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Robotics is a rapidly progressing area of ??great interest to engineers and designers. Today, robotic systems are successfully being introduced into areas dangerous for humans. The development of robotics is also due to a wide range of tasks that need to be addressed.

1. Relevance of the topic

With the need to increase productivity, ensure decent quality of the goods produced and reduce the cost of workers, the process of automating the industry has begun. Thus, robotic systems have led production to a new milestone in development. Today, robots also successfully perform everyday tasks, freeing man from them. If earlier systems were primitive, aimed at performing one or several tasks, now there is an increase in the complexity of robotic systems, the development of their universality and the improvement of existing ones.

2. Цель и задачи исследования, планируемые результаты

Целью магистерской диссертации является создание прототипа мобильного робота на платформе Arduino. Главной задачей данной работы является проведение анализа в области роботизированных систем. Определениях классов, систем и подсистем.

3. Analysis of existing robotic systems

In robotics, two classes of most used robots are handling and mobile robots. Such robots are successfully used in almost all spheres of human life: industry, construction, household, and military affairs. The main tasks of any robot are to facilitate work and reduce the risk to human life.

The manipulation robot contains two organically related parts: the control device and the manipulator. The control device includes sensitive (sensor) devices, information processing and storage devices (computing device, information storage devices), and a drive control device. The manipulator from the point of view of mechanics and the theory of mechanisms is a complex spatial controlled mechanism with several degrees of freedom, containing rigid and elastic links, gears and drives. The manipulation robot is a single dynamic system. Due to its complexity in the study, it is necessary to isolate and consider separately the mechanisms, drives and control system [ 1 ].

A mobile robot is an automatic machine equipped with some movement systems and subsystems (sensors) that allow the robot to navigate in space, to determine the forces acting on it in the environment [ 2 ].

To work on the forecasting subsystem, it is advisable to use a mobile robot, in view of its capabilities.

3.1 Movement Systems

Choosing one or another way of moving a robot is one of the most important stages of its creation.

Systems of movement are the following: wheeled, tracked, walking. Wheel systems are the most common, as they provide sufficient maneuverability of the robot. Depending on the number of wheels, the degree of adhesion of the robot to the surface changes. There are one-wheeled robots (sharabots [ 3 ]), two-wheeled (segways [ 4 ]) and complicated designs with a six-wheel base. Tracked systems provide even more traction. They are equipped with modern robots for fast movement on rough surfaces. Difficulty causing movement over smooth surfaces. An example of such a robot could be a robot developed by NASA “Urbie” [ 5 ]. Less common is the walking system. The development of such a robot is a complex task of dynamics. A number of two-legged robots [ 6 ] have already been created that can move both on a smooth floor and on a ladder, but the problem of movement balancing is still acute.

There are a number of technologies that allow walking robots to move:

Other systems are crawling and flying, replicating the movement of animals. Crawling systems are successfully used to move robots under water, just as snakes do [ 8 ].

The model being created for a mobile robot will have a three-wheeled base for moving.

3.2 Robot Subsystems

Subsystems are some of the sensors with which a mobile robot is equipped to obtain complete environmental information and to ensure the safe movement of the machine. Sensors are classified by purpose.

3.2.1 Sensors. First group

Systems that determine the position of the robot in space, its orientation, posture, motion parameters, efforts in the robot’s executive system, interaction forces with external objects.

The purpose of this group is to obtain information for controlling the movement and force interaction of the robot with the external environment.

3.2.2 Sensors. The second group

Systems that determine the individual physico-chemical properties of the environment.

The purpose of this group is to obtain information about the external environment, ease of processing and unambiguous interpretation.

Temperature, Humidity, Resistance, etc.

3.2.3 Sensors. The third group

Systems that give a general picture of the environment.

The purpose of this group is to obtain the most complete amount of information about the external environment, difficulties with processing and interpretation.

Based on the review, it was determined that the mobile robot will use ultrasonic sensors as a subsystem.

3.3 Robot Control Techniques

3.3.1 Biotechnical

Robot control is the organization of the actions of a robotic system with respect to established tasks, taking into account systems, subsystems and software.

Control methods are classified by type as follows.

Biotechnical control systems. A category in which the robot arm accurately copies the movement of the operator’s hand. Convenience lies in the fact that the human operator can be at a sufficiently large distance from the work area, where he may be in danger of various levels (low, medium, high).

3.3.2 Automatic

Automatic control systems (SU). These are those who are able to work without human intervention. The main advantage of automatic systems is that with cyclical, continuous operation, they have higher rates of operation, in contrast to systems controlled by the operator.

3.3.3 Interactive

Interactive management methods. These are “hybrid” SUs, which most of the time work as automatic SUs, but, if necessary, can be instantly switched to controlling a person, or people and automation work alternately. A distinctive feature of such systems is that the operator can give commands with voice, text. In such systems, the robot can perform work in stages: the robot will not proceed to the next stage until it receives a command-permission from the operator.

Among the main tasks of robot control are such


The main classes of robots were identified, existing solutions for each class are given. The most important systems, subsystems of robotic machines were studied. Based on this analysis, further work will be done on the description of the main components of a mobile robot, the mathematical apparatus and, as a result, a working prototype.

When writing this essay, the master's work is not yet completed. Final Completion: May 2019. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after the specified date.


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  4. NASA’s robot Urbie [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: ...
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  8. Робототехника [Электронный ресурс] : Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии : Версия 74758269, сохранённая в 12:24 UTC 26 ноября 2015 / Авторы Википедии // Википедия, свободная энциклопедия. — Электрон. дан. — Сан-Франциско: Фонд Викимедиа, 2015. — Режим доступа: ...
  9. Орлов И.А. Синтез движения манипуляционных систем для пространств со сложными связями и ограничениями: дис. к. физ-мат. н. Москва, 2013