, Olifer, Darcy, Geiner [7],[8], and others, Internet sources, as well as materials of scientific conferences and technical materials.
3. Review of research and development
The World Congress of Intelligent Transport Systems Development (World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems), which takes place annually in Stockholm in September, sets as an end in itself the conferences on automotive safety not to make the driver's life easier - adding intelligence to his car, this is an attempt to work together , the whole world, to solve the problem of traffic jams, optimize traffic and the directly related problem of security.[1]
3.1. Review of international experience
The Floating Car Data (FCD) system, invented by the Bavarians back in 2006, literally means variable car information, and more commonly known in the world as spy cars.
Floating Cars are cars that move along with other traffic participants in the stream, but serve as mobile recording elements. Each spy car is equipped with a GPS receiver and a mobile communication module to determine its location. With it, for example, the coordinates and travel time are transmitted to the central traffic control station. That, in turn, synchronizes the data with other cars and recognizes traffic jam.
The FCD system is already mass-produced: more than 40,000 vehicles equipped with this system are currently running on German roads. Now the German government is actively calling for the cooperation of many automakers: to achieve maximum efficiency, there must be at least 10% of spy cars in the stream [3].
3.2. Review of domestic developments
By the way, recently a similar system appeared in Russia and was named Traffic Jams 2.0. While this is a pilot project, drivers who have mobile devices with a connected GPS receiver running the Yandex.Maps application can participate in it. The server receives the coordinates of the device every two minutes, determines the speed of the user and tells other participants on which routes there is a difficulty in moving.
One of the main data sources for Jams 2.0 is the data transmitted by our users, on whose mobile phones Yandex.Maps mobile are running. In addition, to transmit data about traffic jams you need a GPS receiver, either already built into the phone, or external, connected via Bluetooth. When a user moves by car on the road, mobile Yandex.Maps transmit his coordinates, direction of travel, and average speed calculated by the GPS receiver. Data from users are transmitted either once every 30 seconds, or, with continuous movement, by moving 200 meters. Each data packet coming from the user can be represented on the map as a point with direction and speed. In the process of preliminary processing of points, the streets along which the user passed are determined, and the route is restored, taking into account traffic rules.
To restore the route of travel, maps are used that include data on the types of roads, permitted turns, and road capacity. After the route has been restored, the average speed at which the user has driven the road section is calculated once again. This is needed to further check and clarify the speed calculated by the GPS receiver. The speed is calculated using the well-known formula speed = distance / time. At the next stage of the analysis, the routes of users who drive along the same road are combined with each other, and the average speed of movement on the intersecting sections of routes is calculated. As a result of this, we get a map of the citys roads with distributed speeds. The calculated data on the speeds on the roads are estimated taking into account the traffic capacity - for example, 40 km / h at the Moscow Ring Road is a difficulty, and on a narrow street in the center it is free traffic. After all these actions, the final decision is made whether the street is free or loaded, and a green, red or yellow arrow is drawn on it.[2]
4. Using the mobile module in the study
Applications in the Android operating system are supported by Java. Having written and compiled the program code, which includes resource files and various libraries of used elements, is assembled into the final file - Android Package. This is a special file with the extension *. Apk, which is packaged with the apktool utility. Thus, it is the file with the * .ark extension that is distributed as a ready-made application and is distributed to mobile devices.
Before you start using the software module of the system for collecting and processing environmental information, you must pair it with the hardware of the system. Studying in the second chapter various technologies and options for connecting wireless personal networks, it was decided to use the PAN Bluetooth organization as a pairing. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the pairing installation process.