- Introduction
- 1. Actuality theme
- 2. The purpose and tasks of the study, the planned results
- Conclusion
- Sources
Popular purchases of goods through online stores. The user does not need to leave the house, but just go to the Internet, go to any online store and order any product.
Popularization of the sale of goods through the online store has led to an increase in the number of online stores. Such a policy has caused competition between online stores.
1. Actuality theme
The user sets himself the goal - to find the most suitable product for himself according to different criteria (price, characteristics, etc.), but the method of selection of this product is made by the user manually. As a result, one can highlight a number of shortcomings, such as:
- The time to read the interface of each new online store is viewed by the user;
- The user must memorize / record the desired product found manually and compare it;
- Not always the correct built-in internet store search;
- Etc.
To exclude these shortcomings, data collection systems from other online stores have been introduced. These systems eliminate two drawbacks: manual search on online stores and compare them with criteria (for example, sorting by price of one kind of product). But these systems have their disadvantages:
- Lack of recognition and processing of user request errors;
- Inadequate collection of information;
- There is no possibility to expand the search parameters for a more accurate / extended sample of data.
The main task of the system will be aimed at eliminating shortcomings in existing systems by optimizing the search for various user queries and issuing qualitative responses. Consider the task of searching and selecting goods.
2. The purpose and tasks of the study, the planned results
The user will log in. In the search bar, enter your request and confirm it. After that, the system will begin processing the request. It will accept the request (input), make a sample of goods and display a list of selected goods (output data) with minimal information (price, name, characteristics, etc.) and a link to the order of this product.
Based on the input and output data, the following algorithm for the search and selection of goods in the system is presented:
The user will log in. In the search box, it will indicate your request and confirm it. After that, the system will begin processing the request. It will accept the (input) request, sample the goods and display the list of selected products ( output ) with minimal information (price, name, characteristics, etc.) and a link to ordering this item.
Based on the input and output data, an algorithm for searching and selecting goods in the system is presented:
- Indexing the content of the site.
- Enter the request by the user and confirm.
- The system of the request excludes the official parts of the language
- The resulting string is split into an array of words translated into the base form
- The search for every word in the resulting array is carried out in the index,
- Search results are ranked, ordered and returned to the user.
Also, with insufficient or incomplete list of goods, the user can expand search options. Extend search options by adding a new restriction to your previously queried request. The system will re-execute the algorithm for a better answer. In order to improve search efficiency, the system maintains a statistical search log for users.
The purpose of this work is to increase the effectiveness of the information retrieval process, depending on the request, as well as to shorten the time for obtaining qualitative and accurate results of queries.
To solve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:
- Automatic formation and ranking of the list of goods;
- Automatic supplementation of the request with restrictions based on statistical data in order to improve the quality of the response to the user;
- Development of a subsystem for data storage; (Data Indexing)
To solve the problems, it is necessary to analyze the existing methods, to highlight their advantages, disadvantages and choose the most promising ones.
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