- Introduction
- 1 Actuality of theme
- 2 Aim and research tasks, planned results
- 3 Review of research-and-developments
- 3.1 Review of international sources
- 4 Problem of providing of authenticity of images
- 5 Analysis of the steganographicõ systems on the basis of digital thread-marks
- Conclusions
- List of sources
Mushroom growth of global network the Internet was lately provided by the presence of single environment of information accessible practically in any point of the world transfer. On a base the Internet can be organized effective search and delivery of electronic documents to the users, to unite heterogeneous remote informative resources. However, taking into account the high degree of anonymity, simplicity of distribution of information, considerable audience, here sharply the problem of defence of copyright gets up on electronic documents.
A copyright on work arises up in fact of his creation. An author or other possessor of copyrights informs about them, using the sign of guard authorial disposition, name of legal owner and year of the first publication. In case of causing of step there is digital representation of visible logotype of holder of rights, him, as a rule, dispose in such place, wherever he will be able to be a hindrance for the visuognosis of illustration. Consequently, and his intentional moving away will not entail the special violations of her structural integrity. In this connection presently for the protection of authorial rights a step digital representations technology of digital thread-marks, consisting in introduction in the protected graphic works of the special identifying legal owners of marks that remain unnoticeable for a man, is all more often used, but recognized by the specialized software [1].
1 Actuality of theme
Presently a requirement grew large attention is spared in privatizing of data and defence of copyright, because various multimedia data can be used in commercial aims. Great number of users of portals and social networks can become the victims of malefactors. All more often the cases of the illegal use of stranger graphic materials appear and their proprietors have to prove the prerogative right on them.
In this connection presently for the protection of authorial rights on digital representations technology of digital thread-marks, consisting in introduction in the protected graphic works of the special identifying legal owners of marks that remain unnoticeable for a man, is all more often used, but recognized by the specialized software.
2 Aim and research tasks, planned results
Aim of work : protection of authorial rights on graphic images in the conditions of attacks on stage decoder by means of methods of causing of digital thread-marks.
For the achievement of the put aim it is planned to decide next tasks:
- To analyse different methods of causing of digital thread-marks.
- To investigate possibilities of application of steganographicõ methods in graphic images in the conditions of attacks on stage decoder.
- To work out a model on the base of method of introduction of digital thread-marks with the purpose of protection of authorial rights on graphic images.
- On the basis of the worked out model to realize algorithms and programmatic modules of the system for causing of digital thread-marks.
Thus, as a result of implementation of work, it is planned to get the model of defence of graphic images on the base of method of introduction of digital thread-marks. The worked out model will allow to perfect the protection of authorial rights on graphic images in the conditions of attacks on stage decoder.
3 Review of research-and-developments
3.1 Review of international sources
The problem of development of methods of building and decoding of digital thread-marks in graphic many foreign scientists engaged in : E. Koch [4], J. Zhao [4], D. Benham [5], N. Memon [5], B.-L. Yeo [5], C. Podilchuk [6], W. Zeng [6], C.-T. Hsu [7], J.-L. Wu [7], I. Cox [8, 9], J. Kilian [8], M.L. Miller [8, 9], J.A. Bloom [8, 9], J. Fridrich [9], T. Kalker [9], S. Katzenbeisser [10], J. Fridrich [11], H. Nyeem [12], W. Boles [12], C. Boyd [12] et al. However, their realization does not allow to attain absolute unnoticeableness of the inculcated digital thread-marks, especially in the conditions of necessity of providing of high degree of their firmness to different transformations of image.
For digital representations that are in free access, some digital signature by means of that an author would be able to control the publications of the works is needed. Text or digital representation placed in the arbitrary area of image can come forward as such information. Aim of this sign - simply to identify personality of author. Building in the digital photos of invisible marks the sequences of symbols or graphic images can come forward as that, is one of widespread methods of defence of informative maintenance of photos.
Such marks were adopted by digital thread-marks (digital watermark) by analogy with the well-known method of defence of securities from imitations. A method of defence of graphic information by means of digital watermark is component part of digital steganographies, sciences about the unnoticeable concealment of one data in other.
Inculcated in the protected photo of digital watermark must answer two conflicting with each other to the criteria: robust (to stability to different external influences) and secrecy (providing of the least distortions of image as compared to an original) [2].
5 Analysis of the steganographicõ systems on the basis of digital thread-marks
Depending on that, what information is required to the detector for finding out digital watermark, stegosystems digital watermark is divided by three classes: open, half-closed and closed systems. This classification is brought around to a picture 3.
Most application can have open stegosystems digital watermark, that is analogical to the systems of the hidden communication of data. Most stability on to external influences the closed have stegosystems I of type.
System using digital watermark, usually divide by three classes: 1) robust; 2) fragile; semifragile.
Under robust stability of digital watermark is understood to different family to affecting stego. Robust digital watermark to date most researches are devoted.
Steganographicå of the system is subdivided into open, half-closed and closed [2]. For creation of software, allowing to investigate dependence of influence of parameters of introduction of digital watermark on the degree of secrecy of information in an image it was decided to be stopped for open stegosystems not requiring stability to external distortions. One of methods of such systems is a method of the least meaning bats (LSB).
This method is popular enough, it contingently his simplicity and that he allows to hide in relatively small files the large volumes of information (the carrying capacity of the created hidden communication channel makes here from 12,5 to 30 Method frequently works with the bitmapped images presented in a format without a compression (for example, BMP and GIF).
Principle of work of steganographic method consists in the following.
Present 24th bit image in gradations grey. A pel is encoded by 3 bytes, and the values of channels of RGB are located in them. Changing a the least meaning bit the value of byte changes on unit. Such gradations, moreover that unnoticeable for a man, can be not in general represented at the use of bad quality out devices [3].

Picture 4 is information Hiding in an image on the basis of method of the least meaning bats (LSB)
(animation: 8 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 27 KB)
Dignity of method of LSB is:
- high carrying capacity (to 1/8 from the volume of container);
- quickness of building and extraction of report and simplicity of realization of the steganographic system;
- the method of the least meaning bats can be extended by the use two, three and more than unmeaningful bats. A carrying capacity can be accordingly megascopic to 2/8 or 3/8 accordingly.
Lacks of method of LSB :
- secret null data assume possibility of reading of the hidden report all users;
- possibility of recognition of presence of report by the simplest methods, for example, by means of statistics.
As a result of research work were collected and studied materials on questions related to the theme of master's degree work.
The conducted analysis allowed to draw conclusion that for graphic images from the point of view of securing of copyright for their files it is fundamentally necessary to realize automatic subscription of files with the purpose of publication of information about an author. Due to introduction of digital watermark in images to become possible confirmations and verification of rights for a developer on a concrete multimedia file. Digital thread-marks also are an effective protective measure for the observance of intellectual ownership rights, their use allows to protect an author from such illegal acts, for example, as a substitution of authorship and abandonment from authorship.
In the moment of writing of this report master's degree work is not yet completed. Supposed date of completion : May 2019 Complete text of work, and also materials on the topic can be got for an author or his leader after the named date.
List of sources
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